Guilty or not guilty (game)

Re: guilty or not guilty (game)


Have you ever found something in your food which wasn't meant to be in there?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes loads of times :mad:

Have you ever been given the wrong order in a resturant but kept it coz it looked good? :lol:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes :D if they agreed lol

Have you ever given a watch as a gift?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes... Parrot :lol:

Have you ever forgot your mothers birthday? :eek:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

heck naww LOL

have you ever forgotten something at home you
were meant to take to a family get together and
had to go all the way back for it cuz it was important?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes usually the gift for a birthday :eek:

Have you ever got hit by a car?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

yes but I was on a bicycle it wasnt bad just got bumped
the car was coming out of an alleyway and hit me as I
was crossing it LOL

have you ever seen someone get hit by a car?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

yes someone I knew too :(

Have you ever got a parking ticket?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes twice :rolleyes: :lol:

Have you ever forgot to pay your rent or morgage and got told you were getting kicked out of the property?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

No a major one no

Have you ever jumped on a trampoline and fell off?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

LOL yeah cuz I tend to jump too high I get excited
of course my kids had a good laugh out of it haha

have you even gotten sick on a ride at an amusement park?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

^ aww I wouldnt have laughed :no: :giggle: oops LOL

Nope I can hold my puke :mello:

Have you ever stopped a car and asked for a ride coz you were late to get somewhere?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Not guilty

Have you ever talked to someone and when they were the middle of saying something, you leave?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)


have you ever told someone too much information?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes someone I thought I could tell something to but it went to show otherwise :rolleyes:

Have you ever been scared at night?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

yes! especially after watching a horror film!

Have you ever smelt it and delt it? :lol: