Gif me a Gif and I'll Gif you a Gif.

In 7.02 and the thing with those leviathans. :crazy: :p .... and with Sam. :worried:

Well, I told you you would be shocked with Cas at the end of 6 and beginning of 7. :D Leviathans are the main villains this season. :p And it'll be explained how they got here if it hasn't already been. I don't remember. :lol: And with Sam... well, Cas broke the wall. :p That can't be good, can it? ;)
Yeah, I know. :sigh:
I think it has already been explained. :unsure:
Will Cas come back? :unsure: :pray:
Well, basically, Cas ate them, and then they all leaked out of him. :lol:

Yeah, he'll be back at the end of the season. :p But he will be... different. :girl_whistle:
You can't jokey-rhyme your way out of this one. :rofl:


Why does he always say wise things while eating? It's positively disturbing. :rofl:

I love that Sam is covered in glitter and he gives Dean a giant slinky. :rofl:
7. :rofl: It's from Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie. :D
