Great Michael tribute at German Music awards

The UK BRIT awards couldn't even do a freaking thing apart from making jokes about Conrad Murray. Oh well, no one takes it seriously anymore, its just an excuse for pop stars to be in one room and get hammered. Germany, thank you. This tribute had me in tears especially when the kids were singing Heal The World. I liked the multi generational aspect to it as that is what Michael is-someone who is loved by every generation from 8 months to 80 years old. Thank you.

I completely agree. It was beautiful and it made me pretty emotional too...I thought it was probably one of the best award show tributes there has been so far. The omission by the people behind The Brits was inexplicable and extremely disappointing.
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I find it amazing how this board has people from all over the place sharing their love of MJ!

Isn't that astounding!...His impact was indeed WORLD - WIDE!! And helped make us L.O.V.E. world wide.

Thanks so much for the translation.
I liked the multi generational aspect to it as that is what Michael is-someone who is loved by every generation from 8 months to 80 years old. Thank you.

Amen. I've got a brand new little niece. I can't wait to introduce her to the King. By the time I get through, the first words out of her mouth will be shamone!
My first thought was "Michael would have loved it". And then tears showed up in my eyes... Kids songing 'Heal the world' - so simple and yet so brilliant. And the spotlight with no one in it in the beginning... Just perfect tribute - Thank you, Germany!
Amen. I've got a brand new little niece. I can't wait to introduce her to the King. By the time I get through, the first words out of her mouth will be shamone!

My three year old will run through the house hollering "oooooww!" beat it-style. :punk:
He also gets excited when MJ is showing up on my computer, pointing him out.

The dude is truly transcending any barrier of race, gender, nationality and age.
Oh, this was a wonderful tribute, especially the children singing Heal the World got me crying. I loved this tribute, very well done! Thank you Germany!
Possibly the best MJ tribute i've seen, if not, certainly one of the best. It was moving and entertaining at the same time. The song selection and video clips were fantastic and really paid tribute to who MJ was a person and his message of peace and of course all that he accomplished in his career and what a great talent Michael is.

That was so great and I know MJ would have LOVED it.

Thanks for posting! Really enjoyed this
Now that's what I call a Michael Jackson Tribute!! So moving, emotional and beautiful! A true testament to Michael's work and Germany's love for him! ...Children of all different races and cultures joining together in giving a message of hope for world peace, all ages and levels of dance ability together in harmony with his music, famous artists talking about his influence on their work... and mostly the personal message of Michael to his fans fro heaven... I cried through it all, but it was worth every tear to see such a beatiful tribute! Hats off Germany... thank you! America should learn from them!!