Just a Girl
Proud Member
female and hello everyone!
I'm sure the majority are female, but one of the differences between MJ and popular male stars who emulate him is that he has a MUCH stronger male fanbase than those other artists. Compare the number of dudes you've seen at Michael Jackson concerts to Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown. And I'll bet that most of the guys at a JT or CB show are either there with a girl, or are gay and have a crush on the singer just like the female fans lol. Nothing wrong with that, but the point is that Michael has a reach to all demographics that is legitimately because of how great his music is.
female. there should be an option to state that in the lil bio thing under the avatar. people keep calling me 'he'. chamone, fellas.
to all the ones who said they were male, i totally just checked all of you out.
154 females:91 males. i am on the wrong damn board. :girl_sad:
This was actually just a cunning ruse to find out what hot female mj fans lived close to me so we could hook up
Guys wanted to be him and girls wanted to....well theres kids about
Ride "free willy" .....sorry I couldn't help :lol: