Guilty or not guilty (game)

Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yeah!!!! :lmao: I once bought these prank sugar cubes from this one store...and put them in the little bowl my parents have the sugar cubes in for their next time my mom had coffee, she took a cube out of the bowl...and her coffee started to foam like crazy and she was like "WTF??", and I was just standing next to her, looking at the coffee, like "That's weird"...:innocent:....So she took another cup and put a new cube in it...and drank it...and then she was like "What's this...?" and took something out of her mouth and look at it and started screaming because it was a little plastic insect that was hidden in one of the prank cubes...and I started CRYYYYYYYYYYYING with laughter!! :lmao: :lmao:

Have you ever travelled to another country without telling your parents and then pretended your at the uni when they called? :lol:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

guilty lol no not really

Do you do sit ups before you go to bed.
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Not guilty

Have you ever made someone a birthday cake?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

not guilty....closest I get is apple juice lol

do you have a crush on someone right now?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Oh my yes, I certainly do :heart:-and he knows who he is! :blush:

Do you eat lots of sweets? :excited:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Guilty! :lol: I'm a sugar junkie. :lol:

Do you often stay up late (or all night... :lol:)?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Yes ouchies

Have you ever hurt someones feelings unintentionally?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

Unintentinally...most likely...I think everyone has.

Have you ever eaten all the candy in the house and then pretended you didn't know who ate them? :lol:
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

all the time

have you ever taken a piece of artwork out of a frame and replaced it with another?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)


Have you ever modelled for a portrait?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)


have you ever felt paralyzed by not knowing what exactly to do about a given thing at a given time?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

years ago

have you ever saved a prey from a hunting animal?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

no, slightly scraped once but not bitten (how in the WORLD did you save a squirrel from a Hawk? :lol: )

have you ever seen a nearly adult sized kitten nursing on its mom right alongside tiny kittens?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

no, the closest to that I've seen is one kitten nursing off another mother

have you ever buried an animal that died?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)


Have you ever lost all hope about something?
Re: guilty or not guilty (game)

yes and usually get it back because I know that with God all things are possible

have you ever been torn about suing the living hell out of someone just to teach them how to treat people?