Guess who posts next...

Yeah, many times.

Someone who ever had their national flag painted on their face?

Someone who has ever been attacked with a creamy bakery product? :D
No, never really have, just for a few days. :lol:

Someone who owns a lava lamp?
Not atm, but not long ago I had a Hello Kitty lava lamp. :D

Someone who wears animal fluffy slippers? :D these:


Someone who is wearing boots?
High temperature = 45*F
Low temperature = 35*F

Somewhere in-between. :D

Yes, I'm hungry. :D

Someone who downloads music from iTunes?
Never did, but why not. :D

Someone who is good at climbing up trees?

Okay, that's really cold. :D

I thought you were gonna say that is was not really cold (compared to you all's temperature). :D If it's in the low 30's or below, then it's cold (to me). :D

Someone who had/has a spinning top?
^ Well, here it's also not much colder actually.. :thinking: ... To me everything under 10°C is cold... :lol:

Yeah, I had one. :yes:

Someone who can ski?
Not so much actually. :p

Someone who is looking forward to christmas holidays?
^ :eek: Christmas = gifts, friends, family, food, etc, etc. :D

Yes. :wild:

Someone who likes the color purple?
^Yeah, well, I'm not really in a christmas mood yet. :p :D


Someone who is busy?