Half a year has passed...

I tried really hard not to think about this.
god it feels like it just happened yesterday...now I can't help but think about those poor children who are gonna spend their 1st Christmas without their Dady:cry:
I'll always miss you Mike:weeping:
Half a year without you, my sweet Peter Pan. It was six of the most difficult months of my life. It's Christmas, but I can't be happy or smile, because I miss you so much, more than you could ever imagine. I am thinking of you all the time. I wish I could change the situation. I wish you had a second chance to find the happiness and see your children growing up. Everyday you, Prince, Paris and Blanket are in my prayers. I LOVE you, Michael, so much that ALL I WANT IS THE BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDS.
To be honest I never stopped praying and begging God for a miracle. I still have the hope that maybe you are alive. This thought gives to me the strength I need to continue my daily life. I love you, my Beautiful, Shining ANGEL, I really do with all my heart. My feelings for you are absolutely strong and sincere. You mean everything to me. You are so valuable and irreplaceable in my heart and I will never stop missing you. My heart will always belong to you. Forever yours, with all my strong and true LOVE, my endless ADMIRATION and RESPECT, my sincere DEVOTION, my deep FAITH and blind CONFIDENCE to you, until the end of my life…
6 months already, no day has passed without thinking of my beloved one. No year will pass without him in my memory. I will always love him, he will always be "my man", no matter who I will marry, who will be the father of my kids... Michael will alwasy be with me.
Michael left me without goodbye 6 months ago. I just can't how can days pass so fast. It's hard to believe that I lived these 6 months without him. I miss him every second of these days. I cry many tears but the tears can't erase the pain in my heart. Michael, I miss you so much. I'll be waiting for the day that we'll meet again. When the day comes, we'll never part again...I love you so much. I really mean it when I say those words. God bless you.
It is still hard knowing it has been a half a year already. I just started to cry again looking at my This Is It cd. That I just got today as a Christmas present. And knowing it was just a little more than 6 months ago Michael was rehearsing for a concert that was never going to take place.
I can't believe 6 months has gone by since you left us. I think about you every single day. It's horrible to say this but I thought maybe you'd come back today...weird as that sounds. I hoped you'd come back and say it was all a huge misunderstanding. I would have been so happy.

I hope that wherever you are that you are Happy, Healthy and Safe. I hope you that have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

2010 is scary knowing it will be a brand new year which you won't be a part of. :weeping:

I love you most, Michael.
Michael, I love you soo much.... you are always in my heart... you are not alone.... I've been crying and sad everyday... I am not eating correctly anymore, I'm sick...thats one thing that I have to say to you..please Michael come back.. I need you, Michael, I cant live without you.. :weeping:
A half a year? No way.
It's really so hard to believe that it's been a half a year already. Still feels like yesterday, I can remember the day so clearly. Before we know it, it will be June 25, 2010. A full year.

Oh Michael. We miss you so much. :heart:
Today was a hard day for me. I cried 3-4 times. Not just cuz of MJ, but everytime I did cry, I thought of MJ during the cry, so it was worse. Oh, Michael Joseph Jackson, come back. :( I hope I see you in Heaven. I hope, I hope, I hope. I would be so happy if I got to see you in Heaven. God, I pray that I can see Michael in Heaven. And so that every fan can be in Heaven too. So that we can all be together one day. .. This I pray. God, please take care of Michael. I miss him so very much.

Goodnight everyone.
Half a year...
It's so painful... I wish he was alive. Sometimes I still have feelings about this can't be true.
I miss you Michael. And I'll be missing you for ever.
I can only tell you thanks. Thanks for being in life, thanks for all your work, for your music, for your dancing. Thank you for teaching us, thank you for inspiring us. I wish you well, king, whereever you are.
I miss you so much Michael... why did you had to go??? I'm so sad and depressed tonight. I am so emotional. My candle for you has been burning for two days, yesterday and today. This morning I said a prayer for you and my eyes filled with tears, it brought me back to the June 25th. I cant believe it has been six months already, it feels like yesterday, I will never forget that horrible day in my entire life. I will love you till the end of time. You are everything I need and more. Michael, please come back.. :weeping:
hmm... 6 months

I'll try harder this time around.
i can do this!! i can be better than this.

If i keep knocking, someone will open it... and if they don't, I will kick that door down.

Bless/Love/Miss You

my heart is broken...
I am like a fish outside of water without you :cry:
[QUOTE =* Billie Jean *; 2489124] Eu não posso acreditar que tem 6 meses se passaram desde que você nos deixou. Eu penso em você todos os dias. É horrível dizer isso, mas eu pensei que talvez você voltaria hoje ... estranho que isso pareça. Eu esperava que você ia voltar e dizer que foi tudo um mal-entendido enorme. Eu teria sido tão feliz.

Espero que onde quer que você é que você está feliz, saudável e seguro. Espero que tenham um Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo.

2010 é assustador saber que será um ano novo que você não será uma parte. :weeping:

Eu te amo mais, Michael. [/ QUOTE]

You said it all:cry::cry:
Bless all your hearts. Michael is not gone. Time mean's nothing. Who could honestly say that it has been 6 months? Does not feel like it. Time is so insignificant now...a human concept, not real. The only thing that keeps me alive is knowing that TIME is an illusion, and I will, can and do feel/see Michael whenever I want. And that will be always... :blush:

So thankful to you my supernova angel wizard friend star Michael...
Where's the time gone? It seems now that Michael's gone time is just passing by way too fast. I remember those times where I'd be so excited to see new pictures and updates on Michael posted on fansites. It just isn't the same without him on this planet. This planet feels so empty without him on it.

Nothing will be the same again without you Michael, I miss you so much. :cry: I wanna, wanna be where you are oh oh ooooh Anywhere you are oh oh ooooh :weeping:
Can't stop thinking about Michael today :( Maybe because it's new years eve, and I know I'll be waking up into a new year tomorrow...and he won't be here..oh :cry:

They say it gets easier in time...But some days it just hurts so much :(
I still can't believe that he is gone, that he is not hear with us. :no: Everyday I live is the first day I live without him on this earth. I mean I'm only 17 so.. I just think oh this is the first December 30th or w.e day it is that I'm living without Michael on this earth, and it kills me. Also with this year coming to an end, it will be the first year that Michael won't be here. :cry: I'm not looking forward to the year ending at all. :(
Where's the time gone? It seems now that Michael's gone time is just passing by way too fast. I remember those times where I'd be so excited to see new pictures and updates on Michael posted on fansites. It just isn't the same without him on this planet. This planet feels so empty without him on it.


I agree, time just seems to be flying by now. Before his napping, I was just so happy. Now I just feel this emptieness inside that won't ever be filled.
Like, a week ago I was just looking out the window with a cup of tea in my hands and I cried. And cried. It hurt so much thinking about celebrating christmas without Michael and to think about the start of all the years to come without him is heartbreaking all over again. Sometimes I just feel like I wanna jump off a bridge or something. It's mental torture.
In my loneliness, I just think of him. Though he's far away I have only to close my eyes and he is back to stay. I will wait for him til the sun falls from out of the sky. I will wait for him meditating how sweet life will be when he come back to me.. :weeping:
It's been 6 months, but still the pain, sorrow live inside me, never seems to go away just know that today celebrate the New Year for what? Yet aceita not all this , I pretend I'm going to wake up from pesadelo it was just a dream.