Guns N' Roses

I just seen the concert, its awesome, Steven Adler its like a little kid having fun!!! hahaha, Axl as always GREAT!!!!, and of course Slash too, good, good amazing concert, simple and energetic.
Type of internet connection, ummmm, i dont know anything about that, i just have it. India, good sounds there, very beautiful people.

You downloaded it?Thats cool,Im glad you liked it..I just love this concert.Its awesome.haha I love Steven,he played awesomely!!!!
Hey guys are we allowed post links to GNR fansites in here? Or will i get in trouble if i do?
Hey guys are we allowed post links to GNR fansites in here? Or will i get in trouble if i do?

No, i dont think is not allowed, no, its not even a fan site link, no why???
I mean this is an MJ fansite, it does not mean they will not let us hear other music, i mean, thats why we are in this part of the forum, relax :flowers:
K just to be on the safe side i'll PM you the link hopefully you'll find something of interest.
well..i exchanged dvds with other ppl and hopefully will do more in next few days..hehe im almost done with uploading and downloading takes much time and so much hard work.but sending out dvds is pretty easy.ya im gonna have tht GNR show frm 93 soon..in92 show was interrupted twice when audience was throwing things on them..:doh:

Yeah here's one of the incident with the stone/rock, its in about 3:00,

I dont feel ashamed, it was not all argentina throwing rocks, i love them, how am i gonna throw them anything?, they are the best rock band to me.

cant find the other incident.
i dont see why links wouldn't be allowed; just about every other thread has them about anything.
I dont know if they are or if they are not..But I guess its not a Big problem..You know the link to GNR forum already-_-
i dont care as you said i had the link before coming here, but is not everybody is this one person who seems to be scared like if this was a nazi forum hahahah
Am I the only one GNR fan I don't believe that,Im sure there are few more.If not a fans of new line up but fans of original GNR.The baddest band ever..:punk:So I had to BUMP IT:D especially after I saw singers like Prince got so many fans..haha it means GNR has to have some fans.:cheeky:
Fan fury as Rose shows thorny side

THOUSANDS of music fans were left reeling last night when one of the world’s most famous rockers walked off the stage after just 25 minutes.

A significant proportion of the crowd at Dublin’s O2 immediately left the Guns n’ Roses concert after the band’s lead man Axl Rose left them shocked at his stroppy behaviour and sudden departure.

Most had waited patiently for two-and-a-half hours before the band came on stage, before they decided to abruptly end the concert.

But for the rest of the fans who decided to wait even longer in the hope of Rose’s return, they were finally given a full Guns n’ Roses gig when they returned to the stage 40 minutes later.

“The doors had opened at 6pm, with the support act going on stage at around 7pm,” concert goer Sean Graham, from California but living in Cork, said.

“They finished up about an hour later, and then there was nothing until Axl came on stage at 10.30pm.”

The band were half way through their second song of the night, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, when Rose abruptly stopped singing and said: “Here is the deal. One more bottle up here and we go. We don’t want to go. Your choice.”

After 25 minutes and just three songs played, he attempted to introduce the band when a bottle was thrown on stage.

While none of the band members were hit, workers at the music venue had to mop up spilt water from the floor before Rose declared: “Okay, that’s it. Good night. Have a nice evening,” and abruptly departed.

A chorus of boos then erupted, with throngs of disappointed fans making their way to the exits. Arriving on stage to try to explain the situation, a woman appealed to the large crowd to “bear with us while we try to sort out technical difficulties. Be patient”.

Soon after, Denis Desmond, the head of MCD Promotions, in charge of managing the event, took centre stage and appealed for calm. He said they were doing everything they could to get the act back on stage.

“Please refrain from throwing any items on stage. We are doing all we can. It is going to be a great show.”

But it wasn’t for another 40 minutes until the band finally re-emerged at 11.30pm to a rousing rendition of ‘Sweet Child of Mine’. They then played a full set before leaving just before 1am.

Last night a spokesperson for MCD was not available for comment, and it is not yet known whether the fans who left the concert early will be refunded because of the incident

Was at this gig last night and i am still boiling over it.Axl is just a primadonna after all!
Makes me nervous for my tickets for Manchester in October.

I hope Axl doesn't pull any of this shit when I see them.
I feel for you...this tour has been a disaster from the get go.Support act playing for 90 mins and then another 90 minute wait for Axl to get his ass on stage.

I was embarrassed for him..48 year old man behaving like a spoilt child.You might be in luck though...they might have ironed out the problems by the time the roll around to you.

I have never been at a concert that was so tense...the bottle throwing aside i'm proud of my city.They showed the world what that they weren't gonna be treated like that.Axl looked like he didnt wanna be there.
I saw some footage of it on Youtube, when Axl came back on stage after the bottle throwing incident. He was just standing there glued to the spot obviously trying to make a point. I felt really sorry for the audience and the other bandmates. It's such a shame that somebody so talented is such an idiot. If I were his bandmates I would've told him where to go after that. I guess money talks though...
Muhammad Ali



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RIP Muhammad Ali. <a href="">#GOAT</a> by a mile.</p>&mdash; Duff McKagan (@DuffMcKagan) <a href="">June 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rest in Peace Mohamed Ali<br>You are the greatest there ever was <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; matt sorum (@mattsorum) <a href="">June 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You were and will always be &quot;The Greatest of All Time&quot; R.I.P. champ <a href="">#MuhammadAli</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Guns N&#39; Roses (@gunsnroses) <a href="">June 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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By Variety Staff November 26, 2018

Back in the day, Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose used to cancel a show if he didn’t feel the audience was appropriately enthusiastic. What a different 25 years can make: Sunday night in Abu Dhabi, a “severely ill” Axl powered through 20 songs of the group’s usual 28-song set.

“I’ve been throwing up for about the last five hours,” he told the crowd. “So instead of canceling I’m gonna do the best show we can for you.”

After the show, guitarist Slash tweeted, “Abu Dhabi, you guys were f—ing great tonight! Axl was severely ill. But you all were hugely supportive. Thanks for that. We’ll see again next time! Cheers! iiii]; ) ‘.”

Bassist Duff McKagan tweeted, “Thank you Abu Dhabi! @axlrose pulled a damn miracle…the man was beyond ill, and pulled off something I’ve never seen in my 40 yrs of playing. You all pulled him thru. Til next time!”

The group is winding down its multi-year “Not in This Lifetime” semi-reunion tour (featuring founding members Rose, Slash and McKagan), which began with a brace of warm-up dates in April of 2016 and has two dates remaining, in South Africa and a final — for now, anyway — date in Hawaii on December 8.