Guilty or not guilty (game)

it's just my gmail account but yeah I guess it's guilty.

visited jail?
not guilty..

had a period of time where you always wore black?
guilty...not a long period of time weeks here and there...when MJ died, I wore all black

partying all night long?
Not tv show, but I have a couple guilty pleasure movies.:)

Do you live a realistic life?
not guilty

if it's you (ASIS) then guilty
and if you're not ..not guilty :huh::huh:
Not guilty :D

Not getting anything done cuz you're reading MJJC and posting random thoughts?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's the most thing i'm NOT guity of!!

alcaholic? :ph34r:
nah never scared of the moon

believer in the supernatural?
Not guilty. I love it but I don't HAVE to have it

Have you ever fallen alseep in the bath?
I've tried but it never worked. So not guilty
