Happy birthday shannon!!

LOL! @ your pictures ^^. Love the dancing mouse and the cake-loving dog. :lol:

Happy Birthday, Shannon! :flowers:
Thank you again everyone

Some people give the gift of Peace and Tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,dependably good,predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift of peace and tranquility in us.
Happy Birthday Momma!

Aww really big :hug:

Love ya'll!
Happy Birthday Shannon :flowers:
This is my wish for you

Comfort on difficult days,
smiles when sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunsets to warm your heart,
hugs when spirits sag,
beauty for your eyes to see,
friendships to brighten your being,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence for when you doubt,
courageto know yourself,
patienceto accept the truth,
Love to complete your life.​

Happy birthday shannon! :birthday:

I hope all your birthday wishes & dreams come true

and hope u will have a great day , also hope u will lots of nice bday presents! :)

p.s Thank you so much for everthing u do for mjjc and fans, we truly appericate all that you for us all! we love ya :)
Happy Birthday Shannon :) Hope you had a wonderful day :D
:hug: Aww, thank you everyone. Ya'll are sooooo sweet and peeps wonder why I love this place so much. We got great members :yes: