Half a year has passed...


Proud Member
Mar 23, 2009
Canterbury, England
since we lost our angel Michael. Where has the time gone? It still feels like yesterday.

I miss you Michael :weeping:

:heart: :heart: :heart:
ohhhh :cry: dont even get me started...just looking at the title sends me to a very very very sad place...:(

The only thing I Wish is for Us(fans) to still be together til the end...With out us here, working and loving, what Michael thought us would be in vain.

I Miss him sooo sooo sooo much... :boohoo:

Thankyou for starting this thread tom

Six months gone and it never gets any easier. I miss you so much Michael. Hope you're having fun my sweet angel.
but you guys.. please don't be too sad. I know it's 6 months.. but it is Christmas, watch this video.. it gave me some strength


listen to michael and his message! we shall continue loving and caring for each other not just one day a year, but 365 days a year.

please be happy for michael! he is now in a beautiful place, gone from any evil and hatred he got here. :angel:
God bless you michael! please give everyone who loves you strength.
I still can't believe what happened. I try not to think about it, because it's so hard to accept it. I miss Michael so much :cry:
I miss you Michael... I cant believe you're gone.. still after 6 months I cannot deal with it..it's like a nightmare.. :weeping:

Please come back to us, please let us sing and dance and laugh again. I really really miss you, Michael. And I love you so much.
Already 6 months,and it still feels like it all happened today.

I really think that i will never get closure.

I just don't know how to deal with this emptyness,and pain...
no matter how much time passes it still will feel like day one. :-(
They say time heals?
Time and MJ friends support makes it a tiniest bit easier..............
no matter how much time passes it still will feel like day one. :-(
They say time heals?
Time and MJ friends support makes it a tiniest bit easier..............

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting

(Dixie Chicks)

For me it's been like years and years without him, missing him every single day, no matter what. I don't want to forget. I just want to hold on to this memory and feel him a bit closer, but as time flies away, the pain grows oder and gets deeper.

Is this right that I still cry this much? Is this right that I can't manage to just let go? I just don't know anymore.

Dear Michael... I just wish I could hold you tight, to thank you for all the joy you have given me and to tell you how much I love you :cry:

I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying

It's a half year, now. But it feels like yesterday. I just can not forget you. Started crying minutes ago, because of that. I know, you don't want us to cry. But, we all love you so much, that we have to! :weeping:
yeah It's been six months and pain and lost are all I can feel . Love you Mike , love you so much dear .
It's so cruel...so sad..that it's been 6 months on Christmas day. Shouldn't came to this point, I feel so sorry.
Wish I could've done something, all that crap and stuff...he deserved so much more. It's too much to even put to words.
I can't imagine what those three little ones are going through...the poor things.

I'll never understand it, never. Miss and love you longtime, Michael. :boohoo:
so much time ..so much torment ..so much torture.......my heart is still shattered as i got to keep it all inside ...as people around me hate my l ove for him ... i hate it i have to hide it and it hurts even more.. hoping i'll join him one day ......
So hard to believe it still, I just can't fathom it, still miss Michael like on the first day and it still hurts the same. :cry: I'm looking forward to meeting him soon. God bless those children, I cant even imagine how they must feel.
I still just can't believe he's gone...
I know it because I certainly feel it,
but it just won't sink in.
it still hasn't hit me if i'm being honest.
i think about Michael every day, and pray every night for him.
Yeah I can't believe it either. I am just so sad and miserable now without Michael. It is Christmas Day here and everyone is suppose to be happy on this day. But that is the one feeling I am never going to have on Christmas Day. I really do know that Michael would not want us to feel sad. And want us to be happy celebrating the Lord's birthday. But I can't because I no longer have a single ounce of joy or happiness left in me. All I am ever going to now is anger, misery, and sadness. Before June 25th Michael always gave me a reason to be happy. I was always happy because I knew Michael was just some where in this world doing something. At that very minute. But thanks to that evil nameless person he forever took my happiness away from me when he killed Michael. But what makes it worst for me is when I think about Michael's poor children and what they must be going through now. I am crying again just thinking about them. And how it was just last year they were celebrating Christmas with their father. And not knowing that it was going to be their last Christmas with him.