From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 35


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 48


Recently I became very incensed by a thread on another MJ board where people were dissecting Michael's life, health, personal life choices. Everybody had an opinion and presumed to know how Michael was feeling and why he chose to do what they think he did.

Needless to say that I had to speak out because in my heart I feel that as people we need to love Michael for who he was.

And that got me to thinking about how I feel about Michael and how those feelings changed over the years.

At thirteen, when I fell in love with Michael, I was caught with his looks, his music, his dancing. At that age I wanted and expected him to be perfect, to live the fairy tale life that I fantasised for him. He was to marry have 2 children and just looking, sounding and dancing the exact same way for the rest of his life. LOL!

By 1993 things were considerably different in Michael World. He looked different and he was accused of sexually molesting Jordan Chandler. By that time I had also grown and changed and Michael had moved beyond being a mere teenage crush. What I felt for Michael was a deep and abiding part of who I was as a person.

But still a part of me wanted Michael to be perfect, to live the life I wanted for him, to say the things I wanted him to say when I wanted him to say it. I felt that I could guide/mentor Michael. Ah, the arrogance!

Then, one night as I stared up at his poster and listened to Will You Be There, it finally hit me.

In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tibulations
Through all doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
And my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.

I really and truly listened and understood. Either I loved Michael unconditionally or I did not. I could not claim to love him and be second-guessing him, judging him. Michael was not perfect and I feel that he wanted to be loved for who he was - warts and all.

And isn't that how we are supposed to love, acknowledging the human frailties and weaknesses and flaws that make up everybody's character? I realise then as well that that was not how I loved. I gave my love as some kind of reward for fulfilling my stringent standards.

That was selfish and arrogant of me.

That night changed me forever. I searched my heart and soul. Was I capable of giving love unconditionally? Could I learn to look at Michael as a extraordinary human being, but a human being nevertheless? Could I extend that facility of unconditional love to all the people in my life?

Make no mistake, this was not about making excuses for Michael. I knew that he would continue to anger me, disappoint me, scare me. No, it was about recognising that Michael Jakcson was like me - a person - and the same way I wanted to be loved no matter what, Michael had that same desire and was just as entitled to it.

I am sure we have all had experiences where we think we are presenting ourselves a particular way and people see it another. There are times when I am quiet and withdrawn because I am thinking through something and people I meet think I am standoff-ish and unapproachable. Sometimes I say things to people in jest (and I think they know it is in jest) and they take great offense and stop speaking to me. Situations like that made me think "well if it happens to me, imagine what it must be like for Michael, to be constantly watched and scruntised!"

I became more empathetic. Instead of judging people, I tried to understand why they may have acted or responded to things the way they did. I could not possibly know all the things that went on or goes on in people's lives - the insults, the injustices, the praise, the condemnations, the fears and perceptions.

When I extended that courtesy of empathy to my friends and family, it completely changed my relationships. My friends were more willing to confide in me. I was less impatient, more tolerant, more willing to be fair and to consider the feelings of others. I was more willing to be vulnerable, to show love (even if it was not returned), to be more caring and thoughtful. It was like I had opened up my heart and my life to limitless possibilities.

And I was able to embrace Michael in a totally different way. I was able to laugh with, scold, celebrate Michael without ever losing sight of the fact that he was a human being. And embracing him in that new way filled me with a remarkable joy that has marked my incredible Michael journey and which I enjoy to this day.
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Re: From the desk of the team leader!

Nancii, thank you very much for sharing your personal experiences with us. Very touching! Loving unconditionally, isn't that sometimes the hardest thing ? I feel that I do love Michael unconditionally and my friends and relatives as well, but occasionally I still mess up with friends and relatives, or with co-workers. Uttering some harsh judgment before I know. And then I feel so deeply disappointed in myself, I sigh and I think "oh, so much to learn still". So I totally get where you're coming from!
Re: From the desk of the team leader!

Beautiful! Thank you so much for posting. :heart:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

Nancii, thank you very much for sharing with us your epiphany or "ah-ah" moment. I believe that is what that was. You asked some very valid questions that I don't think I really asked myself. I though that I loved unconditionally, but did I really? I believe I do now or at least on my way. Before Michael passed from this lifetime, I believed that my heart was really open and full of love; however, I found that it really wasn't in the days proceeding his passing. I had built up many walls and at times I felt nothing. The walls are from many years worth of building. My feeling nothing scared me when I realized that I was numb to life. So I also took a deep look into my heart and soul and learned some things. After June 25th, I looked at Michael very closely in everything he did. Of course I didn't know him personally, but I feel that I do know him through his words, music, generosity and spirit, which I've learned is very evolved. So in my journey, I learned the same things you did about Michael. Somewhere in the back of my heart, I pray that he had some of the things that he wanted if only for a small period of time. Having said that, like you said, how would we know; only Michael knows that. I do not like to speculate. So with that said, I do not like to assume anything and l look at Michael for what he was; a human being who wanted the same things that we do. I believe we all have or are learning some things through this process we call grief. I feel truly blessed to have learned what I did, because although I always have loved Michael (even when I was away for awhile), I love him even more now. Thank you again sharing your experience. I do feel that I also need to continue to work on my unconditional loving of my family, friends and everyone, but I feel I'm heading in the right direction. Michael is my inspiration. :wub: :angel:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

Thanks for sharing!

It's a long journey to that unconditional love. Practicing that kind of love is difficult for all of us who might not have experienced that kind of love as children. And this is why we need to love our children unconditionally, to raise more generations with that unconditional love to be carried out into the world. I believe that this one of the things Michael Jackson was aware of, how important it is for children to experience that kind of acceptance without strings attached, unconditional love. We need to love ourselves, our children, to plant a seed.

We need to learn to love ourselves, because how can another love you if you don't yourself what there is to love about you? Before we can love another unconditionally. And from there we move on. Quite the tall order but well worth it.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

Beautiful! Thank you so much :wub:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

awww that is such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it with us! :wub:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

I feel you ;-)

Thanx for sharing :flowers:
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!


Recently I became very incensed by a thread on another MJ board where people were dissecting Michael's life, health, personal life choices. Everybody had an opinion and presumed to know how Michael was feeling and why he chose to do what they think he did.

Needless to say that I had to speak out because in my heart I feel that as people we need to love Michael for who he was.

And that got me to thinking about how I feel about Michael and how those feelings changed over the years.

At thirteen, when I fell in love with Michael, I was caught with his looks, his music, his dancing. At that age I wanted and expected him to be perfect, to live the fairy tale life that I fantasised for him. He was to marry have 2 children and just looking, sounding and dancing the exact same way for the rest of his life. LOL!

By 1993 things were considerably different in Michael World. He looked different and he was accused of sexually molesting Jordan Chandler. By that time I had also grown and changed and Michael had moved beyond being a mere teenage crush. What I felt for Michael was a deep and abiding part of who I was as a person.

But still a part of me wanted Michael to be perfect, to live the life I wanted for him, to say the things I wanted him to say when I wanted him to say it. I felt that I could guide/mentor Michael. Ah, the arrogance!

Then, one night as I stared up at his poster and listened to Will You Be There, it finally hit me.

In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tibulations
Through all doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
And my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.

I really and truly listened and understood. Either I loved Michael unconditionally or I did not. I could not claim to love him and be second-guessing him, judging him. Michael was not perfect and I feel that he wanted to be loved for who he was - warts and all.

And isn't that how we are supposed to love, acknowledging the human frailties and weaknesses and flaws that make up everybody's character? I realise then as well that that was not how I loved. I gave my love as some kind of reward for fulfilling my stringent standards.

That was selfish and arrogant of me.

That night changed me forever. I searched my heart and soul. Was I capable of giving love unconditionally? Could I learn to look at Michael as a extraordinary human being, but a human being nevertheless? Could I extend that facility of unconditional love to all the people in my life?

Make no mistake, this was about making excuses for Michael. I knew that he would continue to anger me, disappoint me, scare me. No, it was about recognising that Michael Jakcson was like me - a person - and the same way I wanted to be loved no matter what, Michael had that same desire and was just as entitled to it.

I am sure we have all had experiences where we think we are presenting ourselves a particular way and people see it another. There are times when I am quiet and withdrawn because I am thinking through something and people I meet think I am standoff-ish and unapproachable. Sometimes I say things to people in jest (and I think they know it is in jest) and they take great offense and stop speaking to me. Situations like that made me think "well if it happens to me, imagine what it must be like for Michael, to be constantly watched and scruntised!"

I became more empathetic. Instead of judging people, I tried to understand why they may have acted or responded to things the way they did. I could not possibly know all the things that went on or goes on in people's lives - the insults, the injustices, the praise, the condemnations, the fears and perceptions.

When I extended that courtesy of empathy to my friends and family, it completely changed my relationships. My friends were more willing to confide in me. I was less impatient, more tolerant, more willing to be fair and to consider the feelings of others. I was more willing to be vulnerable, to show love (even if it was not returned), to be more caring and thoughtful. It was like I had opened up my heart and my life to limitless possibilities.

And I was able to embrace Michael in a totally different way. I was able to laugh with, scold, celebrate Michael without ever losing sight of the fact that he was a human being. And embracing him in that new way filled me with a remarkable joy that has marked my incredible Michael journey and which I enjoy to this day.

"Never judge a man until you walk a mile in HIS moccosins..!"

Michael Jackson
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. I love how Sam said everything I meant to say in two hundred words or less. LOL!

Wow Nancii :cry:

Thank you for sharing.

I don't know what to say except, I can't judge or comment on what I don't know. And I don't know what being Michael Jackson was like. I never walked a minute in his shoes. But from the outside looking in, I know what he had to deal with. And what he had to deal with was so much than what one person should have had to deal with.

I don't know. I find everything exasperating.

Please don't laugh at me :hysterical: But when you listen to the spoken part, doesn't it feel like he is speaking to you.... to you alone? And as if he is asking each of us, please be my friend. Please don't judge me. Will you accept me as I am?

Michael wasn't perfect but yet when people pick him apart I feel like you are asking him to be perfect. People want to point out that Michael should take responsibility, and yet I wonder responsibility for what (?) considering we don't know how or why he came to any decisions.

True acceptance is unconditional love and unconditional love is true acceptance.

BTW Nancii, I have finished and re-finished The Lost Children Vid...... I just haven't posted it..... I don't think its good enough for the King :cry: I know I am being silly, I will do it soon.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. I love how Sam said everything I meant to say in two hundred words or less. LOL!

It is tiring to see how some fans keep picking on Michael, dissecting him. Rubs me the wrong.

Wow Nancii :cry:

Thank you for sharing.

I don't know what to say except, I can't judge or comment on what I don't know. And I don't know what being Michael Jackson was like. I never walked a minute in his shoes. But from the outside looking in, I know what he had to deal with. And what he had to deal with was so much than what one person should have had to deal with.

I don't know. I find everything exasperating.

Please don't laugh at me :hysterical: But when you listen to the spoken part, doesn't it feel like he is speaking to you.... to you alone? And as if he is asking each of us, please be my friend. Please don't judge me. Will you accept me as I am?

Michael wasn't perfect but yet when people pick him apart I feel like you are asking him to be perfect. People want to point out that Michael should take responsibility, and yet I wonder responsibility for what (?) considering we don't know how or why he came to any decisions.

True acceptance is unconditional love and unconditional love is true acceptance.

BTW Nancii, I have finished and re-finished The Lost Children Vid...... I just haven't posted it..... I don't think its good enough for the King :cry: I know I am being silly, I will do it soon.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!


Recently I became very incensed by a thread on another MJ board where people were dissecting Michael's life, health, personal life choices. Everybody had an opinion and presumed to know how Michael was feeling and why he chose to do what they think he did.

Needless to say that I had to speak out because in my heart I feel that as people we need to love Michael for who he was.

And that got me to thinking about how I feel about Michael and how those feelings changed over the years.

At thirteen, when I fell in love with Michael, I was caught with his looks, his music, his dancing. At that age I wanted and expected him to be perfect, to live the fairy tale life that I fantasised for him. He was to marry have 2 children and just looking, sounding and dancing the exact same way for the rest of his life. LOL!

By 1993 things were considerably different in Michael World. He looked different and he was accused of sexually molesting Jordan Chandler. By that time I had also grown and changed and Michael had moved beyond being a mere teenage crush. What I felt for Michael was a deep and abiding part of who I was as a person.

But still a part of me wanted Michael to be perfect, to live the life I wanted for him, to say the things I wanted him to say when I wanted him to say it. I felt that I could guide/mentor Michael. Ah, the arrogance!

Then, one night as I stared up at his poster and listened to Will You Be There, it finally hit me.

In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tibulations
Through all doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
And my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.

I really and truly listened and understood. Either I loved Michael unconditionally or I did not. I could not claim to love him and be second-guessing him, judging him. Michael was not perfect and I feel that he wanted to be loved for who he was - warts and all.

And isn't that how we are supposed to love, acknowledging the human frailties and weaknesses and flaws that make up everybody's character? I realise then as well that that was not how I loved. I gave my love as some kind of reward for fulfilling my stringent standards.

That was selfish and arrogant of me.

That night changed me forever. I searched my heart and soul. Was I capable of giving love unconditionally? Could I learn to look at Michael as a extraordinary human being, but a human being nevertheless? Could I extend that facility of unconditional love to all the people in my life?

Make no mistake, this was not about making excuses for Michael. I knew that he would continue to anger me, disappoint me, scare me. No, it was about recognising that Michael Jakcson was like me - a person - and the same way I wanted to be loved no matter what, Michael had that same desire and was just as entitled to it.

I am sure we have all had experiences where we think we are presenting ourselves a particular way and people see it another. There are times when I am quiet and withdrawn because I am thinking through something and people I meet think I am standoff-ish and unapproachable. Sometimes I say things to people in jest (and I think they know it is in jest) and they take great offense and stop speaking to me. Situations like that made me think "well if it happens to me, imagine what it must be like for Michael, to be constantly watched and scruntised!"

I became more empathetic. Instead of judging people, I tried to understand why they may have acted or responded to things the way they did. I could not possibly know all the things that went on or goes on in people's lives - the insults, the injustices, the praise, the condemnations, the fears and perceptions.

When I extended that courtesy of empathy to my friends and family, it completely changed my relationships. My friends were more willing to confide in me. I was less impatient, more tolerant, more willing to be fair and to consider the feelings of others. I was more willing to be vulnerable, to show love (even if it was not returned), to be more caring and thoughtful. It was like I had opened up my heart and my life to limitless possibilities.

And I was able to embrace Michael in a totally different way. I was able to laugh with, scold, celebrate Michael without ever losing sight of the fact that he was a human being. And embracing him in that new way filled me with a remarkable joy that has marked my incredible Michael journey and which I enjoy to this day.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us!!
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader!


In following the heated discussion about the Presley/Winfrey interview and in watching TII. I have made some solemn decisions.

First and foremost - I will step up my efforts to clear Michael's name. I am not talking about the personal characteristics stuff. That is what it is. I am talking about the drug addict and pedophile stuff. What was left hanging in that in that interview. Left hanging - whether intentionally or not - to the delight of the media.

By now we all know the narrative the media has chosen when it comes to covering Michael. The MJJC media advocacy team is working tirelessly to redress that. As people who love Michael, we have to go out there and be pro-active - not always reacting to what somebody has said or done. And we have to have a grassroots approach, reaching people one on one. Some people are slowly beginning to realise that they cannot trust the media. Those people question and challenge. When they come to us looking for FACTS, we have to be ready.

The Prime Minister of my country died on 23 October. In his last speech to the nation he quoted the lyrics of We Are The World and it touched the hearts of many Barbadians. Since his death, Michael's songs have been heavily requested: Gone Too Soon, Will You Be There (which some call the Hold Me Song), Heal The World and We Are The World. When I walk the streets I hear people humming the tunes. Michael's message is powerful. No matter what has been said and will be said, people subsconsciously know that Michael was truly about. He was about love and personal responsibility.

There are those among us who feel that we defend Michael beyond all sense of reason. Of course there are people for whom Michael could do no wrong. They have their particular reasons for needing Michael to be perfect, and they will have to deal with that in their own time and in their own way.

I like to believe that the majority of us defend Michael, not because we have built up false notions about who he was, but because we have seen how his humanity has been degraded and devalued by those who professed to love him and those who were vocal and active in their dislike of him. It is the failure to provide context, to show empathy, compassion or a sense of fairness that gets my hackles up.

Michael was a private person and respected the privacy of others. It was and is not too much to expect that same fundamental respect be given to him. (And yes that is a dig at Ms Presley). Moving on ...

It is distressing when the negative, the 'salacious' and the lies are reported ad nauseum and anything that shows Michael in a positive light is downplayed. That angers me - the imbalance. So another decision I have made is that I am going to call out ANYONE who persists in down crying or criticising our efforts to defend Michael.

Last week I received my copy of TII. I took a deep breath and wathced it again (first saw it on the big screen). And you know what? I saw a man who, after over 40 years in the business, was still innovative, involved and in charge. That inspired me! He had a gentle no-nonsense spirit that showed me that I can get "more" out of people with honey than with vinegar! I can be creative and original no matter my age. I can make ANYTHING happen, I just have to believe and want it badly enough.

Another thing that TII showed me is that Michael's life must NEVER be considered 'sad' and 'tragic'. What an absolutely laughable notion! Here is a man who became an international star at the age of 11 and at the age of 50 had sold out 50 shows at the O2 arena. He was a man loved by his children, his friends and his fans. He was able to meet Persidents and Kings and visit places around the world that some of us have never heard of. He used the talent he had been given, honed and developed it and unselfishly shared it with the world. He used the wealth he attained to help others in need.

Yes, there was sadness and there was tragedy but those things are NOT the sum total by which his life should be judged. Those who play that game are seeking to make Michael an object of pity, to reduce him. What Michael needed and needs is empathy.

What he deserves is to have his legacy honoured and defended.

I am recommitted to doing the work that is necessary. All of us need to be positive lights for Michael, never ashamed to say what we love him and that he inspires us.

WHO'S WITH ME!!!!?????
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

^ Great post Nancii!
I'm with you all the way!
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

Nancii, I totally relate to your beautiful posts. Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your feelings with us.
I'm in full understanding of what you're saying as a recipient on the other end of the thread--not judging people because I was so judged and criticized myself since I was a child. Understanding and empathy are essential to the advancement of humanity. We are all unique and wonderfully diverse spirits, and for a good reason: we need to contribute to the greater knowledge and good from different angles and sources.
So count me in for helping remove the lies and misconceptions about Michael and replacing them with truths and awareness. Positive energy and action are needed in abundance to honor and preserve his name and legacy.

Much love and blessings to you.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

Beautiful post and I definately agree. Accepting people as they are without judging is not always an easy thing to do but it is the right thing, and that is what I want to do. It is a goal for me to work towards.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

Lovely and heartfelt post once again Nancii :)
I´ll be there.
I think we should try to find more facts about insomnia.
LMP,housekeeper,followers are telling stories about how Michael was affected by drugs.They saw what they saw but I don´t think they know you can be affected by insomnia
and sometimes behave strange,the same way as drugs.
Michael was suffering from insomnia for a long time and despite his problems, he was giving it all to do the best concerts ever-for fans and environment.
Re: From The Desk Of The Team Leader! New Entry - Post 15

I enjoyed reading your post on certain matters you came to face I disliked the Lisa P interview and I for one kept a open mind but it was overwhelming to say the least

your 1st post was a deeper sense of your commitment to MJ and it was heartfelt and in a beautiful space right on
Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Thank You for this ALL needed to be said.!!
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Wow. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have summed up it. I can agree to you completely.
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Fantastic post.:clapping:

You have said everything I was thinking. I havent been a member here long but I lurked and read on and off for a few years before deciding to join. I wanted somewhere I could come and talk about Michael and how I felt, (my husband just thinks Im obsessed and should forget about him) but since I joined there has been one drama after another and I was starting to feel that this wasnt the friendly place I thought it was. In fact when the Cascio drama started it seemed like quite a scary place and I didnt dare post in those threads.

We are all here I hope because we love Michael but like you said he was human with the same faults as any of us, of course he made mistakes and bad judgements because he wasnt superhuman or an angel but his message shone through and we should love him because and in spite of the human errors he may have made.

Thank you
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message


I have my own personal views as to why Michael did things the way he did. Usually I write about that in my journal because at the end of the day I did not live his life. I don't know the slights, the humiliations, the whispers, the sly looks that he would have received. And, most importantly, I was not Michael.

People like to think that in similar circumstances they would have made better or different decisions. And the decisions maybe different but someone somewhere would have a different view because of their own hang-ups, issues, failings and life experiences, and think that they would have made better decisions.
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Although I agree with parts of the starting post, I have a curiosity: am I among the targeted people 'dissecting' Michael in it, as you say?..

People have to know, so they know how to post from now on on this forum, if at all. Thank you.
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Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Marvelous words and a great post! :clapping:

You are so right. Michael's life has been analysed, dissected, speculated about, examined, held up to ridicule and censure and often by fans who insist it is all done for 'love' and who act as if they 'know' what the truth is. HA!

Sometimes I get the feeling that it is open season for speculation.

I want to know: Why can't we afford Michael the privacy now, that he deserved in life?
Re: Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message

Thank you TheChosenOne for your great post and thread.

This truth I will celebrate for the rest of my life :
Quote TheChosenOne :

"Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration."