Guess who posts next...

^ :nono: :lol:

BTW, I've been getting weird e-mails from _nita. :wtf: :blink:

Someone who's gotten weird e-mails too?
They're not make any sense......and she is sending them to Karina, Speechless09 and others. :blink: That girl is seriously messed up. :lol:

Someone who likes not having to wear braces?
^How weird. :scratch: :lol:

Yes, I love it! :wild:

Someone who knows that feeling?
Yes, I definitely know the you're not even wearing a retainer? :unsure:

Someone who is in her bedroom?
^I will get one next year I think. Now I still have to wear lose braces. :sigh:.. But it's much better than before! :D


Someone who is getting hungry?

I will think about that. :lol:

Someone who will wish me a goodnight?