Furious about the haters

I just have no tolerance for people who make cruel comments about him. I didn't tolerate it when he was alive, and I sure as hell am not going to put up with it now. I would never wish death up anyone.......I feel sad for people who have so much hatred in their hearts. They are truly ignorant. I have learned over the past few days that you cannot argue with and idiot.....its a waste of time.
start by looking at the man in the mirror my friend. if he asks u change his ways, heed thy wisdom

I know. Most of my adult beliefs can be tied to Michael's artistry.

About 2 weeks ago I was at the license plate place and this young man yelled at me in the parking lot after I put my hands up in confusion over his driving..... he yells - "whats up your vadge?"

Ummm - I'm not a girl. I don't have a vadge. The ladies in our cubical pod call me "Pat" behind my back because they say it's hard to tell what I am.

All I could do is think of Michael's soft voice - "love others"
I just have no tolerance for people who make cruel comments about him. I didn't tolerate it when he was alive, and I sure as hell am not going to put up with it now. I would never wish death up anyone.......I feel sad for people who have so much hatred in their hearts. They are truly ignorant. I have learned over the past few days that you cannot argue with and idiot.....its a waste of time.

there are message boards ive been a member of for years that illustrate that very point. preach on

it's my affliction, and i deal with it daily with some people. mistaking my passion and love for delusion and calling it a disease. it hurts
there are message boards ive been a member of for years that illustrate that very point. Preach on

it's my affliction, and i deal with it daily with some people. Mistaking my passion and love for delusion and calling it a disease. It hurts
