*gulps* Now this is a spider!!

Believe me not all birds are cute and cuddly. I love birds in fact I have to love birds since I have a huge love for their ancestors the dinosaurs. When I remember the chickens my grandfather had. When I was little. And when those chickens of his used to peck at me. Only because it was my job when I was little to go get the eggs for my grandmother. And let me tell you that hurts when those chickens would peck at you with their beaks.

But there is one bird to me that shouldn't be called cute and cuddly. And that is this bird:


That is the Hooded Pitohui bird of Papua New Guinea. Its feathers and skin contain the powerful poison homobatrachotoxin, the same one secreted by the dart frogs of South America. Like many other poisonous animals, this bird also emits a foul smell and advertises its toxicity with bright colors. The venom affects the nerves of the victim, but it is not known how the species acquired it."

And then there are the Vampire birds of the Galápagos Islands. They
have developed a surprising technique for surviving the dry season. By drinking the blood of other, larger birds like the Blue-footed Booby.

Wow, I did not know that there were poisonous birds. :eek: I guess you learn something new every day.

I was talking about common household birds, though. The kind that fly up into your window and eat the birdseed there. If a spider killed one of those birds, I'd be tempted to kill the spider.
Lol there was a survey done here in the UK a while ago of somethin like 10,000 people and what they are scared most about in life. And the majority were less scared about gettin cancer, drowning or dying in a fire than they were of Spiders.

The UK doesnt half get off lightly with the spiders we get here compared to Australia.
Wow, I did not know that there were poisonous birds. :eek: I guess you learn something new every day.

I was talking about common household birds, though. The kind that fly up into your window and eat the birdseed there. If a spider killed one of those birds, I'd be tempted to kill the spider.

I was just wondering how do you feel about Blue Jays? My late grandmother was like the most biggest bird lover you could ever want to meet. But there was only one kind of bird that she had hated and that was the Blue Jays. Because of the fact that they are very noisy and very agressive to the other birds. And they also drive the other birds away from their food source and their territories. It is mainly because of that is why she hated them so much.
Well, living in a tropical country in South America you guys might imagine the kinds of spiders one can find here...But I live in a building in the city so only small ones show up around here...

But ive seen some big tarantulas even at the beach, and in some hills and mountains here u can fins tarantulas as big as a plate, no kidding... I just try not to cross their way and pray for them to keep their distance from me as well, but if we had this thing at home, I'd have it killed...id be too scared to kill it myself...same thing with roaches...

At my aunt's house sometimes they show up in the kitchen sink, they come crawling from the drain :bugeyed
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At my aunt's house sometimes they show up in the chicken sink, they come crawling from the drain :bugeyed

Eeeewweeehhh I could never live there!
Telha maybe you don't think you are. But I think you are so very lucky that you get to live in a place where there are giant tarantulas. I have always had a love for tarantulas. I even want some for pets but my mother won't let me have them. Tarantulas to me are the most coolest out of all the spider species.
I take you you dont like spiders either
eeeeeeeeek :bugeyed runs and hides

I never used to be like that, until one ran up on my bed as I was watching tv and I swear it was HUGE!

I just grabbed it and flung it out the window, 3 days later, same thing happens and he has a friend this time. Sorry but they got flushed that time.:doh:
I love spiders. They're awesome! Pretty amazing how something so small can make people fear for their lives. I'm not scared of them unless one runs at me and that's never happened. You shouldn't kill them :( If their in the house, just sweep them in a dust pan and put them outside.
I was just wondering how do you feel about Blue Jays? My late grandmother was like the most biggest bird lover you could ever want to meet. But there was only one kind of bird that she had hated and that was the Blue Jays. Because of the fact that they are very noisy and very agressive to the other birds. And they also drive the other birds away from their food source and their territories. It is mainly because of that is why she hated them so much.

I love Blue Jays. :) I don't dislike them at all.

I love spiders. They're awesome! Pretty amazing how something so small can make people fear for their lives. I'm not scared of them unless one runs at me and that's never happened. You shouldn't kill them :sad: If their in the house, just sweep them in a dust pan and put them outside.

I'm the same way, spiders don't scare me. Even those big taratulas that people keep as pets; I never had one myself, but a friend of mine did, and I used to take it out of the box and hold it. They're not scary to me at all.

And, as I said before, I sometimes rescue spiders instead of killing them. :lol:
^ :eek: that must how they ended up coming out of Telha's aunty's kitchen sink!!! :bugeyed:


Eeeewweeehhh I could never live there!

Telha maybe you don't think you are. But I think you are so very lucky that you get to live in a place where there are giant tarantulas. I have always had a love for tarantulas. I even want some for pets but my mother won't let me have them. Tarantulas to me are the most coolest out of all the spider species.

I dont usually see them around here. Ive only seen them in one beach. And the big ones u only find in the hills where theres still Atlantic forest and other animals, I dont usually go there, my mom does, theres a huge nunery on the top of it, and on the way up if u go walking u can see them.

In the city you dont find them walking around in the streets :D damn if i did I would run away from here! :eek:

My aunt lives in another state, and near a hill like that, so thats different...
i dont know how u would feel if u were me my brother has 4 tarantula's one being a bird eating one as big as a dinner plate

i dont live with them tho

I would stay away from his room/house!!
i dont know how u would feel if u were me my brother has 4 tarantula's one being a bird eating one as big as a dinner plate

i dont live with them tho

OMG he is so very lucky. I want to have tarantulas so badly but my mother saids no. Yet she may allowed me to have these little creatures that I love just as much as tarantulas:


That is a giant African Millipede. OMG do I love those creatures. I am so totally in love with them. Have ever since I was a senior in high school. And my agriculture class had a millipede. And I was always touching and holding it. Because I just couldn't get over how cool those little creatures are.

I wonder if I should tell my mother that I also would love 2 have these 2 creatures for pets as well:

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach


Emporer Scorpion


My mother said when my cat goes she will let have almost any pet that I want. My cat is 13 years old now. And as much as I love my little snuggle kins. I really do want the kind of pet that I had always wanted. I got kind of stuck with a cat when I was 15. Because it was the only kind of animal that was allowed to come in to this house.
^ For some reason those creatures doesn't scare me as much as seeing even only a little spider.
Really? Did you know that Scorpions are related to the spiders. They are both related because they both Arachens. Yet you are afraid of a little spider. When scorpions are related to them.
Are they? I didn't know that! But still I don't think scorpions are that disgusting at all!
Don't know if it matters that my sign is Scorpio :D
I actually backed away from the computer when I saw the pics of this giant spider, lol.