Gary, Indiana to honor MJ with a theme park

OMG is this true!!?? Indianas not so far to me. I would love to go there :)
Wow that's so cool!
If they actually do this, I can't wait to see it!
This is true but Memphis was his home, Gary hasn't been a home for Michael for some time, plus memphis has the lorraine motel, Beale street and sun studios. It is also not too far away from Nashville which is the home of country music and RCA and many of Elvis' fans grew up in an era where country music was the most popular genre. Gary means nothing to his fans, Neverland is our mecca.

No, I feel ya', you're right. But I just meant in terms of accessibility. I was responding to whoever said it needed to be in LA or by a huge airport hub by saying Graceland is in TN and people still manage to get there. I think, basically, if Michael's name is attached and there's enough interesting stuff there, then people will flock. I know I will go - no matter where it ends up being. But where I think a tribute/memorial should go is a different conversation. =P
i hope it is true. :angel:

we need such things more and more... everywhere, in every country, every city...

all over needs to have a touch of :heart:Michael

me too!!! :angel: It would be amazing if its true. To have a Zoo, Museum, Theater, Hotel, Theme Park. Sounds almost too good to be true. lol
Neverland will never be used as a public access park. The road it is on is not conductive to traffic and the people who live in the surrounding lots and area don't want it and will fight it.

A place like Vegas would be perfect. Gary, Indiana is not my idea of a hot vacation spot. Just sayin...
i just thought about this and gary isn't a good place to build a theme park. it was on last years tiop 10 dangerous cities in the country and isn't it sorta run down. how can they afford this. i think somplace like california is more accessable, they already have the land at neverland i think that would be more ideal.
I am excited about this project. It would be really nice to have a place here in the US where the fans can go and gather.
God bless Gary for taking part in keeping Michael's legacy alive although due to its location (Its not a tourist destination), it won't be as big as Graceland.

We really need a place for MJ fans around the world to be able to visit regularly. Neverland I feel needs to be that place because everything in it was inspired by Michael, his aura is everywhere there.
C'mon folks this isn't what Michael would have wanted, he wasn't exactly a big fan of Gary, he rarely went back there after leaving as a kid. This is another way for Joe to make money. It should be in California at the least, this is where Michael called home plus the world and his dog visits California whereas Indiana is not even a destination (on offense to the locals) for most travelers.
What matters most for something to succeed is not location. It's that the authorities and people love you.

Neverland is the opposite of that, the authorities positioned them to be anti-Michael, that's the DA office and Sherrifs, from Jim Thomas to his successor. Whereas the public some like him, some are indifferent, some don't like him.

Neverland is a great place, but i know Gary is the best place for MJ's legacy.

Look at his funeral, if he was loved by authorities there, they would have done everything to get him buried there and to make preparations. But instead, they were trying to pull out roadblocks such as "oh, there is a law, no priavte burial", "oh, residents would be inconvenienced by fans"

But then for Gary, they were urging the Jacksons to get MJ buried there.

He may not have lived in Gary much, but it was one time his home, and a place where he is loved, and was even honoured with a key to the city while he was still alive.

It's the best way to get away from the smear of Santa Barbara and establish his legacy with a Gary themepark.

Santa Barbara is far from Los Angeles just as Gary seems far. But when you weigh everything, Gary is the best.

I just wish MJ had created two homes while alive, one in Gary as a holiday home and one in Santa Barbara.

That way, even when the SBPD and LAPD were not interested in justice for him, Gary Indiana authorities would be leaning in his favour and fight in his corner. Because you know what, they would have been part of the investigation, had access to documents, searching MJ's home and would have leaked investigation information to counter what LAPD/SBPD were trying to do to MJ. They may even have pressured their LAPD collegues to pursue Chandler on extortion.

The thing is when you are famous, it helps when you have authorities on your side as they can otherwise misuse their power to sabotage you, as we saw being done to MJ.

Let Santa Barbara lose out and not get millions in tax revenue from an MJ themepark.
He couldn't be buried in Neverland because there is a law in LA preventing burials from taking place outside of a cemetary. I believe the people of LA love him as much as the people of Gary. In the end what matters is that it is a success and i honestly can see it being successful in Gary. I am a huge fan from Ireland and i will definitely make my way to neverland and Forest Lawn cemetery in the next year or two but i have no interest in going to Gary, it means nothing to me, it may aswell be in alaska.
What matters most for something to succeed is not location. It's that the authorities and people love you.

Neverland is the opposite of that, the authorities positioned them to be anti-Michael, that's the DA office and Sherrifs, from Jim Thomas to his successor. Whereas the public some like him, some are indifferent, some don't like him.

Neverland is a great place, but i know Gary is the best place for MJ's legacy.

Look at his funeral, if he was loved by authorities there, they would have done everything to get him buried there and to make preparations. But instead, they were trying to pull out roadblocks such as "oh, there is a law, no priavte burial", "oh, residents would be inconvenienced by fans"

But then for Gary, they were urging the Jacksons to get MJ buried there.

He may not have lived in Gary much, but it was one time his home, and a place where he is loved, and was even honoured with a key to the city while he was still alive.

It's the best way to get away from the smear of Santa Barbara and establish his legacy with a Gary themepark.

Santa Barbara is far from Los Angeles just as Gary seems far. But when you weigh everything, Gary is the best.

I just wish MJ had created two homes while alive, one in Gary as a holiday home and one in Santa Barbara.

That way, even when the SBPD and LAPD were not interested in justice for him, Gary Indiana authorities would be leaning in his favour and fight in his corner. Because you know what, they would have been part of the investigation, had access to documents, searching MJ's home and would have leaked investigation information to counter what LAPD/SBPD were trying to do to MJ. They may even have pressured their LAPD collegues to pursue Chandler on extortion.

The thing is when you are famous, it helps when you have authorities on your side as they can otherwise misuse their power to sabotage you, as we saw being done to MJ.

Let Santa Barbara lose out and not get millions in tax revenue from an MJ themepark.

I agree :cheeky:
Yep. By the sounds of things it's going to happen.
I've been hearing about the park on the radio a lot.
It's suppose to open in JUNE 2010.
(think I would have picked another month tho.)

Imma go on the Moonwalk when I go. Maybe then I can finally say, "I did it!" :D
A MICHAEL Jackson theme park featuring a Thriller rollercoaster is being planned in the singer's hometown.

The 100-acre Michael Jackson entertainment complex in Gary, Indiana, will feature a museum, performing arts centre, hotel, golf course and theme park inspired by the pop singer’s Neverland Ranch.

The $1 billion project will also feature a carousel, big wheel and bumper cars.

Odie Anderson, president of the Jackson family project, told the LA Times work on the theme park is expected to begin sometime this year.

The project is said to be constructed over a 10-year period.
As someone who lives in Gary, I highly doubt this will happen. They been wanting to build something in 'honor' of Michael for years. Even Michael mentioned a project, but it never got off because the city councilors are jerks.

Also, don't be so blinded to think this is all for Michael 'legacy'. This is all about money, plain and simple. This is also about our current Mayor trying to get political points for his re-election. He is not popular here at all and has been using Michael's death as a platform. All you have to do is go to Michael's own house to know that.

Gary is not an ideal anyway for a theme park because we live in a the Midwest. Which means, the park would be close during the winter for half the year like Six Flags and will have to make all its money from March to September. A theme park would be more practical in a place opened year around.

Btw, Gary is not that rundown. After the steel mills closed in the mid 80s, Gary went through a period where we lost half of our population. This cause an increase of crime and drugs. It didn't help we had a mayor who nearly bankrupted the entire city because he was paying his friends. The only good thing he did was get the boats here.

However, thing started to turn around in Gary in the late 90s when we got a good mayor in office. He rebuild the town area for good lower income jobs and gave us that baseball stadium that attracts people for all over the area. We also build a strong relations with Chicago and became kind of a suburb for them. Especially since the housing is a heck of alot cheaper here. We are still in transition, but things are getting better. That is, of course, if our current mayor does not screw everything up.

On the last note about Michael and Gary. He loved the city, but he never build a house or live here for one simple reason. He does not like the cold and we can get some harsh winters. Which he himself stated several times as a kid why he didn't like the Midwest even though he got homesick.
As someone who lives in Gary, I highly doubt this will happen. They been wanting to build something in 'honor' of Michael for years. Even Michael mentioned a project, but it never got off because the city councilors are jerks.

Also, don't be so blinded to think this is all for Michael 'legacy'. This is all about money, plain and simple. This is also about our current Mayor trying to get political points for his re-election. He is not popular here at all and has been using Michael's death as a platform. All you have to do is go to Michael's own house to know that.

Gary is not an ideal anyway for a theme park because we live in a the Midwest. Which means, the park would be close during the winter for half the year like Six Flags and will have to make all its money from March to September. A theme park would be more practical in a place opened year around.

Btw, Gary is not that rundown. After the steel mills closed in the mid 80s, Gary went through a period where we lost half of our population. This cause an increase of crime and drugs. It didn't help we had a mayor who nearly bankrupted the entire city because he was paying his friends. The only good thing he did was get the boats here.

However, thing started to turn around in Gary in the late 90s when we got a good mayor in office. He rebuild the town area for good lower income jobs and gave us that baseball stadium that attracts people for all over the area. We also build a strong relations with Chicago and became kind of a suburb for them. Especially since the housing is a heck of alot cheaper here. We are still in transition, but things are getting better. That is, of course, if our current mayor does not screw everything up.

On the last note about Michael and Gary. He loved the city, but he never build a house or live here for one simple reason. He does not like the cold and we can get some harsh winters. Which he himself stated several times as a kid why he didn't like the Midwest even though he got homesick.

thank you for the overview.

Is the estate even involved? or is it another of Joe Jackson great ideas?

Because if the estate has nothing to do with the Gary "theme park", I doubt they will be able to use MJ's image, let alone his personal memorabilia for the museum/theme park.

Lastly, if this is one of Joe's investment idea, I don't see it getting off the all the previous ideas.
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thank you for the overview.

Is the estate even involved or is it another of Joe Jackson great ideas?

Because if the estate has nothing to do with the Gary "theme park", I doubt they will be able to use MJ's image, let lone his personal memorabilia for the museum/theme park.

Lastly, if this is one of Joe's investment idea, I don't see it getting off the all the previous ideas.

Yeah, Joe is involve because he and the current Mayor get along quite well. Joe even visited the city much more since our current mayor has been in office. That is far too easy and I won't go there.

On a side note, I did have the chance to meet Joe when he came to Gary only a couple months before Michael died. My mom ask if anyone wanted to meet him, but everyone, including my father, said no. It was actually much harsher than that, but I won't go any further on that.

Back on subject, if it is to be believe, Michael's mother is also involve. However, she also does not the best business sense so even if her heart is in the right place, she tends to listen to snakes. You just have to look at her support of the Victory Tour, the crap against Michael's will, and Jermaine's tribute concert to see that.

I actually don't know if Michael's estate itself is involve. I haven't heard anything about it either way. It really just been the Jackson family, namely Joe, pushing this theme park idea. I think the estate would support the project if they see it as helping Michael's image and a money maker. If all they hear is a giant sucking noise, I think they won't support it. However, no one in the city tends to take them seriously after all the broken promises on this matter.

If this project actually happens, I will gladly eat crow. However, history tells me that it won't.

Since we are on the subject of Gary, there is one thing I want to clear up. Namely, I don't really care how the Jacksons tend to talk about Gary like they grew up in downtown Chicago. Gary in the 50s and 60s were rough for blacks, but it was not terrible. The steel mills gave many young men good paying jobs and they didn't even need to finish high school. Those who did went straight to the mill.

My dad who is a proud steelworker makes around 65,000 dollars a year and have very good life insurance. His father also worked in the mill and supported a family of two boys, three girls, and a wife. And my grandmom did not work, she was a stay at home mom. They save their money so well that my dad never knew about his dad being laid off for almost year because they always had food and good clothes.

Also, my dad used to sleep with the door open along with all of the windows during the hot summer. So, there was really no danger of some stranger breaking in and harming everyone. Crime didn't get bad in Gary until the 80s and that was long after the Jacksons left.

I little off subject, but something I wanted to clear.
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Yep. By the sounds of things it's going to happen.
I've been hearing about the park on the radio a lot.
It's suppose to open in JUNE 2010.
(think I would have picked another month tho.)

Imma go on the Moonwalk when I go. Maybe then I can finally say, "I did it!" :D

really so soon??? If its open in June, I wonder if it could be a place of gathering for June 25th for fans? I am excited about this project
Yeah, Joe is involve because he and the current Mayor get along quite well. Joe even visited the city much more since our current mayor has been in office. That is far too easy and I won't go there.

On a side note, I did have the chance to meet Joe when he came to Gary only a couple months before Michael died. My mom ask if anyone wanted to meet him, but everyone, including my father, said no. It was actually much harsher than that, but I won't go any further on that.

Back on subject, if it is to be believe, Michael's mother is also involve. However, she also does not the best business sense so even if her heart is in the right place, she tends to listen to snakes. You just have to look at her support of the Victory Tour, the crap against Michael's will, and Jermaine's tribute concert to see that.

I actually don't know if Michael's estate itself is involve. I haven't heard anything about it either way. It really just been the Jackson family, namely Joe, pushing this theme park idea. I think the estate would support the project if they see it as helping Michael's image and a money maker. If all they hear is a giant sucking noise, I think they won't support it. However, no one in the city tends to take them seriously after all the broken promises on this matter.

If this project actually happens, I will gladly eat crow. However, history tells me that it won't.

Since we are on the subject of Gary, there is one thing I want to clear up. Namely, I don't really care how the Jacksons tend to talk about Gary like they grew up in downtown Chicago. Gary in the 50s and 60s were rough for blacks, but it was not terrible. The steel mills gave many young men good paying jobs and they didn't even need to finish high school. Those who did went straight to the mill.

My dad who is a proud steelworker makes around 65,000 dollars a year and have very good life insurance. His father also worked in the mill and supported a family of two boys, three girls, and a wife. And my grandmom did not work, she was a stay at home mom. They save their money so well that my dad never knew about his dad being laid off for almost year because they always had food and good clothes.

Also, my dad used to sleep with the door open along with all of the windows during the hot summer. So, there was really no danger of some stranger breaking in and harming everyone. Crime didn't get bad in Gary until the 80s and that was long after the Jacksons left.

I little off subject, but something I wanted to clear.

so, some of the stories about Joe being tough with the boys to keep them off the streets, have been embellished?

Are the taxpayers supportive of the theme park? Are they willing to pay to build the place?

I have heard so many things about Gary (poverty, crime), I wonder where that 1.5 bill will come from to build that grand scale attraction.
Are the taxpayers supportive of the theme park? Are they willing to pay to build the place?
i doubt tax moneywill be used. things like this come from private donors
really so soon???
If its open in June, I wonder if it could be a place of gathering
for June 25th for fans? I am excited about this project
Yeah, thats what I thought too, but I guess so.
I've only heard local radios reporting this and they didnt mention
any source, as I can recall. Hopefully something will show up in
print to confirm-one way or the other.