Furious about the haters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Szczecin, Poland, Poland
I'm so mad at all the people who say that he deserved to die, that he was a rapist and all that. I swear if I hear in public that someone say something like that about him, I'm gonna use some force.
Sorry, I'm just frustrated with the hate towards Michael.
I know, it sucks, that's why I haven't been going out much. I don't need an assault charge on top of all of this, thank you.
I can relate, I work with the public every night, and I have heard every last one of the cruel jokes that have come tumbling out of this event. Some of which have even come from some of my closest friends, thinking I wasn't listening at the time, although the expression on my face was proof enough that they were wrong. I tend to just walk away, at this point, I'm to weak to fight back. I'm still in shock.
I can relate, I work with the public every night, and I have heard every last one of the cruel jokes that have come tumbling out of this event. Some of which have even come from some of my closest friends, thinking I wasn't listening at the time, although the expression on my face was proof enough that they were wrong. I tend to just walk away, at this point, I'm to weak to fight back. I'm still in shock.
Sorry to hear that even your closest friends said mean thing about him...Hugs...
I bought several newspapers and my question is: Why do people speak about things they know shit about?? "Michael bleached himself simple because he hated black people" or "Everything since Dangerous" was nothing. Really? Then what about TDCAU, SIM, Earth Song? I'm sorry, but TDCAU is one of the songs that are played every week in the disco.
Wouldn't it be awful if that's why he died?? Somehow some hater got in there and gave him an injection, because they never believed he was innocent?? I'd watch my back if I were a hater....especially a particularly passionate one...cause noone is ruled out right now. They may just get a nice little visit by the LA police or even the FBI for that matter!
They call Michael is a monster but
They are real mosters with distorted mind

If they would be in shock, I guess those negative and distorted ppl tend to go crazy or thinking commiting suicide more than normal ppl.
Right now, 99% of the world is hurt. Haters only represent 1%. Anyone who talks bad about MJ now will just get an ear full. And to be honest with you, some people just love to be an azz in order to see how you are going to react by them talking bad about MJ. Anyone who talks bad about him well that says alot of them a people. They are the monsters. Michael is at peace and does not have to hear this mess no more.
Everyone around me, fans and non-fans alike have been very supportive. Many have become fans after the positive light from the media.
I cant get angry at the haters anymore i feel only sadness for there spirit, they will never learn
Wouldn't it be awful if that's why he died?? Somehow some hater got in there and gave him an injection, because they never believed he was innocent?? I'd watch my back if I were a hater....especially a particularly passionate one...cause noone is ruled out right now. They may just get a nice little visit by the LA police or even the FBI for that matter!
It's a possibilty... I was very concerned that someone would want to hurt Michael, so that he wouldn't be able to perform those concerts. And now he's dead.
You need to pick your battles. Some people in this world are worth the effort to fight for and Michael is one of those individuals however in this case it's not a fair fight because the trolls aren't worthy of our attention. Right now is a time for strength and self healing before we embark on a new future. Spreading the message and love of Michael.

Haters simply aren't worth the energy.
Don’t give up, fight back, that’s what I am doing most of my time on the Internet, fighting back, that’s what I always do since long time ago, that’s why I chosen my nick name! ;)
Tell me about it - on the R.I.P Michael Jackson (We Miss You) page on facebook there are some real bad comments in the discussion section. I've just been fighting and defending. I'm really thinking they aren't worth the energy, but I can't deal with them not knowing the truth and judging him when they know nothing! It really hurts my heart. Especially as they aren't even listening to all these positive tributes coming out from fellow stars, friends and associates describing michael as a warm, kind, gentle soul. Last night at the BET awards a woman MC Lyte described Michael as an angel walking among us..a misunderstood man.
I know what you mean so much! On the day that Michael passed away, I went out with some friends in hopes that it would take my mind off of what had happened because I had been crying so much earlier. I heard someone say that he is happy that Michael has died and that he hated him and that he deserved it. I was already feeling so depressed and stressed out about what had happened. I didn't say anything to him, I figure people like that do not matter. They don't know Michael like we do, and if they're not going to take the time to know him and all they do is make quick judgements, they are not worth the time! They will not change they're mind no matter how hard you try. I know how bad it hurts, it made my day that much worse, but I have tried to forget about what he said. *hugs*
Tell me about it - on the R.I.P Michael Jackson (We Miss You) page on facebook there are some real bad comments in the discussion section. I've just been fighting and defending. I'm really thinking they aren't worth the energy, but I can't deal with them not knowing the truth and judging him when they know nothing! It really hurts my heart. Especially as they aren't even listening to all these positive tributes coming out from fellow stars, friends and associates describing michael as a warm, kind, gentle soul. Last night at the BET awards a woman MC Lyte described Michael as an angel walking among us..a misunderstood man.

Just a tip, we all know what they are talking about, just keep your replies ready in a word document, then all you have to do is copy-paste, this will save a lot of time.
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they are not worth the time! They will not change they're mind no matter how hard you try. I know how bad it hurts, it made my day that much worse, but I have tried to forget about what he said. *hugs*

Keeping quite could mean you accept what they say, you don’t have to get back at them in same manner using abusive bad words and stuff, some of them are just stupid kids, when you reply you are showing the world your support to MJ.
I'm so mad at all the people who say that he deserved to die, that he was a rapist and all that. I swear if I hear in public that someone say something like that about him, I'm gonna use some force.
Sorry, I'm just frustrated with the hate towards Michael.

and little boys at that, not even women. the amount of rage i feel when i hear that is off the charts
Keeping quite could means you accept what they say, you don’t have to get back at them in same manner using abusive bad words and stuff, some of them are just stupid kids, when you reply you are showing the world your support to MJ.

I know that. I didn't yell at him, but I let him know that what he said hurts because I am such a dedicated fan, and have been for a very long time. He apologized but I don't know if it was sincere or not. I didn't accept the apology..anybody who says something like that to me isn't worthy of being forgiven, at least not at this time. Even though he may not like Michael, the least he could have done was either not say anything at all, or at least show a little compassion for those who love him dearly such as his family, children and fans.
and little boys at that, not even women. the amount of rage i feel when i hear that is off the charts

You disgust me. I haven't eaten in days and you mock us for respecting the body of work and the man.

I bet you went to the infomercial boards and hated on Billy Mays this morning too.

You disgust me. I haven't eaten in days and you mock us for respecting the body of work and the man.

I bet you went to the infomercial boards and hated on Billy Mays this morning too.


its a shame u misread what i said. i recommend a reading comprehension course, and a lesson in manners
its a shame u misread what i said. i recommend a reading comprehension course, and a lesson in manners

I'm sorry. I am new here and don't navigate well, I did not mean to include you.

I am frustrated. I am hurting and every MJJ board I go to, the good threads are closed. People are not trusting. They are protecting their feelings.

I messed up by not joining during his life.

On a good note, there was a thank you note from the hotel incident 33 years ago. My mom found it. It is signed by his mother of all people.

You eating?
I'm sorry. I am new here and don't navigate well, I did not mean to include you.

I am frustrated. I am hurting and every MJJ board I go to, the good threads are closed. People are not trusting. They are protecting their feelings.

I messed up by not joining during his life.

On a good note, there was a thank you note from the hotel incident 33 years ago. My mom found it. It is signed by his mother of all people.

You eating?

will you sell me your flip-flops?
As my nephew would say - "neva"

I have only worn them twice in the last many years. When this happened and when my kitty was hit by a car.

My best moon walk is bare foot (random)... sorry I don't have many friends here.

darn, one can dream.

you really do cherish them.
darn, one can dream.

you really do cherish them.

The background story is amazing. My dad helped Michael out of a locked elevator after MJJ and his family were in the hot tub at a hotel my daddy worked at.

MJJ took them off his feet on the spot after he heard I was a fan. w jw

Then the family wrote a thank you card to my dad.

I bet if you laid all of the items down next to each other that MJJ gave from his heart, it would go around the world.
The background story is amazing. My dad helped Michael out of a locked elevator after MJJ and his family were in the hot tub at a hotel my daddy worked at.

MJJ took them off his feet on the spot after he heard I was a fan. w jw

Then the family wrote a thank you card to my dad.

I bet if you laid all of the items down next to each other that MJJ gave from his heart, it would go around the world.

once or twice? im betting on the latter. that story of yours is amazing. i read it with my kitten and puppy (they are friends and get along great so far, fingers crossed) on my lap, and if i didnt know better i saw them reading intently with me and their little eyes glossing over. its probably in my head, but my emotions run strong these days
once or twice? im betting on the latter. that story of yours is amazing. i read it with my kitten and puppy (they are friends and get along great so far, fingers crossed) on my lap, and if i didnt know better i saw them reading intently with me and their little eyes glossing over. its probably in my head, but my emotions run strong these days


The last time I wore these, my kitty was hit by a car.

Hug those pets!!!!!!!

My therapist tells me I have to get over the fear of loss and get another.... then this happens.


The last time I wore these, my kitty was hit by a car.

Hug those pets!!!!!!!

My therapist tells me I have to get over the fear of loss and get another.... then this happens.


start by looking at the man in the mirror my friend. if he asks u change his ways, heed thy wisdom