Girl throws puppies in the river.....4chan and other aim to find her.

Jan 17, 2004

video is considered graphic and shows animal abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video of girl throwing puppies into river sparks outrage
(AFP) – 4 hours ago

WASHINGTON — A video of a girl tossing half-a-dozen puppies into a river has sparked outrage online with chat forums and Facebook pages calling for her to be tracked down and punished.
The 44-second video, which was originally posted on YouTube, shows a blonde girl in a red sweatshirt casually taking the squealing black-and-white puppies out of a white bucket and tossing them into the fast-moving river one by one.The video was removed from YouTube but has been embedded on a number of other sites.

Several Facebook pages have been created dedicated to exposing the girl, who appears to be a teenager, including one called "Find the Girl Who Threw Puppies in River" that has attracted more than 1,200 friends.
"Find this girl and send her to prison for animal cruelty," Facebook user Jacqueline Wills wrote on the page.

"Throw her in the river!!!" wrote Dave Sherrid.
Many of the messages on Internet message forum 4chan threatened extreme violence against the girl, who was identified by some users as being from Bosnia.

The puppies video surfaced just days after an uproar in Britain over a video which showed a 45-year-old woman dumping a cat in a trash can.
The woman became the subject of an Internet hate campaign after her actions were caught on camera and the footage posted online.
The cat was discovered and rescued 15 hours later.

I've seen plenty of videos where animals get tortured, dog being hit numerous times with a skateboard. Last year the two a-holes throwing a dog off a bridge...i'm done with that. I know damn well know how fucking evil the human being can be, watching a video of this is only gonna make me even more pissed off and that ain't gonna do any good, cause there's nothing you can do about it. Plenty of people, such as these are rotten as hell and deserve to be treated the exact same goddamn way.
OMG..that was so upsetting..there has to be someway to track this chic down...there is NOWAY that she can be allowed to get away with that.
THUMBS UP to 4Chan, she's already been found.


I don't think i'm allowed to post the rest here, but her phone number, school, adress, etc...ALL of it has been found.
good work 4chan...I hope this little brat gets what is coming to her....animal cruelty does not go over with me.....cruelty of any uncalled for.
Another one...



I really wonder what will happen now. Will this go over to the police, cause the video should be sufficient evidence or will something else go down....
Playing with animals like that isn't okay and ought to be condemned , but I have always wondered how people who are so enthusiastic about animal rights can spend their lives defending animals and not humans as much.
I am sure they have their reasons. Don't forget..humans can still defend themselves in some way, puppies like these really can't. I also think they are kinda becoming fed up with people in general because of the beyond horrific things people do to animals....there are so many examples of it.

Also, in what kind of way exactly would these people need to defend other people? Please give me some examples....they are PLENTY of helpcenters and organisations for that, for animals? Not so all.
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i cant bare to see animals in pain or being abused like this :(
That's awful.

I hope she has to go to court.

There is nothing what so ever that can defend such behavior. And worst of all, it seems like she's having a blast. Laughing and everything. Shame on her...
THUMBS UP to 4Chan, she's already been found.


I don't think i'm allowed to post the rest here, but her phone number, school, adress, etc...ALL of it has been found.
Thankfully she was found and I hope she is punished. Will if it is thrown into the river she like? I'm sure not.

I feel sick human beings. They are so cruel. That's sick. :(
Oooh, I'm not gonna watch those videos. I know I can't... :no:
You know, I'm not a violent person. Not at all... But I have some very nice ideas for that girl, how to make her suffer...! :angry::mat: I mean people like that, can they even be called human beings?! :angry:
OMG WTF IS WRONG WITH HER!! Hope she goes to jail for that!

Really can't believe somebody doing this, sick pathetic girl.

I am really stunned by lookin at that video, can't believe it
That video is horrible, she tosses them into the river like they're lifeless stones. She even jokes around and the person who filmed it she be punished too, who would assist someone in this kind of cruelty. Poor puppies :(
What kind of a demented person would do such a thing?! Those are just little puppies. I cannot watch the video. I hope they are severely punished. Although nothing could ever be punishment enough for these sickos. You know, I'm not the biggest animal type person but cruelty to helpless creatures is intolerable!
Playing with animals like that isn't okay and ought to be condemned , but I have always wondered how people who are so enthusiastic about animal rights can spend their lives defending animals and not humans as much.

I can somewhat relate to that. It's not right by any means, but she must have been through some serious mess in order to do that.
Go browse /b/ (random board on 4chan), I'm sure you'll find something worse in just a few minutes. I'm desensitised to these kind of things now...

EDIT: literally just went on there and the first thread I see is a dog gore thread. Knew it.
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I had saw this on the Headline News Channel last night. I only saw a part of this video from what they had shown. But it was a very sickening and very disgusting and horrific thing to see something like that. How can anyone do that to some innocent helpless puppies. Seeing that video was a reminder of what my aunt (Only by marriage) did one time many years ago. Her daughter's cat had kittens and she took those kittens and she drown them in to my grandfather's pond. I guess she didn't want to deal with taking care of them. Or that it was too much bother for her to take them to an animal shelter or our local pet store. Where other people could have wanted those kittens. I really don't know what her demented reason was to do something so sick and disgusting as that. But there was no reason for her to drown some helpless innocent kittens. But ever since what I heard of what my aunt did. I really don't speak at all with her anymore. There is only one thing I hate more than a Michael Jackson hater is someone who cruel and heartless towards animals. There is just no reason for that at all.
You know people like that are very weak and cowardly people. The reason why they pick on animals is because they know that animals can't fight back (unless is a big bear or a rhino) anyhow, I mean if they were to challenge another human they know they wouldn't stand a chancne and that's why the pick on poor defensless animals.
It saddens me to think that in order to achieve a sense of identity and a purpose they must impose such cruelty onto such beautiful and harmelss creatures such as those small puppies.
Let's throw her into the river, she if she's laughing and having fun then.
Go browse /b/ (random board on 4chan), I'm sure you'll find something worse in just a few minutes. I'm desensitised to these kind of things now...

EDIT: literally just went on there and the first thread I see is a dog gore thread. Knew it.

A thread about it? Oh my...i sure as hell am not gonna check it out. I can never get desensitised by this, its too horrible. If what i think that word means is correct, of course. Sure i've seen more horrible things than this done to animals in videos...but i never get used to it..impossible, cause its way too sick.
Puppy-throwing girl offers purported YouTube apology

If you haven't yet seen the video of a girl in a red hoodie throwing live puppies into a river, you haven't missed much. Just arrant cruelty delivered with a youthful smile and the question: "Can they swim?"

However, just as with the English lady who threw a cat into a bin for 15 hours, the Web has been like a detective show in constant motion, ruthlessly seeking out the perpetrator in preparation for a conviction.

On Tuesday, members of 4Chan and, it seemed, anyone else with a large conscience and a small amount to do with their day, offered clues as to the girl's identity.

On Wednesday, a video of apology appeared on YouTube, purporting to be from the girl in the video.

Using just one still frame from the video, the apology reads: "My name is Katja Puschnik and I would like to appologize [sic] for my behavior. The puppies belong to my grandma and she told me to get rid off them because they were only 3 days and they were ill. They had parasites from their mother. I didn't knew [sic] exactly what to do so I thrown [sic] them in the river because it was a short death. I did not want to make them suffer. I am really sorry for this:("

There is no way of knowing whether this video is genuine. Or whether someone is trying to set up Puschnik for Web ridicule or worse.

But, if anything, the outpouring of hate towards her hovers somewhere between the uncontrolled and the uncontrollable. At the time of writing, there is a still-active Facebook group called "Kill the Puppy-Throwing Girl."

Some on the Web are beginning to appreciate just how much power they possess in threatening the lives of those who might be guilty--or just might not be. The Web makes it so easy to accuse and so hard to retract. And the definition of a crime becomes "anything of which I don't approve."

This post on Reddit (NSFW), for example, asks people to think about that power. It offers that "Internet lynch mob s***" can harness an extreme negative force, one that might be entirely misplaced.

What's the chance now of Puschnik (who is reported to live in Germany) or--if it isn't, in fact, her--the real perpetrator, suffering physical harm because a resourceful group on the Web has tracked her down?

Read more:
Using just one still frame from the video, the apology reads: "My name is Katja Puschnik and I would like to appologize [sic] for my behavior. The puppies belong to my grandma and she told me to get rid off them because they were only 3 days and they were ill. They had parasites from their mother. I didn't knew [sic] exactly what to do so I thrown [sic] them in the river because it was a short death. I did not want to make them suffer. I am really sorry for this:sad:"

I do not know if it's real, but it is, why the puppies and the mother were not taken to the veterinary for treatment as they were with parasites? I do not understand why people do that. Probably they did not want to spend money on veterinary and preferred to solve the "problem" the easy way. Sick. :(

Then, still nothing happened with the girl?
See, this is exactly the problem I have with today's media and the Internet. Sure, what she did was wrong, but now she's getting death threats. And if the Youtube clip is true, then it sounds like it was just an error in judgement.

Everybody tries to be an advocate nowadays.
Death threats is too far. But what the girl did was just pure evil.

She's old enough to realise that chucking puppies into a river is the WRONG thing to do no matter 'how' she was brought up.

An eye for an eye and all that, maybe someone should throw her into a river and see how she likes it.

There is no way of knowing whether this video is genuine. Or whether someone is trying to set up Puschnik for Web ridicule or worse.

But, if anything, the outpouring of hate towards her hovers somewhere between the uncontrolled and the uncontrollable. At the time of writing, there is a still-active Facebook group called "Kill the Puppy-Throwing Girl."

Some on the Web are beginning to appreciate just how much power they possess in threatening the lives of those who might be guilty--or just might not be. The Web makes it so easy to accuse and so hard to retract. And the definition of a crime becomes "anything of which I don't approve."

This post on Reddit (NSFW), for example, asks people to think about that power. It offers that "Internet lynch mob s***" can harness an extreme negative force, one that might be entirely misplaced.

What's the chance now of Puschnik (who is reported to live in Germany) or--if it isn't, in fact, her--the real perpetrator, suffering physical harm because a resourceful group on the Web has tracked her down?

That's exactly it. We don't know if this video is even real or not. Apparently this girl has deleted all her accounts like facebook and so on, she doesn't want to be found. Why would she all of a sudden post an apology on youtube stating her whole name? Now this girl named Katja Puschnik had to go into hiding with her whole family because there are some fanatics out there who want some blood, and they don't even have proof that it is really her who threw those puppies.
It's quite disturbing how quickly people can turn into a lynch mob. I am not condoning what this girl has done, but I think 4chan and the mob should put their (bloodthirsty) energy into more useful things. Why don't they fight with the same vigour for the poor, the sick and the disadvantaged? Or if they don't care about people (and they obviously don't) why don't they help other animals who have suffered from cruelty? There are a lot of ways how you can help those animals. So why don't they do all that? I guess wanting to kill someone is more satisfying for some people.

What about those children who rape other children? What about those children who kill other children? This happens all the time. Oh, I forgot, there aren't any videos of this on youtube. People are shocked when they hear these things, but forget them very quickly. But a video will be stuck inside their head forever.