Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :cheers: have a great holiday!!!


Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

~~Author Unknown.~~
Hi Dri,
Well depending on family traditions, but the basics are:
1.Turkey/Chicken or Hen/Duck or maybe even all three put together here in the states it's called Turducken
3.Cranberry sauce
4.Green beans, sometimes it will come in casserole form
5.Mac n' cheese (my favorite)
6.Sweet potato or pumpkin pie or different kinds of cakes
7.Some families may serve different kinds of greens: collards, kale, mustard
8.Dinner rolls or cornbread
That's all I can think of for right now..

I will be sleeping most of the day away due to the fact I work overnights so when I get off in the morning I am going straight to bed, no meal for me until I get ready to go to work then I will go "steal" some food from one of my relatives place..lol then go back to work.

Awww!!Thats great!Seemed to be so delicious!!!!:D

Thank you 1MJstan and Shannon for answer my question!:flowers:

God bless you!!!!:hug:
Originally Posted by #1MJstan
Hi Dri,
Well depending on family traditions, but the basics are:
1.Turkey/Chicken or Hen/Duck or maybe even all three put together here in the states it's called Turducken
3.Cranberry sauce
4.Green beans, sometimes it will come in casserole form
5.Mac n' cheese (my favorite)
6.Sweet potato or pumpkin pie or different kinds of cakes
7.Some families may serve different kinds of greens: collards, kale, mustard
8.Dinner rolls or cornbread
That's all I can think of for right now..

I will be sleeping most of the day away due to the fact I work overnights so when I get off in the morning I am going straight to bed, no meal for me until I get ready to go to work then I will go "steal" some food from one of my relatives place..lol then go back to work.

I'm cooking the same basic stuff listed here but I also have a Southern Maryland Traditional feast of Stuffed Ham. It is a dish that dates back to slavery in St. Mary's County. It is a corned ham stuffed with kale, cabbage, onions, black pepper, red pepper, mustard seeds and a few more seasonings. My brother sold our family receipe to Betty Crocker :doh: but there are many different ways to make it :yes: It's still mostly a Maryland thing.

Ya'll are making me hungry and I don't celebrate Thanksgiving... :mello:
Might make a great Xmas meal with all these ideas though.

Anyway, have a happy Thanksgiving everyone,specially MJ and family!
Oh, it's today? We don't celebrate it here but Happy Thanksgiving to those who do! :cheers:
Happy Thankgiving to all of you on here that celebrate.. :flowers:

Happy Thanksgiving to Michael & his family too :)


Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

~~Author Unknown.~~
I like this! We should count ALL God's provisions! HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!!
I hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving are having a wonderful day, and stay safe. Peace. xx
Ack! I'm late....on the East Coast, at least. To everyone in a time zone after midnight.... I hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving!

To everyone for whom it's not midnight yet, I hope you're having a wonderful Turkey day and counting those blessings...no matter how small. Stay blessed!
Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving and great holiday! :D I had a good one, ate lots of food, and watched a DVD with the fam. :lol: I still feel SO FULL. :hysterical: I looooved the pumpkin pie & ice cream. The honey glazed ham wasn't so bad either. :wub: ANYWHO :lol:, hope y'all are doing well and please take care.
My Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful. I went to church, cleaned the house, I helped out and cooked the food. The food and the turkey was awesome. YUM! Man, I cannot wait to eat the leftovers today. I hope that everyone who celebrates the holiday had a great day. I was nice and full last night. And for you lucky ones that get to participate in Black Friday, enjoy the deals! :)
Right now, I am at home, sitting in my real bed, in my real room, with my dogs curled up beside my feet. I must say that, though I have been quite happy recently, I have not felt this completely relaxed and happy in a very long time. Of course, I have piles and piles of work to do, but I am still so excited to have a break. I think that at this point in the semester, we all need one–and I feel incredibly lucky to have such a sanctuary to come home to.

My house is separated off in the woods by a mile long dirt road, so it is completely removed from society. Here, I feel one with nature, with the forest around me, with the animals chirping and howling in the woods. It is as green as it gets–no chemicals, no pesticides, no toxins inside or out. Every time I come home I feel such an immense sense of peace–a complete release of whatever stresses were bothering me at college, a complete release of tension, a complete release of pressure.

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for what we have, and this Thanksgiving, I must say that I am grateful for my home and for my family. I have many friends who are not excited to go home because their homes are not the same sanctuary that mine is. I have friends who complain that they “hate” their families, that they “hate” their homes, that they “hate” their towns. So, for those of us who do love our families and our homes and our towns, let us take this holiday to relish in them and to think about how truly lucky we are to have such an environment to come home to.

I, personally, am thankful to my parents for creating this sanctuary for me to live in. I’m thankful to have parents who love and support me, and who challenge me every day to engage in life and learning. I am thankful that, though they are divorced, they have gone out of their way to maintain a family dynamic between the three of us. I am most thankful to them for providing me with an environment in which I can be exactly who I am. I am thankful for these things because I know I am privileged to have them. Though Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and I have always been thankful for something, this is the first year that I have truly realized how lucky I am, and how incredibly thankful I must be, for these basics.

I have seen people who do not have what I have, and I know that there are huge numbers of people in this world who have next to nothing. This year, I want everyone to really think about that–to really think about how lucky you are in a broader scope. My heart goes out to those who do not find solace in their home or with their families, and to those who have no home or no family.

So, continue on with gratitude and compassion in your hearts and relaxation and peace in your spirits. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Note to self: Don’t take for granted, be grateful.

Lily Berthold-Bond
It was rainy yesterday, so I couldn't do much outside, 'cept get a manicure and eyebrows arched. :lol: