Happy Ramadan-Ramadan Mabrouk

Ramadan Kareem to everyone, i'm glad that Mj will be laid in rest in Ramadan ,this month is filled with Mercy and happiness.
مبارك عليكم شهر رمضان الكريم

Blessed Ramadan and thanks to everyone who wished us Muslims a blessed and happy month may they find joy in their lives. As a poster stated, the only positive side to Mike's delayed burial, for me, is that he'll be laid to rest in Ramadan.
jermaine probably will be fasting too.

for fellow muslims...what will it mean now that he's being buried in ramadan? or doesn't it not mean anything.
jermaine probably will be fasting too.

for fellow muslims...what will it mean now that he's being buried in ramadan? or doesn't it not mean anything.

all i know is that the gates to hell are barred shut. Anyone who dies during the holy month of ramadan enters heaven.
jermaine probably will be fasting too.

for fellow muslims...what will it mean now that he's being buried in ramadan? or doesn't it not mean anything.

Ramadan is a blessed month in the Islamic tradition. It is the month of mercy and a chance for Muslims to benefit from God's love and generosity. Its days are the holiest and best days of the year and a Muslim's good deeds are rewarded even far more greatly and generously by God. This month is like a gift for us from God so that we could benefit from it and gain more rewards and satisfaction from God. If you witness Ramadan, then you are fortunate for it is a valuable chance. Also, there is a night in it that better than a thousand months if you pray for God in it, it is as if you prayed for a thousand months (we don't know which night it will be but it is in the last ten of the month). The Quran, our scripture, began to be revealed in this month. Moreover, this month serves as a reminder for us. It reminds us of our less fortunate brothers and sisters and shows us how they feel. We only fast for a month but some of our brothers and sisters fast the whole year due to poverty and misfortune. It unifies us and brings us together. The significance of this month is great and it will take me much longer to tell you all about it. You must fast Ramadan if you are a Muslim unless of course you have a valid excuse such as illness.

Due to Ramadan's great value and importance, any Muslim would only wish to die and be buried in this holy month. It is considered a good sign and a great honor.

I would like to expresses the warmest wishes to you all in the occasion of the holy month of RAMADAN wishing you & all Islamic nation best health and prosperity.

اتقدم بفائق التهنئة وعظيم التبريكات بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المعظم أعاده الله عليكم وعلى الأمة الإسلامية جمعاء بوافر الصحة ودوام العافية​