not routinely - LOVE! horses but don't really love the idea of "driving" things that have a mind of their own plus are fast as **** plus all that horse power lol (am I a control freak? )
being chased by wolves.......this is a real dream I had
Im running and running through lots of snow then theres a tunnel
of snow and I go through that then the wolves almost catch me
and I end up at an old movie theater? I look up but the Marque
shows no advert for a film or?? and its closed down? then I run back through
the tunnel the wolves are gone but I end up on the edge of a
cliff...Ive dreamt this several times and each time its altered? shrugs.......
What was your most fave toy to play with as a child?
when I went camping with my kids and I was rowing them all around this lake and we were all talking and having fun...also when we were together not long ago in my daughters room all dancing and laughing. and watching them with our baby girl Emmy. It melts my heart watching them love her.
One of my Uncles...Hes so backwoods but so cool
he tells different tales of the old times he lives
off the land and doesnt care what people say or
think of him hes awesome so real and genuine
I love it! he talks with that old style I could listen
to him for hours on end.
where do you like to retreat to when youre upset
and need some time alone?
Somewhere dark and small...When I was little I would go behind my waterbed. Now...I don't really know. Sometimes I drive. fast...or no-where.
Id like to change the state of the world and
make it not so violent and bring back the innocence
that the children seem to be losing?
I know thats sort of a dream but the state of the
world so bothers me right now....
if you could help someone anyone at all right now? who
would it be and why?
My brother because he could be losing his house. I wanted to help him finish it because he worked so hard at it.
^^ That is exactly what I have been thinking about lately...especially the kids but I have to start at my own home. and I wonder how to take that further.
Do you believe that sometimes our dreams can hold answers to the questions that we are seeking an answer to? Ever have a dream answer something for you and what was it?
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