Four Tops legend Levi Stubbs dies of cancer in Detroit

Thank You for the timeless music these men gave us :)

you will be missed but never, ever forgotten :(

Rest In Peace
May he rest in peace. The music of the Four Tops will never be forgotten. It is really sad to read about Mr. Stubbs passing. I read this thread and I start to think about the fact that music today is really not the same compared to music of the era of great singing groups like the Four Tops and the Temptions. So, when I heard about Levi's passing, I was sadden.
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Stevie Wonder paying tribute to a fellow artist:

I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)

I was so sad when I heard this :-(. Levi has always been my fave member of the four tops. He had such a terriffic voice. He surely will be missed.

RIP Mr. Stubbs