Geraldine Hughes Talks About How Michael's Mother Is Dealing With His Death


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Aw. This almost made me cry. Post from her Facebook. You can add her if you'd like. I posted her link below. And check out Deborah's interview with her. She witnessed the 1993 allegations put against Michael. I posted the link to that as well.

These post are for those that are ready to understand and move from grief to comfort. It is a personal choice and I'm not trying to force anyone to move forward sooner than you are ready to. I understand losing Michael Jackson is a real painful loss for millions of his fans. I got the chance to sit and talk with Katherine Jackson after MJ's death. She couldn't bear to even talk about him at first. But after several hours, we had her laughing and talking. I believe this was her first time being able to laugh since his death. Now she is doing fine and busy working on the museum project. It did her good to sit and talk about him and share memories.

My words are for those that are ready to move to the next level of grief, which is understanding why this happened and the meaning of it all. I don't profess to have all the answers. That's why sharing is good. Everyone brings something to make a full picture and bring understanding. I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth. You are right when you say, we need to be comforted. I hope you can find comfort in what I am saying.
Heartbreaking. Poor Katherine. Children shouldn't die before their parents, it's against nature. Parents shouln't d suffer such grief. I will never forget the look on Katherine's face during the funeral. Pure agony. It's nice she has things she can get busy with (by the way, didn't know she was working on a museum project).

As for this:
I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth.
When I read things like that I really wish I were a religious person because it probably would have helped me to come to terms with this tradegy knowing that God needed him most and that's why he took him. But I am not religious and these thoughts don't bring me any comfort. The only thing I can think about is that it wasn't his time to go.
Heartbreaking. Poor Katherine. Children shouldn't die before their parents, it's against nature. Parents shouln't d suffer such grief. I will never forget the look on Katherine's face during the funeral. Pure agony. It's nice she has things she can get busy with (by the way, didn't know she was working on a museum project).

As for this:
When I read things like that I really wish I were a religious person because it probably would have helped me to come to terms with this tradegy knowing that God needed him most and that's why he took him. But I am not religious and these thoughts don't bring me any comfort. The only thing I can think about is that it wasn't his time to go.

I have been a christian for 7 years and I don't know what I would have done without that thought for comfort. Even so, it still seems really unfair though :hug:
Wow...ok this is really wired because after reading that...somehow i have peace within my self. No joke people. I've been trying to have peace with in my self since June 25th. and never really achieved it but its been a long time coming.

The feeling I have right now is just something heavy drained out of me...something that i've been carrying inside of me...carrying on my shoulders.

"My words are for those that are ready to move to the next level of grief, which is understanding why this happened and the meaning of it all." This sentences speaks to me. I dont totally know why it happened but I'm understanding . I realize now that Michael is free...For real y'all. I used to say he's in a better place with out understanding the deeper meaning of it and just because others say it. But now, its like something has cleared in front of my eyes. It used to be foggy. Michael is happy y'all. He's up there with God, Jesus...the angels...and receiving gifts from them for what he has done to help, change the world.

It's not a sad story anymore people. Now, For me, Its a great tale. Its an amazing life and HE KNEW that he was loved when he was born, and KNEW He was Loved when he went away, and HE Dealt With Everything in between! I am truly happy. :cry: truly truly happy... :yes:

I want everyone to know that WE(fans), friends, family, We aint gotta do NOTHING anymore except spread his message and keep his Legacy alive. Everything else that is a "conspiracy" will be unveiled by God. It already is...You see, Nothing is invisible to God:angel:...Let go of your hurt...Its gonna take a long time:timer:, But You can do it. You are no lesser fan if you dont cry everyday...if you dont dream about him, if you dont feel him around you. You have him in you heart and thats the most important and pure thing.

I will NEVER get over his Death...But I can say now that I'm at peace with it. :)

Thankyou for this have no idea how it helped me(well i guess u do) :D

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Heartbreaking. Poor Katherine. Children shouldn't die before their parents, it's against nature. Parents shouln't d suffer such grief. I will never forget the look on Katherine's face during the funeral. Pure agony. It's nice she has things she can get busy with (by the way, didn't know she was working on a museum project).

As for this:
When I read things like that I really wish I were a religious person because it probably would have helped me to come to terms with this tradegy knowing that God needed him most and that's why he took him. But I am not religious and these thoughts don't bring me any comfort. The only thing I can think about is that it wasn't his time to go.

Exactly. No one can tell me that God wanted it this way.
I realize now that Michael is free...For real y'all. I used to say he's in a better place with out understanding the deeper meaning of it and just because others say it. But now, its like something has cleared in front of my eyes. It used to be foggy. Michael is happy y'all. He's up there with God, Jesus...the angels...and receiving gifts from them for what he has done to help, change the world.

It's not a sad story anymore people. Now, For me, Its a great tale. Its an amazing life and HE KNEW that he was loved when he was born, and KNEW He was Loved when he went away, and HE Dealt With Everything in between! I am truly happy. :cry: truly truly happy... :yes:

Your words made me cry. :cry: I am so glad you feel that way! Hopefully we all will get there one day. I am not there yet. But I am trying the best I can. I know Michael would want us to.
I'm Catholic and I do not agree with this..

I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth.

Michael was taken from us by the action of man not by God.

I really hate it when people say things like this, like it was meant to be, like it was 'his time', it wasn't.

I do take comfort in knowing his spirit is in a great place though, that he is at peace and being rewarded for all the good he did on earth [those are my beliefs].
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I just want to thank Geraldine for saying this because as a Christian, this same thought is what has helped me through the most difficult time in my life. When you have been a Jackson fan as long as I have, 40 years, it is not easy to have one of the people you have loved for that long just unexpectedly leave you forever. I had to find some type of comfort in the chaos of misunderstanding as to why. I knew the who, what, when and how but I didn't know why. Knowing God and how He gives us all a purpose in life; having studied Michael's life over the past 40 years helped me to understand that Michael had accomplished what God had created him for. I yet wonder if Michael was ready to go yet and whether he had realized his mission was accomplished but when we look back over Michael's life and all of his achievements aside from all the alcolades and awards, I think we will find that in many ways, Michael may have been ready to go home (to heaven). We know he was tired and in pain and although he still had goals he was wanting to accomplish and had ideas coming in at a pace he thought would never stop, deep down inside, he knew he had already done what God had sent him to do. He had already delivered the message to the world that God had sent him to give us. I think that sometimes, expecially in Michael's case, we only notice the messenger and not the message. We can only hear the message after the messenger has left us. That is the way it has been with all the great artists in history. We never know what we got 'til it's gone. :yes:
wow... *sigh*
I was thinking about Katherine all last night; I have been so worried about her. This makes me happy to know she's doing well...

Do you have the link?
Thank know, even when MJ was alive I saw what he was going through...I could feel his pain. When he was ready to go on stage, I was happy but tired...tired of being worried about him. I felt like all what went on really sucked all energy that I had...I was trying so hard to believe, that he would be OK again...I felt so tired....because I loved him..for all the things he gave to me, I felt I had to do whatever I could to make it OK again. I just wanted him to pull through...

Now, after all these months...I can look back and smile. I feel better somehow even though he is gone...and I know he is with God. I do not need to worry about him anymore.
This made me understand the reason why Michael wanted his kids to be with his mother so she would at least feel his present and the love he left behind my heart goes out to every one who loved michael dearly who are trying to move on.
I moved on from Michael Death but I still miss him and I know he shouldn't be gone the way he died wasn't natural courses it was in vain by the hands of other people. I believe the demonds think they won their battle but god angels will handle them. Michael was a gift he was history a black man who stood for what he believe in that's caring for the world, the earth, children etc. When I was looking at his speeches on youtube I realize what a real down to earth person he was and those who bashed him should feel Ill right now but at the end of the day this man left his gift of united love something that a lot of people need.
Thank you for sharing, it does in a way make me feel a little better. Michael's mother was so important to him, probably the one person who knew him better than anyone, and her pain must be so deep. That she is starting to feel better makes me happy.
We will always miss him and a part of me will never be the same.
I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth.

I just cannot believe this.
I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth. You are right when you say, we need to be comforted. I hope you can find comfort in what I am saying.

I just cannot believe this.

Yea, I have a hard time with this too.
That's not exactly what I believe, but I guess we all believe different things.
Aw. This almost made me cry. Post from her Facebook. You can add her if you'd like. I posted her link below. And check out Deborah's interview with her. She witnessed the 1993 allegations put against Michael. I posted the link to that as well.

These post are for those that are ready to understand and move from grief to comfort. It is a personal choice and I'm not trying to force anyone to move forward sooner than you are ready to. I understand losing Michael Jackson is a real painful loss for millions of his fans. I got the chance to sit and talk with Katherine Jackson after MJ's death. She couldn't bear to even talk about him at first. But after several hours, we had her laughing and talking. I believe this was her first time being able to laugh since his death. Now she is doing fine and busy working on the museum project. It did her good to sit and talk about him and share memories.

My words are for those that are ready to move to the next level of grief, which is understanding why this happened and the meaning of it all. I don't profess to have all the answers. That's why sharing is good. Everyone brings something to make a full picture and bring understanding. I would like to say that the devil CANNOT do anything without God's permission. Therefore, God did allow it and when God allows someone good to die, they have already accomplished their goal here on earth. You are right when you say, we need to be comforted. I hope you can find comfort in what I am saying.

There is no understanding for why this happened. It wasn't his time. Michael was taken from us by another person on this earth. I still don't even understand how this happened let alone why...The only reason I can come up with for "why" is some people are greedy and evil? Yea, I think that's about right. There is no "getting over" this, for me anyways. All I can do is continue living and spreading Michael's message. Fxck and I'm crying again....:cry: damn I was doing good today too. :doh:
There is no understanding for why this happened. It wasn't his time. Michael was taken from us by another person on this earth. I still don't even understand how this happened let alone why...The only reason I can come up with for "why" is some people are greedy and evil? Yea, I think that's about right. There is no "getting over" this, for me anyways. All I can do is continue living and spreading Michael's message. Fxck and I'm crying again....:cry: damn I was doing good today too. :doh:

I know that pain...
I still can't bare to even look at Katherine. I know how close the 2 were & plus, when you hear someone on tv, introducing Katherine & saying 'after loosing her son..' it doesn't make sense. its heartbreaking - no parent should loose a son / daughter first.
I feel so awful for Katherine. She lost her son, no parent should ever have to bury their child. Her face was etched with pain during the memorial and funeral. She looks so devastated. Michael was her baby and no parent should ever have to go through that pain.
p.s. she has a facebook?? is it under name, Katherine Jackson or an alias??
Wow...ok this is really wired because after reading that...somehow i have peace within my self. No joke people. I've been trying to have peace with in my self since June 25th. and never really achieved it but its been a long time coming.

The feeling I have right now is just something heavy drained out of me...something that i've been carrying inside of me...carrying on my shoulders.

"My words are for those that are ready to move to the next level of grief, which is understanding why this happened and the meaning of it all." This sentences speaks to me. I dont totally know why it happened but I'm understanding . I realize now that Michael is free...For real y'all. I used to say he's in a better place with out understanding the deeper meaning of it and just because others say it. But now, its like something has cleared in front of my eyes. It used to be foggy. Michael is happy y'all. He's up there with God, Jesus...the angels...and receiving gifts from them for what he has done to help, change the world.

It's not a sad story anymore people. Now, For me, Its a great tale. Its an amazing life and HE KNEW that he was loved when he was born, and KNEW He was Loved when he went away, and HE Dealt With Everything in between! I am truly happy. :cry: truly truly happy... :yes:

I want everyone to know that WE(fans), friends, family, We aint gotta do NOTHING anymore except spread his message and keep his Legacy alive. Everything else that is a "conspiracy" will be unveiled by God. It already is...You see, Nothing is invisible to God:angel:...Let go of your hurt...Its gonna take a long time:timer:, But You can do it. You are no lesser fan if you dont cry everyday...if you dont dream about him, if you dont feel him around you. You have him in you heart and thats the most important and pure thing.

I will NEVER get over his Death...But I can say now that I'm at peace with it. :)

Thankyou for this have no idea how it helped me(well i guess u do) :D


i agree 100% :)
Heartbreaking. Poor Katherine. Children shouldn't die before their parents, it's against nature. Parents shouln't d suffer such grief. I will never forget the look on Katherine's face during the funeral. Pure agony. It's nice she has things she can get busy with (by the way, didn't know she was working on a museum project).

As for this:
When I read things like that I really wish I were a religious person because it probably would have helped me to come to terms with this tradegy knowing that God needed him most and that's why he took him. But I am not religious and these thoughts don't bring me any comfort. The only thing I can think about is that it wasn't his time to go.

I am a religious person and these thoughts don't bring comfort. I know people have to come to terms with things the best way they know how, but I hate when people say things like this as well. It's not comforting it is the opposite. And it enlists not hope but rage.

But for any who have been uplifted by this, than so be it. I guess this isn't the place for me to let that out anyway. I dunno. Whatever. :no:

Sorry, can someone point me to the link? I didn't see it.

And how can it have been time? Michael was FINALLY able to live happily with his children. His children need and deserve him after all they have been through. He was doing what he loved and was free at last...

I respect everyone's different views, but many people have told me over the past 6 months "at least he's in a better place," and to me that was a cop-out. They didn't/don't understand the depth of my emotions for Michael and find it easier to say 'he's in a better place.' It seems more like a way to conclude the conversation, which is understandable because people aren't used to real emotions in everyday chatter. But nobody knows anything about the afterlife (if there is one), and if it really is a better place, why aren't we all there? What's the point of this life?

Personally, I think Michael loved life and had much more to live/love/experience. His children - and this world - needed him too...

I really feel for Katherine. :(
Same here...:( I don't know who this Geraldine Hughes person is and really don't get what she's saying here. All I can say is my heart breaks everytime I think about Mama Katherine.

Sorry, can someone point me to the link? I didn't see it.

And how can it have been time? Michael was FINALLY able to live happily with his children. His children need and deserve him after all they have been through. He was doing what he loved and was free at last...

I respect everyone's different views, but many people have told me over the past 6 months "at least he's in a better place," and to me that was a cop-out. They didn't/don't understand the depth of my emotions for Michael and find it easier to say 'he's in a better place.' It seems more like a way to conclude the conversation, which is understandable because people aren't used to real emotions in everyday chatter. But nobody knows anything about the afterlife (if there is one), and if it really is a better place, why aren't we all there? What's the point of this life?

Personally, I think Michael loved life and had much more to live/love/experience. His children - and this world - needed him too...

I wholeheartedly agree....
Honestly, when I hear someone who is not an MJ fan or just a casual fan saying things like, "He's in a better place" or "We should celebrate his legacy", that gives me NO comfort and gets on my nerves sometimes.
Of course, I do believe he's somewhere beautiful and wonderful up there and don't have to deal with all the drama. But, I've never forgotten this one thing: he coulda lived comfortably with his kids, growing old and watching them grow. Why wasn't he given that chance? Why?
you know what? i am religious, but i ain't at peace with this.
I feel you.

I am not religious and I really don't get what this Geraldine Hughes person is talkin bout.