Forbes: Michael has beaten Elvis in highest-earning income with £60 million

MJ beat up elvis when he was alive,and now again after death..
don't get me wrong,I love elvis,but MJ was always
I have always wanted to beat Elvis although some (meaning SOME) of his songs are good... Im glad Michael did it and I hope theses no return. So just beat it...
The King has always been Michael. Elvis, yeah I like him, he had great charisma and charm and a nice voice but that was it really. Michael did all! But this list makes me sad. Michael shouldn't be on it... He should be alive and with his children. =(
Can Y'all imagine Mike and Elvis Up there...Elvis sayin',"Mike, how could u beat me even after you have passed away".

And Mike goes "Elvis, I think I told you, I dont like beating, I'm a lover not a figher" lolz....


The one and only King, Michael Joseph Jackson,baby.:punk:Bow down, Elvis.
Can Y'all imagine Mike and Elvis Up there...Elvis sayin',"Mike, how could u beat me even after you have passed away".

And Mike goes "Elvis, I think I told you, I dont like beating, I'm a lover not a figher" lolz....


Mike kicked ass when he was alive, and he's still kickin' ass after death. Amazing. :D
Wish he was here to see this. :(
  • “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” - Michael Jackson
How profound are these words:(

Mike kicked ass when he was alive, and he's still kickin' ass after death. Amazing. :D
Wish he was here to see this. :(
Don't worry, I'm sure his spirit is aware of all the latest developments. :) He must be really happy! But yeah, maybe Elvis won't be so happy... lol
My parents are Elvis fans. Dont get me wrong Elvis was good and stuff. MJ could dance, sing and give everthing in a performance. MJ was just special in way.
So this means he is selling now 17-18 times as much as Elvis. That's a lot! Even thou Elvis has been dead 30 years he's been selling a lot even compared to some of the new artists because his sales have been continuous through the year. If you release a new album, it's usually selling the most after its release. Michael will produce so much money for his estate and charity. Isnt it that 10% of all goes to the charity?
Just like everyone else, I feel both happy and sad.

Times like these make me ask myself again: "How can Michael Jackson really be dead? "

I'll never be able to find the answer.
what hurt me is that he did not have to die nor was he ready to die. Michael was making a big comeback. I cried Friday to when I heard Whitney Houston because she and Michael was the big comebacks of this year that people was waiting to see. Can you all believe that MIchael would have done almost half his shows in London for this year? This is not fair and I am mad. Michael death could have been avoided. MAN killed Michael, not God.

I agree. If I believed God took Michael, I may be able to deal with this a bit better. I am religious and when people in my family has died, I knew it was because it was their time-God wanted them. And I believed they were in Heaven at the time(and now too), so the main thought(even though I cried of sadness at times too) was that they were lucky.
I'm having a hard time thinking that about Michael, not because I don't think he's in Heaven, but I really don't believe God wanted his soul yet. God gives us free will and the cruel press and others took advantage of Michael's big, kind heart and eventually man was responsible for Michael's passing. Of course anyone is lucky to be in Heaven, but as I said, I don't belive it was Michael's time, so therefore, I guess I can't have peace about this.
The good news is this thread, that his sales are very high.
Why is this nowhere to be found on Forbes website? The article came from a tabloid which makes me question its accuracy. Does anybody have this from a legit source?
Of course, you dont need to tell it to me
I just take all these articles about the state of his finances with a pinch of salt now. From what I've read before he should have been receiving at least 10% to 12% annually -of the value of his share of the catalogue. Even basing it on his share being worth $500 million that's at least $50 million a year of revenue for him. And 50% of that catalogue is worth far more than that.

So why do they all insist on overlooking that? Apparently the income from that was what was paying off the loans so ready cash it may not have been but its annual income all the same.

They are just another mag cashing in on using the name Michael Jackson. He has been making money all along, now all of a sudden they want to report it. MJ always overachieved even when he wasn't trying.