Freaking Out About Tomorrow

omg yes. I say im not going to watch it, but I want to, and than I don't and than I want it again =/. help.
I feel so lonely. My dad and stepmom will be here tonight, but they don't understand what I'm going thru. If they see that I cry, they will probably find it weird. I feel so scared of how I will take it..
I need some fans around me, but nobody is nearby.. (living in The Netherlands)
^ Im in the same postition, your nickname and mine are similiar and im where you live too!
The Hague. where are you? It would be so good if some fans who live close to each other could see it together! :(
Usual I live in Harderwijk with my mom, but now in Amsterdam with my dad.
I wish there would be a meetup or something.. do you know something about that?
^ aaaw that way too far :( And no its really sad but i dont know any meet ups. Maybe open a new thread about for in the netherlands or something?
I wish there would be a meetup too! :( I'm alone all day since my family is on vacation, and for some reason I decided a few weeks ago to go there 4 days later...I'll be leaving tomorrow....that's weird right? :O
Now I'm at least able to watch the memorial, and so glad about it 'cuz I wouldn't have enjoyed my vacation otherwise. (Not that I will enjoy the fullest, but at least it gives some sort of peace.)

But watching this alone isn't quite comforting either...they should have set up a place to watch.
^ Yes, we should think about a meetup. I went to the tribute concert last thursday and I felt extremely happy at that moment. No sadness at all.
So a meetup will be good for everyone.

On august 13th I will depart to the USA and stay there for 11 months. I hope they will have lots of meetups.

Is it ok if I give you my phone number? it could be easier if we text while watching the memorial?
I wish there would be a meetup too! :( I'm alone all day since my family is on vacation, and for some reason I decided a few weeks ago to go there 4 days later...I'll be leaving tomorrow....that's weird right? :O
Now I'm at least able to watch the memorial, and so glad about it 'cuz I wouldn't have enjoyed my vacation otherwise. (Not that I will enjoy the fullest, but at least it gives some sort of peace.)

But watching this alone isn't quite comforting either...they should have set up a place to watch.

I feel so sorry for you:( I Wish we could all be together right now.
I'm not going to watch it...Michael is not there, Michael is in all of us, we knew the real Michael and as long as we're living and breathing and as long as we stick together like brothers and sisters his spirit lives through us
It was very hard to watch, but Im so happy I watched.
I could hold my tears the entire show untill Paris spoke about her father.
I totally broke down in front of my stepmother, stepsister and my father.
And you know what?? My father hugged me and he cried too. so unexpected.

Now I'm watching the history concert on rtl5 to cheer myself up a little. I can't sleep if Im so sad.

how are you all doing?
I have watched it,was really hard but I did it!

Surely I cried my eyes out the whole show,I just let it flow and alowed those and was and am blessed and happy to be this way wich I am how I am now because:this is TRUE love people its very hard like now,REALLY rough and raw to go trough but its TRUE love for Michael,oure angel in heaven, ,esp by Paris my tears flowed heavily,aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww bless her,such a' sweet,loving brave girl I just wanted to hug her,prince,blanket his famy,love Michael,his kids,his family and ALL of you forever!!!!!!
