Forever Dangerous MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten [UPDATE] Msg. from musical directer Post 37


Proud Member
Aug 2, 2010
“Forever Dangerous” Michael Jackson Tribute Featuring Jackson Guitarist Jennifer Batten, Delivers Authentic King of Pop Live Concert Experience

Michael Jackson’s former lead guitarist Jennifer Batten has announced she is the co-creator of “Forever Dangerous”, a new tribute that promises fans a world class concert experience that stays true to the legacy of the King of Pop.

Forever Dangerous is a world class tribute celebrating the legacy of Michael Jackson, recently developed by guitarist Jennifer Batten and keyboardist Chris Fischer. The unrivaled production is in a class of its own in large part to Batten’s impressive credentials. Jennifer Batten was Michael Jackson’s lead guitarist, performing with the King of Pop on all of his solo world tours, including his 1993 Superbowl halftime performance. “Jennifer’s amazing musicianship and incredible experience brings an obvious element of authenticity to the show that can only be achieved by somebody who actually performed with Michael,” explains Fischer. It is safe to say that next to Michael, Jennifer is the most recognizable member of Jackson's band. Her iconic blond hair and rock star appearance became an anticipated element of every Jackson concert.

Since Jackson's passing in 2009, Batten has turned down numerous offers from various tributes all over the world. "I felt they lacked quality and realized we could create something really exceptional to properly honor Michael's incredible contributions," explains Batten. Forever Dangerous incorporates the essential elements that define a Michael Jackson concert including a live band, multi-dancer choreography, spectacular costumes and special effects. Batten continues, "Our goal is that Forever Dangerous will transport fans back in time to relive some of the most exciting live concerts in history."

To create a believable show, they needed a star quality performer that could convincingly impersonate Michael Jackson. “There will only ever be one Michael Jackson,” states Fischer, “and there is no single person capable of doing it all.” They would require a minimum of two people, someone with the looks and signature dance moves and a singer that could deliver the vocals.
In 2010, while performing in Denver, Colorado, Fischer was introduced to Jackson tribute artist Carlo Riley. “It truly was meant to be," says Fischer, “I instantly realized I had just found our Michael and he only lived thirty minutes from me.” Riley, a lifelong Jackson fan, has an uncanny natural resemblance to the King of Pop that with makeup and authentic costuming render him and the real Jackson virtually indistinguishable. In fact, in 2007 after meeting Michael Jackson at the Thriller 25th Anniversary in Japan, the press quickly labeled the pair "Twins.”

Preston Scales, a Nashville native currently residing in Los Angeles, was recruited as the “Voice of Michael" and with the live band and back-up vocalists accurately performs the songs with Jackson-like style and emotion. Fischer discovered a video of Preston performing “Human Nature” on YouTube and was impressed. Batten describes him as “a natural performer, superb dancer and genuinely great guy that we are truly blessed to have.”

An integral part of Jackson’s legacy and incorporated into virtually every live performance were Michael’s dancers. Forever Dangerous would not be complete without dancers and choreography from StoliGrant Productions, the LA based team of Oskar Rodriguez and Marc Cleary. “Michael Jackson inspired me to become a professional dancer and choreographer and now I have the honor of being a part of this remarkable tribute to him.” states Rodriguez.
Each member of Forever Dangerous is a handpicked industry professional and true Michael Jackson fan. “Everybody involved with this project is interested in protecting Michael’s legacy,” explains Batten. “That is important to me and I believe it is important to all of his fans around the world.”

Forever Dangerous is currently booking 2012 performances and a European tour. They also recently released a Video Demo.

Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

this can be only enjoyed, when you're drunk. really, only then it's going to be sooo fun.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

It is safe to say that next to Michael, Jennifer is the most recognizable member of Jackson's band.


No comment.

I wonder what her friend Karen fake will say.

ETA I am not against her tribute, I just thought that quote was peculiar.

And as Karen Fake is always criticizing estate, family ventures, I am waiting for her go after her friend.
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Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

[h=1]Forever Dangerous - A World Class Tribute to Michael Jackson - featuring Jennifer Batten[/h]
Michael Jackson’s former lead guitarist Jennifer Batten has announced she is the co-creator of “Forever Dangerous”, a new tribute that promises fans a world class concert experience that stays true to the legacy of the King of Pop.

Boulder, CO (PRWEB) February 08, 2012
Forever Dangerous is a world class tribute celebrating the legacy of Michael Jackson, recently developed by guitarist Jennifer Batten and keyboardist Chris Fischer. The unrivaled production is in a class of its own in large part to Batten’s impressive credentials. Jennifer Batten was Michael Jackson’s lead guitarist, performing with the King of Pop on all of his solo world tours, including his 1993 Superbowl halftime performance. “Jennifer’s amazing musicianship and incredible experience brings an obvious element of authenticity to the show that can only be achieved by somebody who actually performed with Michael,” explains Fischer. It is safe to say that next to Michael, Jennifer is the most recognizable member of Jackson's band. Her iconic blond hair and rock star appearance became an anticipated element of every Jackson concert.

Since Jackson's passing in 2009, Batten has turned down numerous offers from various tributes all over the world. "I felt they lacked quality and realized we could create something really exceptional to properly honor Michael's incredible contributions," explains Batten. Forever Dangerous incorporates the essential elements that define a Michael Jackson concert including a live band, multi-dancer choreography, spectacular costumes and special effects. Batten continues, "Our goal is that Forever Dangerous will transport fans back in time to relive some of the most exciting live concerts in history."

To create a believable show, they needed a star quality performer that could convincingly impersonate Michael Jackson. “There will only ever be one Michael Jackson,” states Fischer, “and there is no single person capable of doing it all.” They would require a minimum of two people, someone with the looks and signature dance moves and a singer that could deliver the vocals.

In 2010, while performing in Denver, Colorado, Fischer was introduced to Jackson tribute artist Carlo Riley. “It truly was meant to be," says Fischer, “I instantly realized I had just found our Michael and he only lived thirty minutes from me.” Riley, a lifelong Jackson fan, has an uncanny natural resemblance to the King of Pop that with makeup and authentic costuming render him and the real Jackson virtually indistinguishable. In fact, in 2007 after meeting Michael Jackson at the Thriller 25th Anniversary in Japan, the press quickly labeled the pair "Twins.”

Preston Scales, a Nashville native currently residing in Los Angeles, was recruited as the “Voice of Michael" and with the live band and back-up vocalists accurately performs the songs with Jackson-like style and emotion. Fischer discovered a video of Preston performing “Human Nature” on YouTube and was impressed. Batten describes him as “a natural performer, superb dancer and genuinely great guy that we are truly blessed to have.”

An integral part of Jackson’s legacy and incorporated into virtually every live performance were Michael’s dancers. Forever Dangerous would not be complete without dancers and choreography from StoliGrant Productions, the LA based team of Oskar Rodriguez and Marc Cleary. “Michael Jackson inspired me to become a professional dancer and choreographer and now I have the honor of being a part of this remarkable tribute to him.” states Rodriguez.

Each member of Forever Dangerous is a handpicked industry professional and true Michael Jackson fan. “Everybody involved with this project is interested in protecting Michael’s legacy,” explains Batten. “That is important to me and I believe it is important to all of his fans around the world.”

Forever Dangerous is currently booking 2012 performances and a European tour. They also recently released a Video Demo.

For further information and booking inquiries please visit: or Hi Phi Entertainment, LLC.

About Hi-Phi Entertainment, LLC

Hi-Phi Entertainment, LLC is a Boulder, Colorado based company that specializes in live entertainment and event production, management and booking.

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Chris Fischer
Hi-Phi Entertainment, LLC
Email Information
Im not against MJ tribute tours as long as they are done professionally and respectfully presented

I love Jennifer Batten. I would be very interested in seeing what They have to offer. I hope they can pull
if off and that i t will be a fitting "Tribute" to the King of Pop. Looks like they are putting a lot of thought
and effort into it. The proof is in the Pudding (result)
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I like Jennifer. She has been one of the few who as defended MJ. And this tribute looks well done.

But, I never was into MJ impersonators. Especially ones who can't sing but just kinda dance like him. Just like the one in that video. So for me I'll pass. It looks to be done out of respect and love for MJ so that's good....I hope?!
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Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I like Jennifer..she is very talented..and I am sure she has a good heart. I just have 2 things to say, 1. I dont like that turns me off to this. and 2. where does the proceeds from the tribute concert go? In there pockets? I would hate to think that Michael's name would be used by these folks for monetary reasons. Maybe we just have to wait for more information to come out
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I love Jennifer Batten as well; however, I'm not fond of impersonaters either. When I watched the promo video and saw the two impersonators; one of them who was in LA last year, I had a very hard time watching them attempt to emulate Michael. Unless the impersonator is exceptional with both vocals and dancing, then I'm thinking that it will be difficult to watch. When an impersonator will sing a song here or there, that is one thing; however, when they attempt to perform a full concert, well I think you get my point. I truly try to give people the benefit of the doubt and never judge. It seems they have good intentions, so I hope the tribute to Michael goes well and is successful. I applaude their efforts.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I like Jennifer..she is very talented..and I am sure she has a good heart. I just have 2 things to say, 1. I dont like that turns me off to this. and 2. where does the proceeds from the tribute concert go? In there pockets? I would hate to think that Michael's name would be used by these folks for monetary reasons. Maybe we just have to wait for more information to come out

Why shouldnt the money go into their pockets for the work they do to put on a show. That is how these people make a living. They entertainning others with their talent. They should be paid for that just as any other entertainer. It doesnt matter if they want to do a show to honor Michael or not. Just becuase the show is about Michael or anything else it shouldnt play a factor in them earning a profit for their work. They just chose someone they admire and are familiar with to honor with their talent and they should earn whatever is fair for the show they put on. They are in show Biz thats how they make their living. It isnt dishonorable to do so. They owe nothing more than that. Put on good show. IMO of course
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I am not keen on the impersonator part of the show, so I will pass up that one. If it contained Jennifer, some dancers and great singers singing his songs then that would be more appealing to me. I like impersonators doing a few minutes of Michael, but not presenting a whole show to act like him. However, to some this show will be appealing. For those who are not too familiar with Michael, an impersonator seems like the next best thing. I would love to see Jenifer performing in something like the concept of the Immortal show.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I have always like Jennifer. thanks ms B :flowers:
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

The horrible dancing and off key singing really messed it up. Ive yet to see a impersonator that can dance and sing. Jennifer should be laughing after seeing all tours she been on.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I do like Jennifer, but no-one has the 'magic of Michael Jackson'....unfortunately impersonators only beg comparison with the real thing, and are generally doomed to fail. I'd rather see this without the impersonators.....just music and dance by people 'being themselves'.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I am totally against impersonators. They make a freak out of themselves by trying to be someone they can never be. They turn their "love" for Michael into a profession instead of getting a real job and a living out of it, without ridiculing themselves and Michael. I know Michael has used impersonators to cover him in several occasions when he wanted to go out of a hotel or in the Dangerous Tour for example but that is far from having some fans screaming and crying when seeing an impersonator performing. They get fooled by these people and it's a shame. Every person is unique and no matter how many plastic surgeries they make, how many "I love you too" they say, how many performances they give, it will be a fraud!!!
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I really like Jennifer, she's very talented, but I'll pass. Personally I'm not very interested in impersonators, whoever they are. Now even less than before.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I have nothing against impersonators. The problem is every impersonator, well is got awful rhythm. Their offbeat and slow. I cant believe the comments on youtube on all these impersonators bein praised for their awful dancing. Honestly e 'casanova has a better appearance. Matt czech has the coordination. All these impersonators get a little to over excited and sloppy. They always use their right leg rather then left and use the mirror image thing when they know its hard to coordinate your left to push you like side moonwalk. Im sorry but I dont think this carlo riley was best choice. Shawn klush is a good very good of Elvis. We need someone to give a little better representation of Michael.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

Bless her heart, BUT I would not be interested in this type of program.

I'd much rather see her go out there doing her own music with maybe a "portion" of her show dedicated to her work with Michael, no impersonator necessary, in my opinion.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I like Jennifer Batten. She Respect MJ
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I wonder what made her think of this idea though? Are they going to allow the impersonators to carry the show? I remember that Branca stressed that he did not want clowns or impersonators in the Immortal show and I wholeheartedly agree with him. I wish someone would ask Jennifer what made her go in this direction.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

There are different kinds of tribute shows and shows that honor Michael's work. There is an audience for these type of shows. I dont usually like watching impersonaters but if the show is produced well it can be a great tribute to Michael's work and very exciting to watch. Those who haven ever seen Mj live in concert may enjoy it .. Carlo riley would not be my pick though. Plus I dont like when impersonaters sing live. I rather listen to MJ voice and just watch them dance

It's not for everyone.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I think its so cool that JB is doing this.
I look at it as another way for people to connect with Michael.
Especially if it attracts new MJ fans who after seeing the show will want to see more. Imagine how blown away theyd be seeing the real deal even if its just a dvd or youtube.
There is just no one who comes close.
But i dont think that should stop people from wanting to honor his memory by performing or impersonating. Its a testament to the huge influence Michael has made here on this planet.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

We the fans are not interested on any impersonator since we have seen the real thing, nothing really matters only Michael himself, Jennifer disappointed me with that move, she could do tribute only by simply doing covers of his sings without any impersonator, release an album probably, all thing is a big let down ...All for quick cash not for his memory :( join the club of greed!
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

As long as it's done professionally and with genuuine respect I have no problem with this. It keeps Michael's legacy going and will also have the potential to make non fans into fans.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

Hope fans will like it ..
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

We the fans are not interested on any impersonator since we have seen the real thing, nothing really matters only Michael himself, Jennifer disappointed me with that move, she could do tribute only by simply doing covers of his sings without any impersonator, release an album probably, all thing is a big let down ...All for quick cash not for his memory :( join the club of greed!

You can't speak for We because a lot a fans enjoy this type of show. Many fans have never seen the real thing, a live concert of Michael. I can understand if you personally don't like shows that have MJ impersonators many don't. but thats quite a harsh "assumption" to make that it is all for quick cash and greed and that they are not interested in honoring Michael. They are entertainers thats how they make their living. What better way to do it than to bring Michaels music and dance style through their work. I don't think We cant really judge their motive because we don't know their heart. They are all fans of him and his work. Even if impersonators are not your cup of tea, Please at least give them a chance and see if it indeed their work is done in a way to honor Michael.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

Would Ms. Batten and her co-creator need approval from The Estate of Michael Jackson in order to use Michael's music in this production?

I was just thinking that The Estate might not be so keen on this type of production, since they are on-going with their promotion of the very successful Immortal World Tour. I don't know, just a thought.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

Would Ms. Batten and her co-creator need approval from The Estate of Michael Jackson in order to use Michael's music in this production?

I was just thinking that The Estate might not be so keen on this type of production, since they are on-going with their promotion of the very successful Immortal World Tour. I don't know, just a thought.

Maybe she already has permission, since she has been in the business and knows what has to be done. Further, the promotions are already on. I do not think they will make the same mistakes as the Wales tribute people. It might be a good show for some, but might not have the massive impact that the Immortal has had so far.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

Bless her heart, BUT I would not be interested in this type of program.

I'd much rather see her go out there doing her own music with maybe a "portion" of her show dedicated to her work with Michael, no impersonator necessary, in my opinion.

Yeah! Me too! That bit of her playing "Beat it" is awesome. I would love and go see her do Michael and her own stuff, but this impersonator shit... nah, not for me.
Re: 'Forever Dangerous': MJ tribute concerts by Jennifer Batten

I would have been interesting if there was not an impersonator. That s make me sick.
A pity because the idea was good.

I pass.