Freaking Out About Tomorrow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really am :cry:. I keep thinking about tomorrow and MJ being buried and I'm a wreck right now. I keep trying to stay calm but I am absolutely dreading tomorrow. I really hate this.
Tomorrow is going to be a hard day for everyone, but just remember that Michael is finally at peace. Everyone be sure to take care of yourselves, try to get some sleep tonight and remember to eat.....We're all here if you need to talk
Thanks :-(. It's just MJ being underground that is bothering me. Why couldn't they bury him in a mausoleum or something? I don't want him to be underground. It freaks me out, but i'm trying to relax.
it's going to be difficult, but we will be OK. sending love to everyone, especially the Jacksons. i will be getting up in the middle of the night to watch the broadcast.
It will be a very very sad day. This is all very devastating. We are going to need strength andtry to be strong to get through it. I know I will fall apart watching :(
so wait, is the memorial AND the funeral tomorrow? is the funeral being broadcasted? will mjs body be open casket at the memorial? is the funeral being televised? what time?
No no no. From what I understand MJ will be buried before the memorial service.
definately there should be a mausoleum, a grand, beautiful mausoleum like the one for the Imperial family in Japan. Only such a place would do Michael justice. I personally thought it would have been more fitting to cremate Michael's body, because cremation is like returning the body to the ashes of the earth, freeing it in the flames of life, but I reckon yeah he should have had a huge mausoleum at neverland if he were to be buried. too bad the stupid law prevents it, as Jermaine was saying :(. (larry king was so disgraceful and rude in that interview!!!)
Yea i don't know how i'm going to handle this i'm gonna go to the gym early in the morning hopefully that will help and then come back home. This will be so hard i am going to miss him like crazy i really might need a drink tomorrow. God please give me the strength to make it through tomorrow i love him so much i really do and i'll never forget him. And i don't think they should bury him underground either i hope where ever they bury him people will be allowed to go and visit his grave.
I'm going to be watching the memorial on TV tomorrow... my parents want me to, but I don't really want to. Seeing it would just make it all the more real to me, and I don't want that. I have accepted it, yes, but... It still seems unreal.
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Ah, I'm just gonna watch it. There's nothing we can do about it. Freaking out won't help.
I'm dreading it, but I think once it's over it will be one less thing to dread. Next will be finding out why he had to leave us and WHO was responsible for it, if anyone.
This is wishful thinking, but I just hope that the media gives it a rest for a minute after he is buried and the memorial is over. I mean come on we don't need round the clock Jackson coverage about every teeny tiny thing.....Every nutcase that comes out of the woodwork does not need to be given the spotlight
i have to go to work tomorow..and the tv will be on.. i dont think ima be able to handle it with out breaking down.. this is unreal
Give a hug to every Michael Jackson fan you meet today.
Im so sad again.. I love Michael so much and this is tearing me apart.
its going to be soooo hard to watch :(
I am very scared of my reaction, I am still in denial, I can not accept this :cry: How could this be?...I did not wanted to see the ceremony, but I think I have to, to see and know that finally he is in peace.

My heart is broken in pieces and I can not stop crying. How cruel is life, how unfair. He deserved to live many more years. I miss him so so much. I hope tomorrow I do not freak out or faint. It is just so hard my friends.So so difficult to take this. to accept this.

I ask God for strength and for wisdom in my heart to bear this tragic moment in my life.In the life of all of us.

I love you Michael, I miss you so Much. Forever my love.
:huggy: :huggy: please stay strong everyone ? :huggy::huggy::angel:
Thanks :-(. It's just MJ being underground that is bothering me. Why couldn't they bury him in a mausoleum or something? I don't want him to be underground. It freaks me out, but i'm trying to relax.

He won't be underground. That's just his physical body. You have to remember that whatever gets buried, isn't actually part of our Michael anymore. His soul and spirit left it almost two weeks ago.
this is going to be really shitty - no doubt about it.

when life hands you lemonds - just say fuck the lemons and bail! don't expect to feel good during the memorial - allow yourself to grieve. you'll be fine hun. xo's tuesday morning here now. :( I'm feeling soooo strange, I don't want all of this today.
I'm freakin' lonely 'cause I live here and there's no place to gather to watch the memorial so I'll be sitting all alone in front of my tv tonight...I DON'T WANT TO! :(
And there's an MJ Tribute Day on MTV right now...and it just hurts to watch all the vid's.
After this day I'm gonna be alone and have to get over this all by myself. :(
I don't know what to think i just woke up from a terrible dream about Michael i don't get why i even had the dream. It was so long and dragged out. I dreamt that i was watching the news and they said he was dead god i just don't know :( now i don't want to sleep at night.'s tuesday morning here now. :( I'm feeling soooo strange, I don't want all of this today.
I'm freakin' lonely 'cause I live here and there's no place to gather to watch the memorial so I'll be sitting all alone in front of my tv tonight...I DON'T WANT TO! :(
And there's an MJ Tribute Day on MTV right now...and it just hurts to watch all the vid's.
After this day I'm gonna be alone and have to get over this all by myself. :(

gah tell me about it, i just sat through will you be there and now i cant help but cry
i hate this day i really really do
i'm home for most the day as i am on school holidays
and my mum will get home later than usual as she is popping down the shops

although i am having family round at some point for a mini birthday celebration thing for birthday cake etc
but then come 5:30pm all celebrations will be done and I'll be watching sky news with family, but most of the day i am on my own moping around the house
I really am :cry:. I keep thinking about tomorrow and MJ being buried and I'm a wreck right now. I keep trying to stay calm but I am absolutely dreading tomorrow. I really hate this.
just do what I do...... don't take it today.... don't even bother thinking of it, let it go and leave it...... Take it when you feel you're ready for it.

I know I will