Great article from michael's pilot

What an amazing sweet good hearted man! I gotta start saving these stories. Always a good read when having a bad day.

Poor michael never got over that fear of flying. I not to keen on flying myself. I got all light headed, racy heart, and sweaty a little bit the last time. So I know where he coming from.

I gonna miss him so much.

"Many times people have asked me about his personality and I have always said no matter what they think of him spending 3 minutes with him would already change their views about him into more positive."

I really liked this part and I know its true. :D
I'm glad Karu wasn't a sellout! Thanks for posting. It's nice to know there are some good people out there that have Michael's back.
Thankyou - and here's another piece of evidence against DS.

I wasn't surprised to hear that Michael kept asking questions...:lol: He has never stopped being curious.

DS is such a BS!
ahah I noticed that too Mike would always ask questions
such a wonderful man :)
Hello :)

It was actually me who translated the article.

To be honest, it was published in a magazine that is Finland's biggest tabloid and that being said I was surprised they [tabloid] had not added any weird vibes of their own to it! I was just browsing the mag when I came across the article and because it was positive and nice one I thought to share with other fans :)

Makes me happy to know Michael had at least some connections to Finland :giggle:
I managed to find some old news regarding the pilot and Michael from the internet :)

This is for example what the pilot has said about him:

"He [Michael] is very shy, polite and always acting respectfully towards us. Many times I had to tell him not to call me Sir, because we were there to serve him and not other way around. He is one of the pleasants passengers I have ever had."

He had been Michael's pilot approx. on 15 flights.

After the infamous flight in 2003 the pilot was offered a lot of money for interviews, but he declined them all.

Gavin had also been on his flights with Michael.

"Although I was flying the plane the cabins door was always open and I was able to see what's happening at the passengers side all the time."

The pilot never saw Michael giving alcohol to a minor or doing anything that would be inappropriate.

"Flight attendants would have reported me immediately, because giving alcohol to a minor is against the law. Being a pilot I'm responsible for the plane and its passengers and if anything would have happened I would have known."

There's also a Finnish girl, who at the age of 11 won a writing contest "How to heal the world" and won a trip to Neverland. Not mentioned what year was it, though.

She has said:

"We started from the cinema and amusement park with all the fairycastles. There was a lot of booths where you were able to get candies, ice cream, cotton candy and other sweets. After taking us to a train he reminded us we can eat sweets and stuff as much as we want.

"We were there for 3 days and we got to know Neverland inside out, the zoo, Michael's monkeys, his home and all the playrooms, everything. He spent more time with us than we first expected."

"When exploring his home it never felt like it was a home of a superstar. Blue slippers were left half carelessly next to the writing table and on kitchen table there was chocolate cookies available like in anyone's kitchen. I knew some of his songs already and I liked them, but as a person he wasn't so familiar to me. After this trip I was able to call myself a fan.. I was more of a fan of him as a person than his music."
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Wow, thank you so much for that!!!

That girl reminds me so much of myself....I've always said that before I'm a fan of the artist, I'm a fan of the man.