Frank DiLeo


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wasn't alive in the 80's so all that I know about Michael is through research. One thing I haven't learned much about is Michael's history with Frank DiLeo. I understand he was his manager up until 1989, but that's about all I know. What was their relationship like, when did it start, why did it end, do they remain close today? Any answers to those questions would be helpful. Thanks!!
I remember an article about F.Dileo was posted on this forum not too long ago. It should tell you all you need to know. :)
why do people on this board keep saying mj was brainwashed into decisions? Is MJ incapable of making decisions on his own or something? Guess so.

I think there were reasons he did what he did.
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why do people on this board keep saying mj was brainwashed into decisions? Is MJ incapable of making decisions on his own or something? Guess so.

i guess from actions that happened with scahffel kontizer weisner etc. theres a pattern to some
why do people on this board keep saying mj was brainwashed into decisions? Is MJ incapable of making decisions on his own or something? Guess so.

I think there were reasons he did what he did.

YEah I agree! For crying out loud - what, Mike asks "Geez, what should I do now?" I don't think so..
YEah I agree! For crying out loud - what, Mike asks "Geez, what should I do now?" I don't think so..
I don't think it is as simple as that though. MJ has advisors, he always had, but there are also people who inject themselves in his life for their own selfish reasons. No normal human being is going to know 100% of the time that that person is only out there for his own reasons, esp when everyone is smiling and telling you how great you are.
People have weesled their way into MJ's life offering him advice, some of them sued him for that advice later on, when he didn't even know he had employed them. T-Mez talked about all these people whispering in MJ's ears. It is very posible that someone who envied Frank for his closeness to MJ, could start to whisper in MJ's ear and telling tales for him to get rid, so they could get the job. This was the most sought after job in musicdom, it was career pinacle.:)
yes but not knowing 100% of the time who is for or against you, and picking the wrong people to trust does not equal brainwashing.

Brainwashing implies that MJ can't THINK on his own, especially when peeps feel that he's ALWAYS being brainwashed. Meh.
yes but not knowing 100% of the time who is for or against you, and picking the wrong people to trust does not equal brainwashing.

Brainwashing implies that MJ can't THINK on his own, especially when peeps feel that he's ALWAYS being brainwashed. Meh.
Brainwashing was the wrong choice of words cause that has a long term effect and is far more serious. Maybe he should have said influenced .^_^
I don't think it is as simple as that though. MJ has advisors, he always had, but there are also people who inject themselves in his life for their own selfish reasons. No normal human being is going to know 100% of the time that that person is only out there for his own reasons, esp when everyone is smiling and telling you how great you are.
People have weesled their way into MJ's life offering him advice, some of them sued him for that advice later on, when he didn't even know he had employed them. T-Mez talked about all these people whispering in MJ's ears. It is very posible that someone who envied Frank for his closeness to MJ, could start to whisper in MJ's ear and telling tales for him to get rid, so they could get the job. This was the most sought after job in musicdom, it was career pinacle.:)
It was to why Dileo was fired.. Michael has the capability of not only earning himself millions of $$ but also the people around him...his life is more complicated than any of us could imagine...

basically for me .. Michael is human.. and his life is placed under a microscope for the masses to dissect - inject- redirect... etc..

the average joe does not have to make the type of decisions Michael has to make -- day in /day out..

anyways, what's important is that Frank and Michael are close....Frank was there for him during the darkest days of his life...and that speaks volumes...
Michael was not 'brainwashed'. His contract with Sony basically forced him to do it.. They tried to run his career from the beginning the way they thought it was best.
Dileo said some questionable remarks back in 1990, shortly after he was fired, but since then he improved back to "normal".

And yes, Datsymay is right that more accurate choice of words would be "influenced", when talking about how other people try to make Michael do decision. He definitely is capable doing decisions on his own mind, what he only bases those decision on information that is provided by all kinds of "advisers".

So though decisions are his, in fact, some of those are done in favor of "advisers". Jackson trusts people and generally hates to suspect everyone.

Just remember his reflection from "Dancing The Dream":
[FONT=&quot]By Michael Joseph Jackson[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]As I was feeding squirrels in the park, I noticed a small one that didn't seem to trust me.
While the others came close enough to eat out of my hand, he kept his distance.
I threw a peanut his way.
He edged up, grabbed it nervously, and ran off.

[FONT=&quot]Next time he must have felt less afraid, because he came a little closer.
The safer he felt, the more he trusted me.

[FONT=&quot]Finally he sat right at my feet, as bold as any squirrel clamoring for the next peanut.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Trust is like that - it always seems to come down to trusting in yourself.
Others can't overcome fear for you; you have to do it on your own.
It's hard, because fear and doubt hold on tight.
We are afraid of being rejected, of being hurt once more.
So we keep a safe distance.
We think separating ourselves from others will protect us, but that doesn't work, either.
It leaves us feeling alone and unloved.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Trusting yourself begins by recognizing that it's okay to be afraid.
Having fear is not the problem, because everyone feels anxious and insecure sometimes.
The problem is not being honest enough to admit your fear.
Whenever I accept my own doubt and insecurity, I'm more open to other people.
The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear.
In accepting yourself completely, trust becomes complete.
There is no longer any separation between people, because there is no longer any separation inside.

[FONT=&quot]In the space where fear used to live, love is allowed to grow.
Frank started out as A&R on Sony and he pushed the label to run Beat it behind Billie Jean. he was One of the suits but he was savvy enough to know when something could truly take off. MJ and Frank parted mainly because MJ wasn't happy with the overall sales of "Bad" but they have since patched things up. but Frank went on to work with Cher, Prince and others. Frank is a cat who knows his business and he is hip to hit songs. He understands the business very well. Frank had a bit part in the film "Goodfellas" and lets remember Joe peci was in that also was in MJ's "Moonwalker" small world and how that works.
Sony did not like Frank.. They thought he would bring a bad rap for the company, and thought they could run MJ's career better.. They supplied the manager, the PR team all that.. For the largest contract in music history they wanted it to go the 'RIGHT' way..

which ended up being the wrong way...
michael was brainwashed into firing dileo.
i bet he regrets it too.
wait second I thought it was frank that was the one who was doing the brainwashing. What was the deal with titania saying that he gave her this evil look after she kissed michael on stage and then he got rid of her. I thought this guy was the one supposedly pulling michael's strings and keep him away from family members:ph34r:.

but ahhh I don't know:wacko:. It's so much he said she said, you said I said, media said, and little quotes from the ppl themselves that don't say enough and leave room for fans to speculate and tell other fans thing that aren't the truth but their take on the matter, until you really don't know what happen. Only michael and frank really know and they have different points of view about how things happen just can say what happen for sure. Especial us fans.

That's why I just like talking about the music and stuff like that. We really don't know what happened in most of this situations. A lot of times, a lot of fans think they know what happened and that they have the full story of the truth and nothing but the truth when they don't know JACK. Literally.-_-
What was the deal with titania saying that he gave her this evil look after she kissed michael on stage and then he got rid of her. I thought this guy was the one supposedly pulling michael's strings and keep him away from family members

I have no idea what the deal was with that. I do not think that Frank got rid of Tatiana. I think she did that all by herself. That Tatiana woman is a mess all around. As for Frank keeping MJ away from his family, that is a bit questionable. It might have been perceived that way, but I do not think Frank kept MJ away from his family. His family went to the BAD tour with MJ a few times. So, I can't see how Frank can keep MJ away from his family when his family had backstage passes to his tour.

Frank did an interview with some paper and he basically explained what happened with MJ and why Frank was let go. Frank said on GMA back in 2004 that Sony had something to do with his firing. Frank stood by MJ during the trial and he said in that article that he told MJ that he knew that MJ would never do such a thing. Out of all of the managers that MJ ever had, Frank was the only one that was there for him. That says a lot.

I respect Mr. DiLeo a lot. Yeah, he might have done some things that I did not agree with but he did his job. I can't hate on someone that did their job. He looked out for Mike and really cared about Michael.

I do not think MJ was brainwashed in getting rid of Frank. In the entertainment business, there is always someone telling the entertainer what they wanna hear. If this entertainer hires this manager, that person can take him places. Frank basically mentioned that MJ had people telling him that putting them in his camp would get him into movies. Of course, that never happened. Just look at the fool Uri Guller. He told MJ that he should do an interview with that clown ass Martin Bashit under the impression that it would help people. Look what happened: a hot ass mess. See, people had agendas and I can safely say that Frank, imo, did not really have an agenda. MJ is in a business that is nasty but he is a survivor.
Frank Dileo was manager for 3T too in their 15 minutes back in 1996 if I'm not mistaken.
frank dileo is a really nice man. michael needs friends and associates like him in his life and career. hes always been loyal and supportive of him as far as im concerned
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Wasn't Joe's name in Moonwalker named after Frank Dileo ^^

yeah, if i remember correctly it was Frankie LiDeo- I'll go watch it again to make sure :)

awwww, DiLeo memories! He was MJ's best manager (although if Joe hadn't taken them from Motown, they'd still be singing all j5 hits in concert :( - so THANK YOU JOE! )

ummmm, if you read the article on the board about Frank and "magic and the madness" you'll get tons of info.

*sigh* good times, i remember reading about how MJ chased frank with Muscles (the snake-lol) and Frank was gonna shoot it, and MJ screamed!!!!

and i agree bee1983, i don't think Frank had an agenda, he genuinely wanted what was best for MJ and his career
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Frank and MJ were/are friends as well..
Frank is MJ's friend but stuff happens. MJ's mum blamed him for some of the information swirling around MJ and keeping him in the dark.

So when Frank came back, you can see he didn't stay too long. MJ's mum had not forgotten about his role and failure to deal with all teh negativity that eventually led to all this.

To MJ's mum and to Mesereau, a lot of people coming back into MJ's life were only looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Frank appeared on TV, and MJ saw it and got him back into his circle. But when Mez came along, he was clearing everyone out.

I would say Dileo may have his good side and atleast when fired, he did not try to take advantage or go negative about MJ, which is the easy route. But again, one does not know why he has been kept out after MJ brought him back in.

That's between MJ, his mum and other advisors that he's had.
Back when he was MJ's manager he did have a little bad rep with some people.. Katherine did not like him, and others..

Katherine had a big issue with Frank because of the Tatiana thing as well..

I did not like everything he did.. I get put off sometimes BUT...

He was a shrewed business guy... But I always felt he had MJ's best interest in tact in the end..
I can understand the situation with Sony etc. A lot of the times, record companies want to take all the harnesses of a musician's career and try to control all they can, leaving the artist feeling drained and trapped. This is what happend with Prince and Warner Bros. Happy to see now that Sony and Michael have made amends. ^_^
Brainwashing was the wrong choice of words cause that has a long term effect and is far more serious. Maybe he should have said influenced .^_^

thats definately a better word.
Frank supported MJ at the trial. Mike was so happy and said to him "you know frank, ive had 19 managers in my life and your the ONLY one who came here to support me" (something along those lines and im not sure if it was 19 but its something like that)
quincy and frank dileo were the best managers and producers someone coulld find in the 80s they were both strong personalitys and am sure they were pressed michael to do things in the bissines that maybe he didnt wanted to do in 90s i have the feeling michael wanted to change this and be the only boss in his work..and pay less of course because both were getting lot of money...