Funny Michael Jackson facts

When God created the earth he turned to Michael and asked ''What do you think?'' and Michael's reaction was ''Needs more booty''

James Brown wanted to become a performer after he had a vison of Michael Jackson performing on the Bad Tour in the future

The movie Moonwalker was actually a real life documentary with no special affects

Everytime Michael reads a fact about him he doesn't laugh. He just simply nods

When approaching Michael it's recommeded that you out on lots of sun screen

When Michael illegally downloads music he get's thank you letters from those artists

Michael once took a maths test and wrote Love for all his answers and he got a 100% high score. Cause Michael solves all his problems with love
hhe its nice but 1 thing the titel suggest real facts so i was hoping for real facts so maybe change the titel,.,

what would michael do, i found hilarisch! which twitter is this?