HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY THRILLER - The BEST Selling Album of All Time


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA


LOL @ that advertisement. But the album is still fresh as ever!
Thrilling love to Thriller!! The best of the best :heart:
Ahhh that old commercial above--the announcer is telling us about a "thriller" in such a calm voice. I remember the thriller craze. My sister bought the tape and LP. She took the tape on the plane when we were going to London and was bobbing her head all through the flight. We took the tape to the Caribbean too, so her Thriller really went around!!! Not bad for the days before the internet.

Ash good visual above^^. The good old days of LP's, when you would go to someone's house and tuck your LP under your arm to take it with you.

During the hype of Thriller, Oprah had a show where some teen girl whose mom was a hairdresser, wanted her mom to burn her hair just like Michael's Pepsi burn. She was one of those intense teen fans.
Ash good visual above^^. The good old days of LP's, when you would go to someone's house and tuck your LP under your arm to take it with you.


Oh it was such a good time! :woohoo:I did this a lot with my brother with LP's Michael. :girl_sigh: It is sad that times have changed and this mania you have/buy an LP, sitting down to hear it with friends/family ended forever. Nobody does that today. :(
I may have been born 16 years and some months after Thriller came out, but I remember how hyped that album was at my grandmother's when we lived with her. My aunt was always playing that album, and it never got old. We would watch the Beat It, Billie Jean, and Thriller videos ALL DAY LONG. xD and now, at 14 I'm still in love with the entire album :heart: it's my favorite after Invincible of course (even though they're all my faves.) Happy Birthday to the greatest album of all time, and the album that made my childhood awesome ^.^

I'm gonna get my Thriller record that my grandmother gave me, put it in the record player, and just adore it. It's like falling in love all over again
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This is a Great article from Steve Greenberg, published on Billboard last year to celebrate the 30 anniversary of Thriller. This is a MUST read for all musical buffs and historians and especially each new generation of MJ fans. Less anyone forgets the impact Thriller had on the success of the whole musical industry. Thriller's was also very significant in breaking down racial and other barriers in the music industry and society that was prevalent at the time it was released. No other Album has ever had such a impact.

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' How One Album Changed the World


"Thriller" conquered racial divides and evolving platforms at MTV, radio

When executives of CBS Records went about the business of preparing for the November 30 release of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the fall of 1982, they knew they had on their hands a terrific album by one of the biggest superstars in the music industry. But they were also a bit concerned, since the timing of Jackson's follow-up to his mega-selling 1979 album "Off The Wall" could not have seemed worse.

For starters, the record industry as a whole was in a bad slump, with shipments industry-wide down by 50 million units between 1980 and 1982. CBS Records' own profits were down 50% and sales were down over 15% for the year. As a result, major company-wide layoffs occurred in mid-August, on a day the company would remember as "Black Friday." CBS desperately needed Jackson's album to be a hit, but market conditions appeared daunting. ....

Know your MJ history ...

Read more at http://www.billboard.com/articles/c...e-album-changed-the-world#gMdICukh6R8zJAjg.99
I just didn't get the puke rainbow Thriller album commercial. :lol:

Another HQ pic from the Dick Zimmerman photoshoot with that cutie tiger cub Little William! :girl_aww:

I wish this generation was like that :blush: I think I'm the only 14 year old that still listens to records and CD's instead of buying everything on iTunes.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm only a few years older than you and most people I know, whenever they buy music, tend to get it on CD while quite a few still listen to records too (including me :D)

Bad was my first ever record and I got Thriller the second time I went out to go buy some records (first time around the record shop didn't have a copy) ^_^
This is a Great article from Steve Greenberg, published on Billboard last year to celebrate the 30 anniversary of Thriller. This is a MUST read for all musical buffs and historians and especially each new generation of MJ fans. Less anyone forgets the impact Thriller had on the success of the whole musical industry. Thriller's was also very significant in breaking down racial and other barriers in the music industry and society that was prevalent at the time it was released. No other Album has ever had such a impact.

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' How One Album Changed the World


"Thriller" conquered racial divides and evolving platforms at MTV, radio

When executives of CBS Records went about the business of preparing for the November 30 release of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the fall of 1982, they knew they had on their hands a terrific album by one of the biggest superstars in the music industry. But they were also a bit concerned, since the timing of Jackson's follow-up to his mega-selling 1979 album "Off The Wall" could not have seemed worse.

For starters, the record industry as a whole was in a bad slump, with shipments industry-wide down by 50 million units between 1980 and 1982. CBS Records' own profits were down 50% and sales were down over 15% for the year. As a result, major company-wide layoffs occurred in mid-August, on a day the company would remember as "Black Friday." CBS desperately needed Jackson's album to be a hit, but market conditions appeared daunting. ....

Read more at http://www.billboard.com/articles/c...e-album-changed-the-world#gMdICukh6R8zJAjg.99

Yes, that's one of the best articles I have read about Thriller. It's really worth reading.It does not only emphasize its commercial success, but also the fact how it broke down racial barriers. How it was the album that opened the door for black artists (such as Prince and others) at MTV and how it brought back black music into the mainstream. The album's cultural impact is enormous, I don't think popular music (and especially black artists position in it) would be the same without it. And then the videos which also revolutionized the industry. It was the first time high quality, choreographed dancing was incorporated in videos and so Michael was the artist who showed the potential of music videos as an art form. How it's not just an advertisement tool, but it can be made a part of the whole artistic experience. As well as dancing can and should be made a part of the whole artistic experience. And that's when other singing-dancing acts followed.
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They need to stress the impacts of Thriller all the time, so that the new generations learn it and the older generations do not forget. When you think of all the good impacts Michael had, yet people only focus on asking him foolishness in interviews, it drives you crazy. Anyone still have some of the big Michael posters from that era that you put on your walls? I know my younger cousin had several on her wall.
Hopefully this album will get some recognition on it's anniversary, has to be one of MJ's most underrated albums.
Looks like we can expect more of the same from Steve Greenberg about THRILLER next month :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/mrjamesfoley">@mrjamesfoley</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/nuxx">@nuxx</a> Thanks for spreading the word!</p>&mdash; steve greenberg (@steviegpro) <a href="https://twitter.com/steviegpro/statuses/406896252987531264">November 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/nuxx">@nuxx</a> I&#39;m actually working on something that I&#39;m aiming to have published next month.</p>&mdash; steve greenberg (@steviegpro) <a href="https://twitter.com/steviegpro/statuses/407143113388326912">December 1, 2013</a></blockquote>
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They need to stress the impacts of Thriller all the time, so that the new generations learn it and the older generations do not forget. When you think of all the good impacts Michael had, yet people only focus on asking him foolishness in interviews, it drives you crazy. Anyone still have some of the big Michael posters from that era that you put on your walls? I know my younger cousin had several on her wall.

If magazines won't stress or spread it, I know I will. Shoot, I don't purposely play Michael's music very loud in public places on accident. I'm letting the whole world know of his greatness :shifty:

I have a bunch of em on my wall ^.^ I also have a vintage painting of Mike from the Thriller era next to Elvis Presley ^-^ if you guys see my wall, you'll probably be like, "Woah." It's like every single wall is covered with pictures of Michael (with the exception of TLC, 2Pac, Nirvana, Aaliyah, and Elvis. But mainly Michael.) It's really funny because I'm the only one in my house who has that. Everyone else has Chris Brown, One Direction..and *cringes* Justin Bieber.

*loving sigh* I so love you guys for this reminiscing :heart: it's making me happy..lol
Hard to believe it's been that long. (Feeling my age!) I remember how excited I was when the album came out. I loved Off the Wall so much I couldn't wait for new material.
Hopefully this album will get some recognition on it's anniversary, has to be one of MJ's most underrated albums.

That would be "Off The Wall", which Michael was upset that it was overlooked (awards wise, etc.) I was shocked that he didn't get more awards for it, too. That probably added fuel to his fire to make his next album unforgettable and hard to ignore. Thriller couldn't be underrated, overlooked or ignored if the world tried to, LOL! My 78 yr. aunt still has her copy, as well as everyone and their mama...

I was in high school when it was released and I still have the vinyl version to this day. I don't have anything to play it on anymore.
- More Thriller Era Memories -

Michael Jackson rare 1984 Book. Has a biography of MJ from J5 era up to Thriller era with many pictures.








TV News 1984 - Michael Jackson





Michael Jackson at The White House in The United States of America - Tributed & Honored. May 14th, 1984







Photos from my personal Michael Jackson collection on tumblr

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That would be "Off The Wall", which Michael was upset that it was overlooked (awards wise, etc.) I was shocked that he didn't get more awards for it, too. That probably added fuel to his fire to make his next album unforgettable and hard to ignore. Thriller couldn't be underrated, overlooked or ignored if the world tried to, LOL! My 78 yr. aunt still has her copy, as well as everyone and their mama...

I was in high school when it was released and I still have the vinyl version to this day. I don't have anything to play it on anymore.

I don't know if you could consider Off the Wall underrated anymore, I always see high praise for it these days. Same goes for Thriller and Bad. Once we get to the Dangerous era and afterwards, that's when I think his work was starting to become underrated.
According to the fb page Michael Jackson A Visual Documentary, on this day but 30 years ago, MTV broadcast Thriller for fue first time! The short film that changed and revolutionized muic forever! :woohoo:
We are so lucky to have been on this earth while he was and witness all this 1st hand. All of us who got to see him in person on that stage and the nights the world was GLUED to the TV when any of his short films had their debut. How we couldn't wait to see the Making Of's I feel blessed to have known Michael Jackson.
Thought the same! A little cheesy by today's standards, but nostalgia nonetheless! :popcorn:

Amazing thread btw! :D
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