Guilty or not guilty (game)

Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Just trimmed it yes lol

Have you ever smashed something in a temper? :eek:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

No :eek: Although it would be kinda fun :lol:

Have you ever thrown something at someone in a temper? :eek:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes, a cup of coffee over my brother when I was about 14 :eek: he was getting on my nerves and my hormones were racing :rofl: good job it had gone cold LOL

Have you ever thrown up over someone? :mello:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yeh I haven't either, but I plan to soon :yes:

Haha yes, I love those days :wub:

Have you ever fancied a teacher?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

For the first time I have this year. I am so unsure of my future. I need to trust, don't I? So, guilty.

Dove off a diving board into an empty swimming pool and lived to tell the tale?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

I don't dwell on fears, but if something worthy of my fear came up, I'd probably go right there. I'm not afraid of bugs, like spiders, or snakes, or animals, if they would do my no harm, but if a hungry lion came charging at me, yeah, I'd go into definite fear gear. Or if I was bleeding due to a cut in shark infested waters...instant hesitation. There'd be no talking me out of it. *laughs* So...guilty?

Has dressed a dog up in doll clothes?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Guilty :sad: Only in my first years tho...not I would love to give them a few uppercuts ^^

Ever made a loud fart in public? (xD)
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes, that is usually when I do have trouble when I am over tired.

Do you ever forget birthday's?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Probably :mello: :lol: Only if I was younger. I don't do that now.

Have you ever put a film in a camera incorrectly and none of the photos came out? lol