good idea/bad idea


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is how it works: someone puts down a good idea then someone puts a bad or messed up version of that good idea. Once you put down the bad idea make your own good idea, but only good idea so the next person puts the bad idea.:yes:


Good Idea: Giving your friend chocolate milk.

Bad Idea: Giving your friend expired chocolate milk.

Ok lets start.

The next person puts up a bad version of mine and then their own good idea.

Good Idea: Taking a shower before a date.

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Taking a shower while wearing the clothes you will be wearing during the date.

Writing an e-mail to the person you like.
Spilling out your feelings onto the screen, only to send it to the wrong person!

Ordering an item from the internet.

P.S. This is an awesome idea!
Ordering an 18 film while still under-age and having your mum open the package when it arrives.

Brushing your teeth straight after having a meal.
Buying the snack with the money that you would use for the travel back home.

Arriving at work early.
Arriving at work early without a key to get in and you have to wait in the pouring rain for ages

shaking hands with a famous person
Shaking hands with a famous person after you've sneezed

Studying hard for a test
Making people smile because you're making a fool of yourself.

Waking up from a nice sleep.
Going out with no money and finding something you really like that you know will sell out quickly.

Calling a friend
going outside and forgetting to put your clothes on

eating fruit
Hanging out with friends and being purposely obnoxious

working out
Buying a mother's day gift for your mum when mother's day was the day before.

Buying a CD.
Going to a museum and trashing it

being nice to someone
Being nice to someone then insulting them straight afterwards.

Having a hot shower.
having a hot shower when there's extremely hot weather outside and you're hot as well :bomb:

celebrating your birthday
Talking to someone you love and admire when you've just crapped in your underwear.

Eating a sausage.