Getting to Know You!

i'm younger than this whole website (2007)
i'm in australia, i don't ride a kangaroo to school and i'm studying psychology in 2026
my name is charli
i'm a female
i love MJ and his music
i like his sisters music too (janet)
i'm younger than this whole website (2007)
i'm in australia, i don't ride a kangaroo to school and i'm studying psychology in 2026
my name is charli
i'm a female
i love MJ and his music
i like his sisters music too (janet)
Actually you're not the youngest. That puts you at about 17, and there's younger than that here on the forum. Which is nice, it's great having young people here on the forum.
Actually you're not the youngest. That puts you at about 17, and there's younger than that here on the forum. Which is nice, it's great having young people here on the forum.
yeah, there is some younger ones.

i worded that wrong, my appologies😂
i meant i was younger than the website itself as i see things that were posted in like 2004.

but it is great that there are younger and older people on the forum!