Handwritten MJ Note -- I'm Gonna 'Make Huge $'

Very interesting. Wonder if there's more of these notes. But I'm really curious as to what he means by international # 1 2 3 4 5 albums and single??
^^ actually he was going to bed knowing that there were 10 shows, not 30...
actually that rumor that not correct _
"The contract" which we have read and he signed states at least 30 something concerts
(with option to add more per demand)

Only 10 were initially announced at Mjs press conference to promote TII and
to cause excitment and more demand.

10 concerts would never even pay for the production of the TII shows
let alone earn MJ ANY profit _
Heartbreaking... Another indication that Michael was full of plans and full of life. He was ready for a professional return. And then that f**king doctor ruined everything.
Indeed, just broke my heart all over again, seeing him state 'one year in london', he would have spent almost a year there.. just kills u the man was full of life, he wanted to live, had plans etc and look how brutally he was taken away from his life, his children, his dreams everything was snatched away from him, I can still hear his words ''see u in july'' he didnt even make july :(
It makes it hard too because where is the justice for what happened to him? I worry that it may never come with the way things have been going. Michael should still be here and everyone knows that.
It makes it hard too because where is the justice for what happened to him? I worry that it may never come with the way things have been going. Michael should still be here and everyone knows that.

This is not a "justice time", this is a "money making time" from a dead man. When the fans will finally realize it, it will be too little and too late.
It's cool to see his handwriting but I agree with what someone else said about that knid of stuff being put in a museum.
Dramatic how the media twists everything Michael said/wrote just by choosing certain key words for their headlines, i.e. "make huge dollars" => meaning, they wanna make it sound like he was either broke or a money-hungry person, it's light as day.

This just leaves me feeling heartbroken for two reasons. The first being that someone saw this and saw an opportunity to sell it on Ebay for a quick buck. And secondly seeing all the plans that he had, it's just not fair how he was taken away like that. He had so much to give and some reckless doctor put a stop to that and he's walking free at the moment still allowed to continue living his day to day life. It just isn't fair and breaks my heart all over again :(

so true...
Makes me think of what we read in Life:

"because we loved him. And we lost him. And we knew that, when he left us, he had more to give and, just as important, he still wanted to give it"
Dramatic how the media twists everything Michael said/wrote just by choosing certain key words for their headlines, i.e. "make huge dollars" => meaning, they wanna make it sound like he was either broke or money-hungry, it's light as day.


That's what I thought as well.

I don't interpret it that way at all though. It just reminded me of something MJ once said, that he loved to set goals for himself in his mind and then pursue them. He believed this was the key to success. This list just shows some of the plans he had and these plans logically lead to making money... and I don't know anyone who doesn't like "making huge $" ;)
Yes, this is a proof that Mj didnot want to work with Sony any longer but blind folks still refuse to see it.Ratings and sales are more important I guess.

Unless you have all info regarding his talking about Sony, we can't say this note is proof of anything. Perhaps he was negotiating with all the major companies and going for the best offer; perhaps he already had talked with Sony so there would be no need to put them on a to do list; perhaps, it had nothing to do with a record contract but some other project.

I think we should just take it for what it is.
Unless you have all info regarding his talking about Sony, we can't say this note is proof of anything. Perhaps he was negotiating with all the major companies and going for the best offer; perhaps he already had talked with Sony so there would be no need to put them on a to do list; perhaps, it had nothing to do with a record contract but some other project.

I think we should just take it for what it is.

Whatever makes your brain to feel comfortable with.
Yeah, it's like all the motivational post-its he'd make, a 'mental program' in which his goals are met - the wanted outcomes are mentally created. It's a persuasive tool for self, very important, too..
So sad.

He was coming back bigger than EVER!

So sad God needed him soo much.
Dramatic how the media twists everything Michael said/wrote just by choosing certain key words for their headlines, i.e. "make huge dollars" => meaning, they wanna make it sound like he was either broke or a money-hungry person, it's light as day.


I know, they will do it in every opportunity they have.
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Universal or Warner

Proof that mj didnt want to work with Sony anymore

Yes, this is a proof that Mj didnot want to work with Sony any longer but blind folks still refuse to see it.Ratings and sales are more important I guess.

You do realize Warner and Universal also have FILM divisions,right? And we know Michael was experimenting with different technologies for the TII shows (3D, etc.). Those company names could be movie related or music related. I'm sure there will be some who will spin it in ONE direction, however, at this point, we don't know.

actually that rumor that not correct _
"The contract" which we have read and he signed states at least 30 something concerts
(with option to add more per demand)

Only 10 were initially announced at Mjs press conference to promote TII and
to cause excitment and more demand.

10 concerts would never even pay for the production of the TII shows
let alone earn MJ ANY profit _

Thank you.

That's what I thought as well.

I don't interpret it that way at all though. It just reminded me of something MJ once said, that he loved to set goals for himself in his mind and then pursue them. He believed this was the key to success. This list just shows some of the plans he had and these plans logically lead to making money... and I don't know anyone who doesn't like "making huge $" ;)

Agree...especially with bolded. Michael, himself, wrote in Moonwalk that he believed artists SHOULD be paid for their work. As charitable and giving as he was, he knew money did not grow on trees. In order to give money away and be generous, one has to make/earn money in the first place.

As sad as it is to see his plans and know they were stripped from him by death, it's confirmation that Michael was geared up to work and be productive as an entertainer. He wasn't someone's puppet (at least not 100%) but a man ready and willing to take care of business. This note, IMO, shows his state of mind...which, to me, shows someone outlining his future which DID include MUSIC (unlike some have been peddling).

And DiLeo did mention the Halloween special before. Michael had lots of things going seemingly at the same time. We've heard from several ppl about the various albums (regular and classsical) that he was working on. So when ppl act like he was this malfunctioning, sickly person sitting at home, drugged up and crying in a corner everyday about having to put on the TII shows, it REALLY annoys me. This note confirms for me, along with other things, that it just wasn't so. People have good and bad days. That's life for everybody. It's unfortunate to see ppl running with the bad days and trying to create a scenario for profit or to serve their agendas. Sad.
Michael was a lot stronger and smarter than people give him credit for. That's how I feel anyways.
^ and this is what we have been shouting and screaming from the top of our lungs since 2009 but some fans , family and ofcourse the media want to make the worst scenario to feel like heros,,,but it is Michael the real hero and all those people are Parasites !
No need to argue in here. The Universal/Warner mention doesn't at all prove that he didn't want to work with Sony. Wasn't he still signed to the label? Yes, so he wouldnt have to mention them in the note, he could discuss digital media with them already. In my opinion, he may have wanted to sign with another label in the future, or to exclusively release digital media. Just because Sony didn't get a mention doesn't mean he was done with them. He had a compilation CD due for release on July 6th!

In reality, we just have to take everything Michael related in our own way because we have absolutely no idea what he was thinking.
I feel sad reading this. Mike had so many plans :-(.

It still kills me that he put so much work into "This Is It" and didn't even get to perform one show. So tragic.
. . . Michael had lots of things going seemingly at the same time. We've heard from several ppl about the various albums (regular and classsical) that he was working on. So when ppl act like he was this malfunctioning, sickly person sitting at home, drugged up and crying in a corner everyday about having to put on the TII shows, it REALLY annoys me. This note confirms for me, along with other things, that it just wasn't so. People have good and bad days. That's life for everybody. It's unfortunate to see ppl running with the bad days and trying to create a scenario for profit or to serve their agendas. Sad.

. . . because we have absolutely no idea what he was thinking.

Both of these quotes say alot; Wendy is so right about this not showing some weakling and confused person.

I don't understand why there can't be times that we accept that we as fans don't know every thought or feeling or change in thoughts and feelings that Michael had in his life. Every word of his does not need our interpretation. Sometimes it is best to just take things as they are and not act as if we know the story behind it all. We don't.
I too think that with "1 year in London" and "30" probably refers to the O2 concerts. Personally if he was planning 10 concerts or less , he wouldn't be needing to stay in London for a year.

well it shows that Mike had plans that's for sure. I think this can be used as prosecution evidence that MJ did not commit suicide as Dr Murray and his team is trying to allege.

as fas as I can tell from the reported stories their possible defense of 'Murray was outside, Michael woke up, unable to sleep and frustrated he self injected" seems like an "accident" scenario and not a "suicide" scenario.

Also, the "Who's doing sculpture for halloween special" is intriguing... hmmm...

And the Halloween special must be the one Frank DiLeo spoke about in his interview. DiLeo said that he was negotiating an MJ Halloween special with a TV network (I don't remember which one exactly).

I remember Frank Dileo mentioning this as well. and I'm also intrigued, what sculpture and who's doing it?

Yes, this is a proof that Mj didnot want to work with Sony any longer but blind folks still refuse to see it.Ratings and sales are more important I guess.

Unless you have all info regarding his talking about Sony, we can't say this note is proof of anything. Perhaps he was negotiating with all the major companies and going for the best offer; perhaps he already had talked with Sony so there would be no need to put them on a to do list; perhaps, it had nothing to do with a record contract but some other project.

I think we should just take it for what it is.

You do realize Warner and Universal also have FILM divisions,right? And we know Michael was experimenting with different technologies for the TII shows (3D, etc.). Those company names could be movie related or music related. I'm sure there will be some who will spin it in ONE direction, however, at this point, we don't know.

This is too vague to come to any certain conclusion. It could be about films, it could be about music.

I don't know anything about Warner, but Universal has the world's first digital music label - UMe Digital. They also have "NBC Universal Digital Entertainment" which does a lot of online content. It could mean anything really.
Aww Michael, you had such big plans. :(

Yessss, he had HUGE plans and he did NOT plan to die at all. His death is not a freaking accident. Soon enough fans will have to realize it. So far I see sales are a main priority.