Guess who posts next...

Yeah I guess

someone who won't admit I'm just oozing with awesomeness? :eviltongue:
^ If it was true I would admitted...........but it's not. :laugh:

Someone who thinks he/she is awesome?
^you would never admit it :eek:

indeed :queen:

someone who thinks I'm not? :)eviltongue:)
I'm a pretty good country music dancer, but other kind of music..........not really. :D

Someone who watches Michael's videos often?
^ :lol:

:yes: of course :D

someone who listens to Michael's music on a daily basis?
I hair is so straight, it's hard to do something with it. :girl_tantrum: ............but I do my nails often. :girl_nails: :D

Someone who does? (same question)