Frank DiLeo

You can say what you want about Frank.. But him and Micheal made magic together..

There is ups and downs when it came to Frank..

Frank helped establish this image of Michael that was mysterious, Michael and him created THE MICHAEL JACKSON.. They knew that people are drawn to a charecter.. Much the same way wrestlers bring on a person. Michael did aswell.. They did this with great PR moves.. Michael with the glove, the tape, the hat, the arm band.. These things created a character on it's own.. That DRAWS people in.. Sadly as things went on, those great PR moves turned around on him..

I'm not saying MJ's ideas were not good, and they hurt him. But the media USED his ideas against him. Not just ideas, but loves as well..

Frank was a genious in my opinion, but always when someone is that great at something is going to have huge flaws in other areas.. No1 can be perfect all around.. He made some bad moves, He was SO driven to create this image that he hurt people on the way.. Including some of MJ's family, and Tatiana. As well as others..

He was a 'take no prisonor' type person. He did what would up sales, and create a good but interesting image of Michael, and create a lot of sturr.. He did it at ALL costs.

I just think, if he knew then what he knows now, on how they (media) would use it, things would have been diferent..
Frank helped establish this image of Michael that was mysterious, Michael and him created THE MICHAEL JACKSON.. They knew that people are drawn to a charecter.. Much the same way wrestlers bring on a person. Michael did aswell.. They did this with great PR moves.. Michael with the glove, the tape, the hat, the arm band.. These things created a character on it's own.. That DRAWS people in.. Sadly as things went on, those great PR moves turned around on him..

Exactly. MJ wanted that image but like you said, it turn against him big time. The PR moves were great, it got people's attention, but it backfired. Things like that always happens. When people try to blame Frank for that, they forget to blame MJ for that as well. Mike wanted that whole mysterious, weird image for various reasons. The nasty, hating ass media used that fake image against him and MJ and Frank, imo, knew that was going to happen.

Frank was a genious in my opinion, but always when someone is that great at something is going to have huge flaws in other areas.. No1 can be perfect all around.. He made some bad moves, He was SO driven to create this image that he hurt people on the way.. Including some of MJ's family, and Tatiana. As well as others..

I see what you are saying. However, I doubt if Frank hurt Tatiana because she was the main one going to the media telling people her fling or whatever with MJ to them. I do not think that Frank would have liked that. If you ever read her book, she really did not say how she was fired or let go. She was trying to make Frank look really bad and I did not agree to that. Now, I agree, I do think that Frank did hurt his family in a way.
Now that Frank knows now what he did not then, I think he could do even better than what he did.. He knows how things can turn around on MJ.. Now he can be extra carefull in specific areas
wasnt frank on mjs secret childhood sayin mj asked hime 2 take him 2 tinkle and how he was tellin mj he didnt need 2 change his skin color n blah blah blah?
wasnt frank on mjs secret childhood sayin mj asked hime 2 take him 2 tinkle and how he was tellin mj he didnt need 2 change his skin color n blah blah blah?

No...that was Waltner Yetnikoff who worked at Sony I believe...he was a huge part in catapulting MJ to the top...then he sold himself out for money.
Frank is a good guy and he showed great character by standing by Michael in his time of need. Very few others did that for him. Elizabeth did, and Mark Lester, etc... But very few. As is always the case it seems. But Frank said, at that time, and has since, some really nice, supportive things of Michael, saying he knows he would never do what he was being accused of and talking about how good he is. He said that Michael told him the reason he fired him and hired Sandy Gallin was because he was told such a move would get him in to the movies. Frank did act unprofessionally right after he was fired, talking to that fool JRT and making some snide remarks about how Michael always wanted to be in film and now it was him who was in film instead, referring to his cameo in "Waynes World". You can't totally blame him, since he was bitter about the whole thing. He obviously really cares about Michael, and when he was managing him, you got the sense that he was sort of like Michael's gaurdien, like he was going to be there to protect him against all the bad guys in the world. I remember Frank saying in an interview from during the trial that he knew there were people looking to hurt Michael, people that were around him even at that time in the 80s, and that somebody should have helped him and shown him who he shouldn't be hanging out with. But no one ever did. I think in retrospect, it's easier to see how many people were trying to hurt Michael and he wishes he could have been there to protect him. I think sometimes Michael needs that because he's such a nice person and he has so much trouble turning people away and saying no to them, and he's always giving people the benifit of the doubt and looking for the good in them, and he gets burned a lot because of it, and because while he's lending his heart out, no one is there to make sure the people he gives it to aren't going to crush it in their hands.
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No...that was Waltner Yetnikoff who worked at Sony I believe...he was a huge part in catapulting MJ to the top...then he sold himself out for money.

oh ok lol wazi duh im so slow lmao! thanx 4 clearing that up. and he seemed like a jerk
Frank suprized MJ and showed up at his verdict.. MJ was brought to tears and touched by it.. Michael thanked Frank for all he's done in in T25..

Michael loves Frank.. Why would we hate on him?