Frank Cascio has place some Michael Jackson memorabilia on Juliens auction


Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
In the latest Juliens Auction catalouge (May 18, 20013), Frank is selling Michael's Makeup-Compact Mirror, the jacket Michael wore when he met Nelson Mandela, and a Video/CD Player that Michael gave to him, I know many here like him but I am so tired of people selling Michael bit by bit. I will assume Frank has some money so offer it to the children since Frank earned everything being with Michael. It isn't as though he had to go out job hunting.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

In the latest Juliens Auction catalouge (May 18, 20013), Frank is selling Michael's Makeup-Compact Mirror, the jacket Michael wore when he met Nelson Mandela, and a Video/CD Player that Michael gave to him, I know many here like him but I am so tired of people selling Michael bit by bit. I will assume Frank has some money so offer it to the children since Frank earned everything being with Michael. It isn't as though he had to go out job hunting.

:bugeyed :no:

Soon will sell Michael's underpants. :(
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

"My Friend, Michael". Yeah...ok. Right. Sure. ....right.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

A true friend doesn't sell you out, he doesn't know the meaning of privacy and respect.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

In the latest Juliens Auction catalouge (May 18, 20013), Frank is selling Michael's Makeup-Compact Mirror, the jacket Michael wore when he met Nelson Mandela, and a Video/CD Player that Michael gave to him, I know many here like him but I am so tired of people selling Michael bit by bit. I will assume Frank has some money so offer it to the children since Frank earned everything being with Michael. It isn't as though he had to go out job hunting.

Cant belive this :eek: some friend aye grr
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Good for him, it was a gift and Michael (unlike some of his fans) didn't put any conditions on his gifts .. so he only has to answer to Michael not anyone else who want's to judge his actions. I can't judge a man ( without knowing his heart) or those who judge or misjudge him.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

we've all judged Paul Anka, possibly, in our hearts.
friendship has a certain fabric to it. but it's fleeting.
i don't know that being hurt by friendship having a price is the same as judging a person, but..i don't know. it still hurts. If Michael wasn't Michael, would Frank sell the items? You're right. Frank has every right to do what he wants with is property. But ''friendship' is a big word in so many ways. and it's an abused word. If you're going to call someone your friend, you should be that friend. Otherwise, why use the word? Yes what you put out, you get back..even if it's the hurt hearts of some fans.

I wonder if Michael gave him the it a makeup mirror that is Frank's or some relative of Frank's.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

I looked thru Julien's catalogue and saw many items that MJ signed for fans and fans are selling them off.
Why there is double standards for friends and its different to fans?

As long as fans are selling stuff, friends should be allowed to do the same.
Both are making money of MJ, so simple is that.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

i don't know any fans that are doing that. and i don't know that every person that asked MJ for an autograph is a fan. i know one thing..'friend' is a word that is easy to grab onto.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

i don't care to do that. and, quite frankly, there have been people who don't pretend to be MJ fans...just people who are captivated by his music.

*listens to the song 'Money'*
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

we've all judged Paul Anka, possibly, in our hearts.
friendship has a certain fabric to it. but it's fleeting.
i don't know that being hurt by friendship having a price is the same as judging a person, but..i don't know. it still hurts. If Michael wasn't Michael, would Frank sell the items? You're right. Frank has every right to do what he wants with is property. But ''friendship' is a big word in so many ways. and it's an abused word. If you're going to call someone your friend, you should be that friend. Otherwise, why use the word? Yes what you put out, you get back..even if it's the hurt hearts of some fans.

I wonder if Michael gave him the it a makeup mirror that is Frank's or some relative of Frank's.
I didn't say we can't judge someone righteously with our hearts. We can if we know a mans heart or intent. I wouldn't compare Paul Anka to Frank though. Paul Anka has never been a friend of Michael's He says Michael is someone sinister and untrustworthy who he knew was heading down the wrong path since 1982. I can judge that Paul is not a good person by stating such hard mean spirited things about Michael and also judge he is no friend. I cant judge the same about the motives of Frank selling his own personal possessions. Unless he were known to be an enemy of MJ or mean spirited person , then I would question intent and if the mirror was MJs or not. He has shown nothing to make me question his motive or intent. I'm not quick to judge anyone. Because I wouldnt want to be judged like that. but that's just me and I do understand yours and others concerns over the issue. I just don't hold the same view is all and thats Ok too.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

i appreciate what you say. i must say, though..'righteous judgment' we have the wherewithal for that? I just believe a person can hurt another person. Some things are an undescribable way. friendship should be one of those things. and words...just because a person doesn't come out like Anka and is forthright with harsh words, doesn't mean they don't have those words in their heart. A person full of nice words, isn't necessarily nice. i don't know that the need to sell such items..,my looking upon it, the way i do is quick judgment, since so many people have sold at auction, Michael's items over so many years. And..if i do something sinister, i hope i am corrected quickly..judged quickly. Well, maybe i don't hope for it, but it should happen to me, anyway. Boundaries are good for the soul.
I mean..if you gotta sell something so you can eat...i understand..but..i'll take my chances that a lot of this selling isn't for meals, as much as it is just to look at the gold coins. some things are just beyond words.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

See yourself: and read descriptions, also if you check MJJ Memorabilia section on this very same forum, you'll see fans are selling stuff there too

There is no selling in our memorabilia forum .. that I know of - It's not that we are against fans who want to sell their memorabilia. we just don't allow any sales and solicitation on the board.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

well..that says it all.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

I'm going to move the auction post and replies to its own thread in memorabilia forum, because it's recent news and has nothing to do with Franks book.
I do not judge Frank, I guess he has very important personal reasons for doing that. Didn’t he mention in his book Michael’s wish to build one day 'Michael Jackson Museum"? and isn't it also Frank’s wish ? Simply I feel sad and I don’t understand the fans – if they are really fans -who sell MJ memorabilia instead of keeping items for the future museum.
I would never give or sell away PRESENTS as he claims. Let alone if Michael gave them.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

There is no selling in our memorabilia forum .. that I know of - It's not that we are against fans who want to sell their memorabilia. we just don't allow any sales and solicitation on the board.

Sorry, I was busy writing my post and didn't clarify. What I meant that there are fans that are saying that they sell their MJ stuff for one reason or other, no complaint from me, none of my business.
Also when BAD 25 came out, there were fans saying that they buy more than one copy and save rest of them to sell in the future when prices go up (or something similar). Again, none of my business, and I only intended to show that fans are not any different than MJ's friends. Everybody has their own reasons, but I got ticked off when someone is accused making money of MJ, when the same is going on in fan community.

I would never give or sell away PRESENTS as he claims. Let alone if Michael gave them.

:D honestly?
I have received tons of gifts during the years, and I can guarantee that most of them you cannot find from my house. I have either sold them, depending what they are, or given them away.

Of course, it would be different if MJ personally gave me something, it would be stored in bank vault :cheeky:
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

:D honestly?
I have received tons of gifts during the years, and I can guarantee that most of them you cannot find from my house. I have either sold them, depending what they are, or given them away.

Of course, it would be different if MJ personally gave me something, it would be stored in bank vault :cheeky:

Never. Maybe I did give things away, but those are the thing i bought for myself. I cannot imagine giving presents away. Id rather, even if i dont have the money, give something away of mine, than a present. I also cannot inagine how fans would think of buying to copies to SELL the other one in case it gets special or somethin over the ages. I cantttt understand that even as a fan of MJ in particuler they do it with ANYTHING relating to him. :(
I refuse to believe you still have everything somewhere in your house that you have been given during the years, xmas gifts birthday gifts and other reasons!

I don't have a problems selling or giving away gifts that friends or family gave me, if they don't serve their purpose any longer, for example clothes that are out of fashion or otherwise don't fit anymore:) My wardrobe and house would be full of stuff if I didn't do spring clean once a year :bugeyed

Anyways, who knows if Frank is so broke that he has to sell something to get money? At least he is only selling some compact thingy and ordinary jacket, which is not iconic in any ways like his video or stage costumes.
It just seemed strange to me to think of the makeup as being a gift. It seems more like the kind of thing you might inadvertently leave behind if you've been visiting somone else's home or possibly a hotel.
It seems to me a bit like selling someone's toothbrush. Just very personal.
I refuse to believe you still have everything somewhere in your house that you have been given during the years, xmas gifts birthday gifts and other reasons!

I don't have a problems selling or giving away gifts that friends or family gave me, if they don't serve their purpose any longer, for example clothes that are out of fashion or otherwise don't fit anymore:) My wardrobe and house would be full of stuff if I didn't do spring clean once a year :bugeyed

Anyways, who knows if Frank is so broke that he has to sell something to get money? At least he is only selling some compact thingy and ordinary jacket, which is not iconic in any ways like his video or stage costumes.

What you say goes on in the fan community definitely doesn't go on with every fan. To be honest, it takes effort for me to find someone to sell something to in my isolated neighborhood. it's much easier for me to throw something away. the trash can is right near where i am. If it's of Michael, i'll keep it. i even keep paper clippings with MJ's pic on them. Keeping a piece of him makes me feel like magic is all around. Why would I want to sell the feeling of magic..or a magical experience surrounding me? I want to keep that feeling with me, for as long as I live. More importantly, I want to keep the representation of Michael around me. He represents so many good things. Health, healing, goodness, happiness, joy, the RIGHT kind of wealth, selflessness...i need those teaching tools in my life. Life's hard enough. There's enough nastiness in the world, and i don't want reminders of it to weigh me down. I've made enough mistakes in my life. Why would i want hints of things that would make it harder for me to keep my life straight? With people putting me down in real life, all the time, for no reason, i want reminders of someone who lifts me up. It makes life easier. i'm surprised you would say that anything that has Michael's name attached to it, isn't iconic. So if this is about keeping up argument for the sake of argument, i won't participate.
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What you say goes on in the fan community definitely doesn't go on with every fan. To be honest, it takes effort for me to find someone to sell something to in my isolated neighborhood. it's much easier for me to throw something away. the trash can is right near where i am. If it's of Michael, i'll keep it. i even keep paper clippings with MJ's pic on them. Keeping a piece of him makes me feel like magic is all around. Why would I want to sell the feeling of magic..or a magical experience surrounding me? I want to keep that feeling with me, for as long as I live. More importantly, I want to keep the representation of Michael around me. He represents so many good things. Health, healing, goodness, happiness, joy, the RIGHT kind of wealth, selflessness...i need those teaching tools in my life. Life's hard enough. There's enough nastiness in the world, and i don't want reminders of it to weigh me down. I've made enough mistakes in my life. Why would i want hints of things that would make it harder for me to keep my life straight? With people putting me down in real life, all the time, for no reason, i want reminders of someone who lifts me up. It makes life easier. i'm surprised you would say that anything that has Michael's name attached to it, isn't iconic. So if this is about keeping up argument for the sake of argument, i won't participate.

I didn't say all/every fan, I meant some fans. I'm coming from country recycling is must, throw nothing out that can be recycled, one way or the other, for example I sell bits and bobs in flee market, and some stuff in ebay.
As I said earlier that if I had something from MJ, I would not sell it, but I cannot apply what I do to someone else should do the same. That would be patronizing what people should do with their own stuff, and if you think about it, when Frank sells his stuff, some fan who buys those items will be happy camper to own something that once belonged to MJ.
And no, I don't consider MJ's compact case, signed pillow case as iconic:)

I know life can be hard sometimes, but do you really need something of MJ to remind you and lift your up. To me its enough to think of him to cheer me up, or to think what he went through during his life, makes me wonder how he did it, and my admiration of him only grows.

No, I don't do this only sake of argument, just trying to understand the other side of the mirror too.
usually you have made up your mind whether or not you understand if you keep going back and forth. There's nothing wrong with having a teacher in life. Using Michael as an example of a shining light, works for me. it helps in the willingness to be humble..the learning to be humble if you don't mind being a follower of an example. and like i said..there's nothing like magic. is hard. making it easier surely doesn't hurt. then, perhaps. some aspect of my life can make it easier for someone else, to look where a way is pointed toward an attempt at a better world, at least, hopefully, in my little corner of the world, to, at least, some extent. hopefully, we all, as one, with Michael as the great example yeah, i can think about him..but it's even better to see something of him..something as simple as memorabilia. better is always good. and keeping it around me is comforting. trying to make it easier is better, and is nothing to be ashamed of. and no, i don't like the mercenary feeling that an 'anything for money' attitude gives me. that only makes my life harder, which is certainly not necessary. i don't want to be reminded of a person that says 'hollywood eats their dead', and then that same person writes a book for money, and does some eating of his own. i want to try to mimick as little as possible, something somebody doing something like that, does.

There's a passion, for me, in collecting things, Michael, so there's no passion in the reverse. There's a coldness in the mercenary feeling. distractions from that coldness are good for me. then, when i think of Michael as a distraction, i think of something that is of, and then i do something charitable, and that's good for both me, and someone else. seeing someone else appear mercenary isn't good for me or a good feeling for me, so i don't want to pass that feeling onto someone else. it helps the man in the mirror persist in making that change. and mercenary competes with that, to me, therefore, making life harder.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Good for him, it was a gift and Michael (unlike some of his fans) didn't put any conditions on his gifts .. so he only has to answer to Michael not anyone else who want's to judge his actions. I can't judge a man ( without knowing his heart) or those who judge or misjudge him.

You know, sometimes its not even about selling it. Its about the fact that all of his "friends" are doin it now after he passed away. Im must say though that im not completely aware if his so called friends used to do this when he still was with us. So maybe About the fans, i doubt everyone who has a item MJ gave them or bought at autions, ARE fans. They may be registerd at these sites where they only have MJ stuff, which doesnthave to mean that he is a fan. In fact, it only grows the chance it will get sold quicker.