Funeral Program w/ Messages From Jacksons

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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thanks for this

has anyone got the bit et online showed before which was from the invitation showing that poem they wrote....we loved him, we laughed with him etc? i thought i had saved it but now i can only find it on flash player and i want to print it

Oh God, scrolling through that is the most depressing thing... I feel as if I'm invading their privacy. God knows why. It sounds too personal to be shared with the fans.
Ah that was depressing... Makes you realise its final now. The fact that this was intended for private viewing only makes it even more real, Michael was real, he was human and he was a member of their family. They grieve just like we do when we lose our family members. And Im grieving with them...
Nothing is private anymore these days... reminds me of a Leonard Cohen lyric from his song 'The Future'
'your private life will suddenly explode'
I'm not criticising you guys on this thread for looking at it,I'm just commenting on the media and celebrity deaths in general - their families really do not get to keep anything private due to money hungry so called 'friends' who sell things like this to the media, its a shame.
Thanks you. But why Randy didn't write anything ? All his brothers and sisters did but there is no line from Randy. Very strange...
only 1 picture in the program of MJ with his children.
Yeah I read this earlier. It was so touching. They all had such beautiful things to say about MJ. I teared up a bit when Tito said that the thing he would miss most about MJ was his beautiful smile :-(. That's one of the things I will definitely miss so much as well.
Thanks you. But why Randy didn't write anything ? All his brothers and sisters did but there is no line from Randy. Very strange...

if you look at janet's message its what she said at the BET awards and also what was written in the memorial booklet as well so technically she didn't contribute either.

maybe janet and randy couldn't find the words to explain their loss?
if you look at janet's message its what she said at the BET awards and also what was written in the memorial booklet as well so technically she didn't contribute either.

yes, You're right but all his brothers and sisters has made a statement : Tito, Latoya, Jermaine and Marlon gave interviews and wrote statements on memorial and burial books.
Rebbie ans Janet said a little something. Jackie was the only who hasn't say anything since the burial, but he said a little something at the burial book.
Randy is now the only sibling who has said anything about Michael's death : no interview, no statement, no tribute show, no statement on memorial book or burial book. I think it's very surprising, he could only say something in two words...
Interesting that they have pic of him and Lisa, none with Debbie and I also read that on Thursday afternoon hours before the service the family allowed private time for Lisa with Michael's coffin, when Debbie asked to do the same thing on Wednesday evening before the next evening's service her request was denied.
Thanks you. But why Randy didn't write anything ? All his brothers and sisters did but there is no line from Randy. Very strange...
Maybe, Randy is taking harder than most of us think he is. I noticed the parents didn't write anything as well. I do feel bad now for looking at it as myfavouritewintercoat has pointed out this was to be private.:(
:no: It must be extra hard for Randy as he was the only one that Michael was a big brother to other than Janet. He was the one who filled in on the lead vocals when Michael wasn't there. He was the one who was there for Michael when he was going through all his problems around the time of the trial and helped him to "clean house" so to speak. Randy was a lot closer than the rest of his brothers in the last years, I think. Michael even gave him a special thank you during one of his last speeches so, yeah, Randy would find this extremely difficult and decided not to say anything to keep from breaking down completely:no:.
Is it just me or is it weird they put in the pic of MJ and LMP kissing at the VMA's? It would be weird because Lisa always said she was mad at him that day. Plus, she's his EX wife...

Edit: Is this THE program? Because, after really reading it, it looks like the just copied everything off of Wiki or something. The pics are ones that were taken my photo agencies. The messages seem like they are the only real part of the program (except for janets....)
that's really nice porgam for michael jackson's funeral I was so sadden about his lost & my payers go out to the jackson famliy such a lost of interest I just don't kown what to say!
Interesting that they have pic of him and Lisa, none with Debbie and I also read that on Thursday afternoon hours before the service the family allowed private time for Lisa with Michael's coffin, when Debbie asked to do the same thing on Wednesday evening before the next evening's service her request was denied.

The family knows Lisa Marie. They don't know Debbie. I think that is the difference. She wasn't family like Lisa is/was. I'm surprised they didn't use a different photo but not surprised she is in there. She was close to Mother, Janet and Rebbie.

I'm also surprised Janet didn't say something more as well but to me the program seems more for the "public". How come they did mourn the real Michael? Talk about the real man he was? All you see listed is about his career. But he was so much more than that. . . .

Then again, maybe that is just the program released to the press. Maybe there were of them for the people who actually knew him.
only 1 picture in the program of MJ with his children.

There are actually two pics of Michael with his children. But I can understand that the family don't want to put too many pics of the kids. Plus, these are already public pics.

Interesting that they have pic of him and Lisa, none with Debbie and I also read that on Thursday afternoon hours before the service the family allowed private time for Lisa with Michael's coffin, when Debbie asked to do the same thing on Wednesday evening before the next evening's service her request was denied.

Where did you read that Lisa got to spend some private time with Michael's coffin hopespringseternal? I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to do that because I think she had a lot of things to say to him.

About Lisa and Janet possibly talking together a lot that night. Didn't Lisa and Janet become very good friends during and after the marriage? They might have always been in some sort of contact with each other over the years. I remember reading somewhere that Janet had gone to Lisa's bday party sometime in the 00's.

Also, I do believe the denying Debbie a visit with Michael's coffin is a rumor. Debbie and Katherine have been working together successfully for the sake of the children and I don't see how and why the family would be mean to her like that.

I was also wondering why Randy hadn't written anything. I think Randy has always been extremely close to Michael and IMO was his closest sibling till the end. Maybe Randy just couldn't find the words to really express how he feels about his big brother. I wouldn't hold anything against Randy for not writing anything. Janet's messages are the same in her BET, public memorial and private funeral programs. Yet, we all know how Janet feels about Michael and vice versa. I just think they are just in too much pain.
I am having trouble open the funeral program of MJ.
only 1 picture in the program of MJ with his children.
i saw that too.... theres actually 2 photos. 2 of prince and paris and only 1 of blanket

if mj had his way he would have put more beautiful photos of them together.

i wonder what the kids thought of the program? in future when they're older......they may not appreciate it.

because they were the most important ppl in mj's life

i personally felt it was a bit unfair to them.

so many jackson 5's
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Jackson Family should have put more pictures of Michael's children they are everything to him.
I was also wondering why Randy hadn't written anything. I think Randy has always been extremely close to Michael and IMO was his closest sibling till the end. Maybe Randy just couldn't find the words to really express how he feels about his big brother. I wouldn't hold anything against Randy for not writing anything. Janet's messages are the same in her BET, public memorial and private funeral programs. Yet, we all know how Janet feels about Michael and vice versa. I just think they are just in too much pain.

yes, maybe it's a possibility. But I think there is also another reason to that. Randy doesn't like the medias, he doesn't care about doing interviews, photos, he's not like Jermaine, he doesn't care that people talk of him. He doesn't care that some people don't know he's Michael's brother so what he feels about Michael's death is private. Maybe he talked to him (to his body), he told him what he felt but he doesn't need to write this in a piece of paper, and he doesn't want to express himself in front of all thousand people. He's the brother the more individual, the most apzrt of the family, he doesn't do the same things as the others sibling.

About me, I would be unable to write something about the death of my grandparents, if I knew that the whole world could has read my words. I don't express myself in front of my family, I have difficulties to write my feelings so to write my feelings for the world, no !!!
i saw that too.... theres actually 2 photos. 2 of prince and paris and only 1 of blanket

if mj had his way he would have put more beautiful photos of them together.

i wonder what the kids thought of the program? in future when they're older......they may not appreciate it.

because they were the most important ppl in mj's life

i personally felt it was a bit unfair to them.

so many jackson 5's

So what ? They are family, his kids are's all family.

Stop trying to create divsion.
i don't envy whoever had the job of picking the pics for the program. Probably the most photographed man in the world, private and public pictures.... its a no win situation.
whoever pick the pictures. Thank you, you tried your best.

the family also doesn't need put their whole heart, life, on a paper or program.

if i had been given an opportunity to write something in the program.... i would have abstained. no words, no sentence, would have been adequate to express my love and loss so therefore i just would not have written anything.

maybe, randy.... others who didn't write felt that way. i don't know. but everything the family has done or not done has been scrutinized to the 10th degree.... i would not want to be in their shoes.