From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 35

Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.


Great post!

You said it well: it's easy for anybody to sit in front of a computer and act like a smart-ass telling what MJ should have done and how he should have done it. Fact is, none of these people have walked just an inch in his shoes, so noone knows how they would have acted in his place. To say and think they would have acted better is indeed very arrogant and judgmental (and probably not true either).
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.

Thank you!!! :better:
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.

:yes: :punk::clapping:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15


A couple weeks ago I noticed that I could not get to sleep and when I got up the next day I felt lethargic and out of sorts. I took me a little while to realise that I was grieving. Grieving for Michael.

When I realised that I started crying every time I heard his music and found myself saying out loud "I miss Michael". There was a sadness over me like a weight. I thought I was presenting a brave face but my friends kept asking what was wrong. But how do I tell them that I am mourning for someone that I had never met, never spoke to, who never knew I existed? How do I tell them that every fibre of my being wishes he was still here, not doing anything spectacular, just existing - taking care of his children, being happy? How do I tell them that every time I think about Conrad Murray there is a malevolent anger in me?

I desperately wish I could call a friend and talk, just get everything off my chest. But I know that they cannot truly relate or empathise. They will listen because they love and care about me. But they don't get it. And as much that hurts, I understand it too. Sometimes I don't even understand how I could feel the way I do.

That made me feel very lonely and isolated. Then I thought about all the Michael Jackson fans all around the world you feel as I do. I am not alone. This pain and sadness I feel is shared with millions around the world.

What does that say about the power of Michael? That millions of disparate people can feel the same joy or anguish. It says a lot about how we connected with him and how we connected with him, that he moved beyond mere 'pop star' to being someone that we genuinely loved and cared about. To be fair, this may not be a phenomenon peculiar to Michael and his fans. But for me it is a source of personal satisfaction - knowing that people understand why, after two and a half years, I still cry!
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

OMG Nancii, :group::cry:

You are reading my soul with this Post.. I have been on the MJJC Chatbox for a few days crying and pooring my heart out there because no one around me understands the exact feeling you are describing about missing Michael !!

I am crying all the time now because of every hour and minute and day that I have ached about the pain of missing him, felt like the gapping hole he left in me is pouring out the pain of longing for him for over 2 years !! I have finally watched "Michael The Life of An Icon " and the pain boiled over for days now..I can't stop watching it I won't I can't I need to see him everyday !! I am Lobbying for an ALL Michael television station !! It will be on 24hrs aday 365 a week !! I NEED it so badly !! :group::sad:


A couple weeks ago I noticed that I could not get to sleep and when I got up the next day I felt lethargic and out of sorts. I took me a little while to realise that I was grieving. Grieving for Michael.

When I realised that I started crying every time I heard his music and found myself saying out loud "I miss Michael". There was a sadness over me like a weight. I thought I was presenting a brave face but my friends kept asking what was wrong. But how do I tell them that I am mourning for someone that I had never met, never spoke to, who never knew I existed? How do I tell them that every fibre of my being wishes he was still here, not doing anything spectacular, just existing - taking care of his children, being happy? How do I tell them that every time I think about Conrad Murray there is a malevolent anger in me?

I desperately wish I could call a friend and talk, just get everything off my chest. But I know that they cannot truly relate or empathise. They will listen because they love and care about me. But they don't get it. And as much that hurts, I understand it too. Sometimes I don't even understand how I could feel the way I do.

That made me feel very lonely and isolated. Then I thought about all the Michael Jackson fans all around the world you feel as I do. I am not alone. This pain and sadness I feel is shared with millions around the world.

What does that say about the power of Michael? That millions of disparate people can feel the same joy or anguish. It says a lot about how we connected with him and how we connected with him, that he moved beyond mere 'pop star' to being someone that we genuinely loved and cared about. To be fair, this may not be a phenomenon peculiar to Michael and his fans. But for me it is a source of personal satisfaction - knowing that people understand why, after two and a half years, I still cry!
Hugs to you, Bree!

I am glad that I can still live my life and get out there and do things. But some days I just want to curl up in my bed and grieve.
:group: I have that exact feeling to sister !! But you are wrong you do more then just do somethings, you have just put your finger on the very PULSE of the emotions that are being felt by everyone !! Michael needed you to do put it into words for US his Fans !! Michael is very proud of all you have done in his name and so are WE !! :group::angel::heart::clapping:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15


A couple weeks ago I noticed that I could not get to sleep and when I got up the next day I felt lethargic and out of sorts. I took me a little while to realise that I was grieving. Grieving for Michael.

When I realised that I started crying every time I heard his music and found myself saying out loud "I miss Michael". There was a sadness over me like a weight. I thought I was presenting a brave face but my friends kept asking what was wrong. But how do I tell them that I am mourning for someone that I had never met, never spoke to, who never knew I existed? How do I tell them that every fibre of my being wishes he was still here, not doing anything spectacular, just existing - taking care of his children, being happy? How do I tell them that every time I think about Conrad Murray there is a malevolent anger in me?

I desperately wish I could call a friend and talk, just get everything off my chest. But I know that they cannot truly relate or empathise. They will listen because they love and care about me. But they don't get it. And as much that hurts, I understand it too. Sometimes I don't even understand how I could feel the way I do.

That made me feel very lonely and isolated. Then I thought about all the Michael Jackson fans all around the world you feel as I do. I am not alone. This pain and sadness I feel is shared with millions around the world.

What does that say about the power of Michael? That millions of disparate people can feel the same joy or anguish. It says a lot about how we connected with him and how we connected with him, that he moved beyond mere 'pop star' to being someone that we genuinely loved and cared about. To be fair, this may not be a phenomenon peculiar to Michael and his fans. But for me it is a source of personal satisfaction - knowing that people understand why, after two and a half years, I still cry!

Oh my goodness Nanci, you are not alone. I am here with you... I still feel the same feelings today. I work to not hold bad feelings towards Murray. I believe it was planned for Michael to leave. My statement may not be very popular here, but that is how I feel. We all have a role to play here on Earth. I believe that Michael fulfilled his mission while he was here on Earth and now has moved onto a bigger mission, which involves all of us. Someone once told me that he came and grabbed our hearts and has not let go. We are his legacy and there is still alot of work to do. There are millions of people whose hearts Michael grabbed and they are indeed carrying out his legacy in many ways. So while it is very painful that we endure this deep painful heartache, there is the other part of me that is grateful that I am in this place with all of you as a result of Michael. Those who do not understand; well that is ok. They will find their time at some point to understand the messages that Michael was working so hard to give the world. We just need to understand that is what it is and move on. We have all connected because of Michael and those who are still here are those that will carry on Michael's messages (and many others) to heal the world.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

OMG Nancii, :group::cry:

You are reading my soul with this Post.. I have been on the MJJC Chatbox for a few days crying and pooring my heart out there because no one around me understands the exact feeling you are describing about missing Michael !!

I am crying all the time now because of every hour and minute and day that I have ached about the pain of missing him, felt like the gapping hole he left in me is pouring out the pain of longing for him for over 2 years !! I have finally watched "Michael The Life of An Icon " and the pain boiled over for days now..I can't stop watching it I won't I can't I need to see him everyday !! I am Lobbying for an ALL Michael television station !! It will be on 24hrs aday 365 a week !! I NEED it so badly !! :group::sad:

Sending you a major LOVE and hugs Bree. :better::angel:
I am just dropping in to say - I can better understand why Michael was unable to sleep with a major project like the O2 shows.

I am working on a play for my alma mater and stress of working on it has my brain ticking over with all the things that need to be taken care RIGHT NOW. And though my body is exhausted, my brain just will not rest. It is always going, going, going. I am officially running on empty and I just want to sleep ...

Will talk more about this later...

The other day I got an email from a dear friend and she commended me on my 'sticktoviness'. Now, this may be a trait that I have naturally. But I know a large part of the determination to see my dreams come true, stems from watching and listening to Michael.

When Sharpton spoke at Michael's memorial about never being able to count him out cause Michael ALWAYS got back up - I applauded. That was something I loved about Michael. No matter what the obstacle - ridiculous allegations, manufactured controversies, health issues - Michael Jackson prevailed. He went from strength to strength. I cannot think of a single artist who could through what Michael did in 2005 and then be able to sell out the premiere event venue in London 50 times!

Look at his triumphant return to the stage at the MTV Awards in 1995! Look at the swagger and the confidence!!!

When people bring 'negative energy' into my space, I think about that performance and I say to myself "prove that you can do it". And I straighten my spine, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done. Michael taught me that if I want it bad enough and I'm willing to work hard enough, I will get it. And I have. Each and every time.

Michael is not my idol. I don't worship him. Never have, never will. But he is my inspiration. I look at how he always believed in himself and his abilities and refused to let anyone dictate to him who he was and what he could achieve. The song "Keep The Faith" talks about knowing when it's right. When something rings true for me (it's feel that I what need to be doing), NOBODY dissuades me. I get discouraged, people disappoint and hurt me, but I persevere.

In the past, I used to have listen to "Keep The Faith" to get hyped. Now, I can hear the words in my head and I sing it to myself and it stirs a fire in my belly.

So thank you, Michael! Because of you I dream, I believe, I achieve.
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The other day I got an email from a dear friend and she commended me on my 'sticktoviness'. Now, this may be a trait that I have naturally. But I know a large part of determination to see my dreams come true, stem from watching and listening to Michael.

When Sharpton spoke at Michael's memorial about never being able to count him out cause Michael ALWAYS got back up - I applauded. That was something I loved about Michael. No matter what the obstacle - ridiculous allegations, manufactured controversies, health issues - Michael Jackson prevailed. He went from strength to strength. I cannot think of a single artist who could through what Michael did in 2005 and then able to sell out the premiere event venue in London 50 times!

Look at his triumphant return to the stage at the MTV Awards in 1995! Look at the swagger and the confidence!!!

When people bring 'negative energy' into my space, I think about that performance and I say to myself "prove that you can do it". And I straighten my spine, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done. Michael taught that if I want it bad enough and I'm willing to work hard enough, I will get it. And I have. Each and every time.

Michael is not my idol. Don't worship him. Never have, never will. But he is my inspiration. I look at how he always believed in himself and his abilities and refused to let anyone dictate to him who he was and what he could achieve. The song "Keep The Faith" talks about knowing when it's right. Something rings true for me (it's feel that I what need to be doing), NOBODY dissuades me. I get discouraged, people disappoint and hurt me, but I persevere.

In the past, I used to have listen to Keep The Faith to get hyped. Now, I can hear the words in my head and I sing it to myself and it stirs a fire in my belly.

So thank you, Michael! Because of you I dream, I believe, I achieve.

I can relate to this completely.
Amazing post. :flowers:

The other day I got an email from a dear friend and she commended me on my 'sticktoviness'. Now, this may be a trait that I have naturally. But I know a large part of the determination to see my dreams come true, stems from watching and listening to Michael.

When Sharpton spoke at Michael's memorial about never being able to count him out cause Michael ALWAYS got back up - I applauded. That was something I loved about Michael. No matter what the obstacle - ridiculous allegations, manufactured controversies, health issues - Michael Jackson prevailed. He went from strength to strength. I cannot think of a single artist who could through what Michael did in 2005 and then be able to sell out the premiere event venue in London 50 times!

Look at his triumphant return to the stage at the MTV Awards in 1995! Look at the swagger and the confidence!!!

When people bring 'negative energy' into my space, I think about that performance and I say to myself "prove that you can do it". And I straighten my spine, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done. Michael taught me that if I want it bad enough and I'm willing to work hard enough, I will get it. And I have. Each and every time.

Michael is not my idol. I don't worship him. Never have, never will. But he is my inspiration. I look at how he always believed in himself and his abilities and refused to let anyone dictate to him who he was and what he could achieve. The song "Keep The Faith" talks about knowing when it's right. When something rings true for me (it's feel that I what need to be doing), NOBODY dissuades me. I get discouraged, people disappoint and hurt me, but I persevere.

In the past, I used to have listen to "Keep The Faith" to get hyped. Now, I can hear the words in my head and I sing it to myself and it stirs a fire in my belly.

So thank you, Michael! Because of you I dream, I believe, I achieve.

Nancii, thank you for this post. I also am listening and singing "Keep the Faith" alot these days. After losing my job and now having to navigate this world of insensitive, need to fill positions quickly type of recruiters, I am often discouraged. "Keep the Faith" is my daily affirmation and is on my Vision Board (aka Mind Map as Michael called it) and I have played that song quite a bit lately. I love what you wrote how Michael inspires you. He inspires me too. I do not worship or idolize him either. I am inspired by him and how he persevered. He was a very strong person; regardless of all the things he endured. So follow I his lead and get back up. Sometimes it's ok if we let ourselves feel what we feel, but it's what we do when we are done experiencing those feelings that makes all the difference. I can almost guarantee that Michael felt his emotions intensely, including anger; however, he got right back up and did it all over again.

When I listened to the song "Keep the Faith" recently, I looked at the lyrics again and they truly resonated with me. If you read Joe Vogel's book about this song, he talks about what the song meant for overcoming odds and adversity. This is one song that I will resonate with always. I also get renewed energy and hope when I listen to the song. Michael's vocals are outstanding of course. The song just has such a "Don't Give Up" vibration. So like you, I say "Thank You Michael." In order to see my dreams become reality, I learned that we need to think it, see it, believe it and then make it happen.
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A colleague of mine and I were discussing how finding a source of joy can enrich your life. His joy was in making music, mine in creating theatre. But I have another source - Michael Jackson!

I can never explain to people who listening or watching Michael makes me so incredibly happy. I connect with Michael in an elemental way that I do not connect with others. It's like he imbued his music with his own personal joy and passion and transmitted it o me. There is something so alive about Michael's singing. I hear the joy. When I listen to him on my ipod and I'm out in public, I have to physically restrain myself from dancing like a mad woman! As a result, I vibrate with an energy that is apparently contagious. I've had people comment on how alive and confident I appear. And I know it is because I have Michael pounding in my ears!

My friends ask me why I don't list Michael as my favourite singer. I tell them that Michael is not just a singer to me. He is a part of my soul and my heart. To call him my "favourite singer" diminishes his impact on my life. Because I don't only get joy when I listen to him. I love to watch him walk/swagger. I love to see him interact with others, his kindness, his gentle spirit, his mischievous nature. I love his smile and his laugh. I love to watch him dance!

The world is filled with dancers who are technically brilliant but they don't have the magic that Michael had. There was just something intrinsically beautiful about the way he moved. It was sublime/divine. There are some great MJ impersonators and some great dancers who imitate Michael, but there is always something missing from their performances. They don't have the magic.

Michael had the magic and he shared it with the world. And in so doing he was the best of joy.

A colleague of mine and I were discussing how finding a source of joy can enrich your life. His joy was in making music, mine in creating theatre. But I have another source - Michael Jackson!

I can never explain to people who listening or watching Michael makes me so incredibly happy. I connect with Michael in an elemental way that I do not connect with others. It's like he imbued his music with his own personal joy and passion and transmitted it o me. There is something so alive about Michael's singing. I hear the joy. When I listen to him on my ipod and I'm out in public, I have to physically restrain myself from dancing like a mad woman! As a result, I vibrate with an energy that is apparently contagious. I've had people comment on how alive and confident I appear. And I know it is because I have Michael pounding in my ears!

My friends ask me why I don't list Michael as my favourite singer. I tell them that Michael is not just a singer to me. He is a part of my soul and my heart. To call him my "favourite singer" diminishes his impact on my life. Because I don't only get joy when I listen to him. I love to watch him walk/swagger. I love to see him interact with others, his kindness, his gentle spirit, his mischievous nature. I love his smile and his laugh. I love to watch him dance!

The world is filled with dancers who are technically brilliant but they don't have the magic that Michael had. There was just something intrinsically beautiful about the way he moved. It was sublime/divine. There are some great MJ impersonators and some great dancers who imitate Michael, but there is always something missing from their performances. They don't have the magic.

Michael had the magic and he shared it with the world. And in so doing he was the best of joy.

Nancii, I think writing is one of your other talents as well. Beautifully said! Thank you for sharing. :angel:

A colleague of mine and I were discussing how finding a source of joy can enrich your life. His joy was in making music, mine in creating theatre. But I have another source - Michael Jackson!

I can never explain to people who listening or watching Michael makes me so incredibly happy. I connect with Michael in an elemental way that I do not connect with others. It's like he imbued his music with his own personal joy and passion and transmitted it o me. There is something so alive about Michael's singing. I hear the joy. When I listen to him on my ipod and I'm out in public, I have to physically restrain myself from dancing like a mad woman! As a result, I vibrate with an energy that is apparently contagious. I've had people comment on how alive and confident I appear. And I know it is because I have Michael pounding in my ears!

My friends ask me why I don't list Michael as my favourite singer. I tell them that Michael is not just a singer to me. He is a part of my soul and my heart. To call him my "favourite singer" diminishes his impact on my life. Because I don't only get joy when I listen to him. I love to watch him walk/swagger. I love to see him interact with others, his kindness, his gentle spirit, his mischievous nature. I love his smile and his laugh. I love to watch him dance!

The world is filled with dancers who are technically brilliant but they don't have the magic that Michael had. There was just something intrinsically beautiful about the way he moved. It was sublime/divine. There are some great MJ impersonators and some great dancers who imitate Michael, but there is always something missing from their performances. They don't have the magic.

Michael had the magic and he shared it with the world. And in so doing he was the best of joy.
