Great article from michael's pilot


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
london via northumberland via leciester via cambri
This is at max jax, lol i know i keep stealing stuff from there but i dont know how many on here go there too. :)

Michael Jackson appreciated his Finnish pilot's honesty

A Finnish pilot, Pekka Karu became Michael Jackson's pilot around the millennium. Karu picked up Jackson from Santa Barbara and was taking him to Miami when after 25 minutes of flying Jackson surprisingly entered the cabin. That was the first time the pilot met Michael Jackson in person.

"He told me he was scared of flying ja asked what kind of weather was due to expect during the flight. I told him there's a storm coming in Midwest and there's always turbulence above the Gulf of Mexico."

Michael calmed down when the pilot told him private jets are normally flying 3 kilometers higher than normal passenger aircrafts, so therefore they can either fly above the storm or get around them.

"Michael wanted to know what part of the day is the best part to fly and I answered either at night or early in the morning because storms are developing at afternoons. Next he wanted to know if we can fly somewhere else and I said 'sure, you are the one who pays the bill.'"

Jackson asked a couple of times where the pilot would like to fly.

"He couldn't decide, so I told him Las Vegas is always a nice place to visit so he asked me to fly there. I made new arrangements and landed to Las Vegas."

Jackson stayed in Las Vegas almost two days before continuing his trip to Miami.

Afterwards Jackson always wanted the "Finnish pilot who's name he can't pronounce" to be the pilot on his flights.

"I think it was the 3rd or 4th flight when I asked him why he always wanted to have me, even though there's plenty of good pilots to choose from. Michael said he was impressed because I was the first pilot to tell the truth about the weather. I thanked him for the compliment."

Karu tells Michael visited the cabin many times during the flights, mostly asking about the weather or just to spend time, otherwise he was playing with his children or negotiating with his assistants.

"He always had an entourage with him."

Pilot can't remember and doesn't even know all the requests Jackson had for his flights.

"We always have a very exact profiles for our passengers, but it's flight attendants job to take care of."

Flight attendant on Karu's flights was his girlfriend at the time, Lauren Wallace.

It was also Karu's flight in 2003 when Jackson travelled from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara to face the charges. Afterwards it became public that two mechanics had placed cameras inside the plane in urge to sell the tapes to the media.

"Those guys went to jail."

According to the DA Jackson had molested children on that same flight, so the DA also contacted Karu.

"I had already refused twice to testify against Michael when Tom Sneddon himself called me and threatened me to testify. I still refused because I didn't have anything bad to say about Jackson. Sneddon hung up the phone."

If Karu would have testified it could had been the end of his career as a celebrity pilot.

"No one would have remembered what I would have said. They would only have remembered me telling something."

Pilot tells Jackson was a "cool guy", friendly and polite, who was easy to respect.

"Many times people have asked me about his personality and I have always said no matter what they think of him spending 3 minutes with him would already change their views about him into more positive."

The last flight with Jackson was a year ago when Karu took him to Las Vegas in the morning and back to Los Angeles later that evening.

"Both flights he sat between the pilots, on a seat that is meant for the flight attendant and asked how I was doing because we had not seen for two years. In response he told me about his time in Bahrain and how he was worried about the climate change. Michael wondered if I had seen any changes during my 25 years career as a pilot."

Jackson didn't know much about Finland, but Karu had a funny way to tell facts about Finland as a jokes, so people would remember them better.

"I am pretty much the only Finnish person celebrities meet during their lives, that's why I want to give a good impression of myself. People tend to create the image of the country and people living there based on one person they meet."
Thank you!

What caught my attention was the comment about climate change. This was obviously a concern to Michael and it confirms what Karen Faye Kissinger said about Michael wanting TII to be about getting our act together for this beautiful planet.
Thanks for this :) Michael was so sweet, worrying about the weather and asking the pilot where he would like to fly. Such a pure, innocent heart :)
How beautiful that Michael was thinking so much about our planet, I truely feel at times he was too good for us.

And right on to the Karu who didn't sell MJ out!
So beautiful. I'm glad there are people who didn't sell him.

What caught my attention was the part about Sneddon calling him and making threats so he would testify against Michael......that says a lot...
Lauren Wallace was his GF?

She did however testify in the trial due to the crappy alcohol charges :(
I believe Sneddon wanted her to dish the dirt on Michael, like what she's seen on the jet, but her testimony came out to be positive for Michael.
God, I am proud to be Finnish:)

It is true. Finland does not have this big celebrity culture where you sell your stories....if you do something like that, you are laughed at and really pitied...people do not want to have anything to do with you anymore...that applies in the real world as well..amongst normal people. You really are considered an uneducated country pumpkin if you do such a thing...I think it is common way of thinking in all Nordic countries tho...

I suppose poeple up north tend to be less greedy because life generally is good for all.

Well done Mr Pekka Karu...Bad choice of a girlfriend tho...I bet they are not together anymore.
Thanks for the article. Maybe I should look up the original if this is translated..I have avoided newspapers for the past month. I supposed it hasn't been all that bad.

Michael not being able to pronounce his name. LOL .. that is one of the easiest Finnish names..

"I had already refused twice to testify against Michael when Tom Sneddon himself called me and threatened me to testify. I still refused because I didn't have anything bad to say about Jackson. Sneddon hung up the phone."
So cool.
Finns are no noncense people!:punk:
Thanks for the article. Maybe I should look up the original if this is translated..I have avoided newspapers for the past month. I supposed it hasn't been all that bad.

Michael not being able to pronounce his name. LOL .. that is one of the easiest Finnish names..

So cool.
Finns are no noncense people!:punk:

It could be that pronouncing "r" gave him difficulties...
Its stories like these I wanna hear about and not the constant garbage being spewn by the media and so-called friends!
So beautiful. I'm glad there are people who didn't sell him.

What caught my attention was the part about Sneddon calling him and making threats so he would testify against Michael......that says a lot...

yeah Sneddon thought he could push people around. Good going Karu, didn't let him push you around. Michael was so sweet, he didn't deserve the crap he got.
Cool, way to go Pekka! My dad's name was Pekka too.. :heart: Maybe they're both in heaven now and my dad is trying to teach Michael how to pronounce the name right :smilerolleyes: Sweet thought.
So beautiful. I'm glad there are people who didn't sell him.

What caught my attention was the part about Sneddon calling him and making threats so he would testify against Michael......that says a lot...

That caught my attention to...
that says it all.
Thankyou - and here's another piece of evidence against DS.

I wasn't surprised to hear that Michael kept asking questions...:lol: He has never stopped being curious.
What caught my attention was the part about Sneddon calling him and making threats so he would testify against Michael......that says a lot...

Yep that part of the article caught my eye too!!

So sneddon threatned the man....THAT A***HOLE! :angry:
:yes:Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story of yet another human life that Mike touched and left his remarkable impression. Once again I've got this big ol' grin on my face :D