Guess who posts next...

well, not really..... but some funny things happend :D

Someone who had a nice day so far?
Of course not! :girl_whistle: But that's a story for another day. :D

Someone who goes out on dates?
Nope. :no:

Someone who has been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida? :wild:
no, but I have heard about it and sure will go there one time :yes:

Someone who has been to Michael Jackson - the immortal world tour?
Yes, I went in February in Houston, Texas, and I'm going again June 23, here in San Antonio. :wild: :woohoo:

Someone who has seen it too? (same question)

nope... They'll first come to germany in december...

Someone who ever swam with dolphins?
No, but I've fed them and pet Sea World. :wild:

Someone who has taken a helicopter ride?
no :no: , but I'd love to!! :D

Someone who has taken a balloon ride?
No. :scare: And the only reason I took the helicopter ride was because I was younger.......and with my parents.........but now, I don't think I would have the courage. :unsure: :fear:

Someone who goes to the beach often?
Well the beach is far away from here :p , but when we go on vacation to the seaside I do it everyday :D

Someone who lives near the beach?
No......the closest beach from San Antonio is in Corpus Christi and that is about 1.5-2.0 hours away. :unsure:

Someone who goes dancing?
I've never done that, but I just say yes :D

Someone who often goes kayaking?
No, sadly. I almost went to one in Vienna last summer, but I didn't. :no:

Someone who has?