*gulps* Now this is a spider!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Photos of a mammoth spider devouring a bird in a Queensland backyard are sweeping email inboxes — and according to experts, it's all real.

The photos — which are reported to have been taken this week in Atherton, west of Cairns — show the spider clenching its legs around a lifeless bird trapped in a web.

Head spider keeper at the Australian Reptile Park at Gosford on NSW central coast, Joel Shakespeare, said the spider was a Golden Orb Weaver.

"Normally they prey on large insects… it's unusual to see one eating a bird," he told ninemsn.

Mr Shakepeare said he had seen Golden Orb Weaver spiders as big as a human hand but the northern species in tropical areas were known to grow larger.

Queensland Museum identified the bird as a native finch called the Chestnut–breasted Mannikin.

The bird, which appears frozen in an angel-like pose, most likely flew into the web and got caught, according to Mr Shakepeare.

"It wouldn't eat the whole bird," he said.

But the spider would probably prepare a liquid soup with the finch — as it does with insects — and discard of what it doesn't need.

"It uses its venom to break down the bird for eating and what it leaves is a food parcel," he said.

Greg Czechura from Queensland Museum said cases of the Golden Orb Weaver eating small birds were "well known but rare".

"It builds a very strong web," he said.

But he said the spider would not have attacked until the bird weakened.

"They blunder into [the webs] and their feathers get entangled," he said.

"The more they struggle, the more tangled up and exhausted they get and they go into stress."

The Golden Orb Weaver spins a strong web high in protein because it depends on it to capture large insects for food, unlike funnel web and wolf spiders that actively hunt their prey.

Another species called the bird-eating spider does not actually eat birds.
"If a spider gets a bird, it's a very lucky spider," Mr Czechura said.




Yiiii!!!!! it's huge and creepy looking!!! :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed
I am not skiddish, but there would be "skiddish" marks in my boxers if I saw that thing.
A few years ago there was a Nature special my kids and I saw that featured what was called the "Chicken Spider". it was in the tarantula family. it was HUGE (much, much bigger than the spider above), very reclusive, and very dangerous, particularly to the local farmers. lol these spiders kept stealing and eating LIVE CHICKENS! Not little baby chicks, mind you, but full grown hens and roosters!!! It was an ugly looking monster spider and they lived in families in burrows, rather than webs, in I think Africa. Talk about arachnaphobia!
Well I'm gonna have to look that one up!

Don't feel too bad though, I've found more then a few black widows in my house. One of them was HUGE, and then a few days later I found two more smaller ones. That was scaaaaarrry. And I don't kill them either. Me and my brother captured them and put them outside. Talk about nerve racking, lol.
Well I'm gonna have to look that one up!

Don't feel too bad though, I've found more then a few black widows in my house. One of them was HUGE, and then a few days later I found two more smaller ones. That was scaaaaarrry. And I don't kill them either. Me and my brother captured them and put them outside. Talk about nerve racking, lol.

Several weeks ago there was a brown recluse crawling on a puzzle my little 6 year old was putting together. All she had on was a leotard, and the spider blended in easily with the colors on the puzzle. If I hadn't spotted it, it could have bitten her and hurt her very badly (anyone ever seen pics of brown recluse spider bites? it ain't pretty, it's extremely painful, and you can possibly die from it. MJ was bitten once a few years ago, the pictures show a huge black area on his leg. But I've seen worse, even. They take weeks, sometimes months to heal). My dad was bitten by one once. Anyway, I quickly killed it. I have 4 precious kids I don't need to have bitten by this type of dangerous spider, even if I had put it outside. I'm not like MJ, if I see a bug inside the house where it don't belong, not paying rent (lol) it's fate is sealed.
:bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed

*suffers from arachnophobia* :mello:

Mommyyyyy, heeeeelp!!! :swoon:

I have to send this to a friend of mine, he keeps spiders (mind you, big ones!) for pets :ermm:

A few years ago there was a Nature special my kids and I saw that featured what was called the "Chicken Spider". it was in the tarantula family. it was HUGE (much, much bigger than the spider above), very reclusive, and very dangerous, particularly to the local farmers. lol these spiders kept stealing and eating LIVE CHICKENS! Not little baby chicks, mind you, but full grown hens and roosters!!! It was an ugly looking monster spider and they lived in families in burrows, rather than webs, in I think Africa. Talk about arachnaphobia!

Are you serious? :blink:

Remind me to never visit Africa without a few cans of spray.....special spray :mello:

Thank God I live in freezing Finland and those creatures doesn't survive here :angel:

Thank God I live in freezing Finland and those creatures doesn't survive here :angel:

yes! something like this makes me rethink my whole aversion to cold weather, one thing i hate more than the cold is Spiders and other slithering things omg shudders - moves to the mountains
i HATE SPIDERS! I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM! I love what they do for our farmers...keeping the smaller bugs away. BUT KEEP THEM THE F**K AWAY FROM ME!!!
ahahahahahaha Oh I love that response Ivory Keys :rofl: that's like my brother he's like oh hell keep them the fuck away from me!!! :rofl:
I hate spiders terribly. Several weeks ago my husband caught a big fat spider, and put it in an empty aquarium we keep to observe unique small animals we find before letting them loose. I tried to make him keep it outside, but he kept inside and I was all mad about it. couple days later I found hundreds of little squiggleys finding their way outside of the aquarium...I could only assume they were babies and I quickly killed em because there was no way I was going to have more of these "Grendels" inside my house (Grendel was what my kids decided to name the spider, after the monstor in the story Beowulf...they changed it to "Grendella" when it was found that this spider was producing babies!). The spider was promptly let loose outside, as it was not dangerous. Since then, we have seen several "Grendels" outside making huge webs. My husband keeps begging for a tarantula to keep.....I say, NO WAY!!!
I hate spiders terribly. Several weeks ago my husband caught a big fat spider, and put it in an empty aquarium we keep to observe unique small animals we find before letting them loose. I tried to make him keep it outside, but he kept inside and I was all mad about it. couple days later I found hundreds of little squiggleys finding their way outside of the aquarium...I could only assume they were babies and I quickly killed em because there was no way I was going to have more of these "Grendels" inside my house (Grendel was what my kids decided to name the spider, after the monstor in the story Beowulf...they changed it to "Grendella" when it was found that this spider was producing babies!). The spider was promptly let loose outside, as it was not dangerous. Since then, we have seen several "Grendels" outside making huge webs. My husband keeps begging for a tarantula to keep.....I say, NO WAY!!!

OMG I hate spiders too!!! Even here, where they are like 5 cm at their biggest, I freak out if I see them inside.. *shudders*
I'm scared of spiders, but I also try to remember that they're more scared of us then we are of them. Think. The biggest spider in the world dwarfs in comparison to us. And they aren't looking to harm anybody and only bite in self defense. Plus they do a great service to the world. But they still freak me out, lol. But I never kill anything that doesn't need to die.
^ You're right, that's true but it's hard to think like that when you see spiders because they look so gross :puke: I wouldn't mind spiders if they were like cute puppies :D
As a lover of spiders that is just so cool looking. Though I thought it was going to be a picture of the Goliath Bird Eating Spider. Like this:


It is the biggest of the tarantulas species. Not only can they eat birds they can also eat mice as well. But then you said Queensland and not South America. Where the Goliath Bird Eating Spiders usually live. OMG do I love spiders. I think spiders is the most fascinating creatures you could ever find on this planet. Ever since I can remember I always had a love and a fascination for spiders. Which is why I tend to get very upset and annoyed when someone wants to harm a spider in any way. When spiders should be consider our friends. Because of the fact they kill more insects than birds do.

Btw this reminds me of this program that I had saw on the HIStory Channel this past week. The program was called Monster Quest and they were talking about giant spiders. And the one picture that was shown on that program was this:


That is the camel spider and according to some of the U.S. troops that is over there in the Middle East said they have seen spiders this huge. I think that is just so very cool to know there are giant spiders in the world. Especially in the oceans where they have Sea Spiders. And they can be quite huge.

The one thing I can never ever understand is how people can say that they hate them. Or that they are scared to death of them. I could never get that. It is those people to me that needs to learn about how fascinating spiders really are. And start considering them as your friend like I do.
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^ It's a not a conscious type of fear. It's not like you fear a criminal because you know they are prone to killing you. It's pretty much a fear that lies in the subconscious, a fear that you cannot control. (unless you have years of therapy to learn how to do that)

The same way you were born with love for spiders, others were born with fear of them :)
I don't mind spiders normally, because they're usually not poisonous and they eat bugs that I'd rather not have in the house (clean up, so to speak.) I've even rescued spiders and put them outside, rather than kill them.

But a spider eating a cuddly, cute bird... **shudders**
As a lover of spiders that is just so cool looking. Though I thought it was going to be a picture of the Goliath Bird Eating Spider. Like this:


It is the biggest of the tarantulas species. Not only can they eat birds they can also eat mice as well. But then you said Queensland and not South America. Where the Goliath Bird Eating Spiders usually live. OMG do I love spiders. I think spiders is the most fascinating creatures you could ever find on this planet. Ever since I can remember I always had a love and a fascination for spiders. Which is why I tend to get very upset and annoyed when someone wants to harm a spider in any way. When spiders should be consider our friends. Because of the fact they kill more insects than birds do.

Btw this reminds me of this program that I had saw on the HIStory Channel this past week. The program was called Monster Quest and they were talking about giant spiders. And the one picture that was shown on that program was this:


That is the camel spider and according to some of the U.S. troops that is over there in the Middle East said they have seen spiders this huge. I think that is just so very cool to know there are giant spiders in the world. Especially in the oceans where they have Sea Spiders. And they can be quite huge.

The one thing I can never ever understand is how people can say that they hate them. Or that they are scared to death of them. I could never get that. It is those people to me that needs to learn about how fascinating spiders really are. And start considering them as your friend like I do.

Oh, Good Lord.

Hey, I don't mind spiders, if they are OUTSIDE, and if they are not DANGEROUS. bugs and spiders and other creepy crawleys just don't belong in my house. Nature is their home, and I intend to keep it that way. They need to pay rent if they wanna live with my family of 6! :) I have 4 young children, all who are deathly afraid of spiders, even moreso than me. I encourage them that if it's outside, don't kill it, cause that's where it belongs and you're right, they do absolutely wonderful things. But one summer we were staying with my parents and my children were VERY young, and there were brown recluses EVERYWHERE (the same summer my dad got bit) for some reason, so in order to keep the kids safe since they were playing both outside and inside so much, we had to kill them. I swear there were dozens if not hundreds of them around and we were in constant fear that someone would accidentally get bit during the night or playing outside.
I don't mind spiders normally, because they're usually not poisonous and they eat bugs that I'd rather not have in the house (clean up, so to speak.) I've even rescued spiders and put them outside, rather than kill them.

But a spider eating a cuddly, cute bird... **shudders**

Believe me not all birds are cute and cuddly. I love birds in fact I have to love birds since I have a huge love for their ancestors the dinosaurs. When I remember the chickens my grandfather had. When I was little. And when those chickens of his used to peck at me. Only because it was my job when I was little to go get the eggs for my grandmother. And let me tell you that hurts when those chickens would peck at you with their beaks.

But there is one bird to me that shouldn't be called cute and cuddly. And that is this bird:


That is the Hooded Pitohui bird of Papua New Guinea. Its feathers and skin contain the powerful poison homobatrachotoxin, the same one secreted by the dart frogs of South America. Like many other poisonous animals, this bird also emits a foul smell and advertises its toxicity with bright colors. The venom affects the nerves of the victim, but it is not known how the species acquired it."

And then there are the Vampire birds of the Galápagos Islands. They
have developed a surprising technique for surviving the dry season. By drinking the blood of other, larger birds like the Blue-footed Booby.
ugh this thread just made me get the hibbity jibbitys!

i hate spiders... especially after receiving a bite that we determined was most likely from a brown recluse. thankfully it wasn't a "bad" bite as it only got pussy and huge and painful... it wasn't as bad as MJs bite but it was most likely b/c i had ice on the bite very shortly after i received it and it slowed down the spread of the venom. I still have a mark where the bite was and i was bit back in june... i've been told it'll probably never go away.
the worst part is there's no treatment for these bites to prevent the damage... u just treat the pain and death of tissue as it occurs!!!