good idea/bad idea

Visit your best friend for finding him/her doing :naughty: things

Eating popcorn
Kissing a Michael's poster:wub: then suddenly realizing that you are not alone in the room; I wouldn't mind to be discovered at all. :giggle:

Travel to another country
Travel to another country and be taken hostage by terrorists

Hug a friend
give a friend a present and then steal it :mello:

bake a cake
Bake a cake forget about it and it burns in the oven

paying your rent
go fishing for sharks and put yourself as bait :bugeyed

Drawing on your mum's face with permanent marker.

Going to school (wait, this is a bad idea)
Read an interesting book about math :bugeyed

Going to bathroom
Going to the zoo and getting yourself mauled by a bear

That is actually not the worst idea you could have come up with you know :naughty:

Focus so hard that your brain explodes

do the washing up
Do the washing up all night

Travelling through time
Travel through time and get stuck during WW2 :eek:

make your bed
Make your bed forgetting you're going to sleep in it in a minute.
Drink orange juice and figure out it was actually raw egg yolk :puke:

play with your brother.
Smiling for a photo in which you're not :lol:

clean your room?