For the New Yorkers, Kenny O & Travis at Union Square.


Proud Member
May 3, 2004
over the rainbow...
*don't know if this was already posted*

Just saw this on Kenny Ortegas twitter:

Travis and I will be at the Union Square Best Buy for the TII DVD Launch this evening at 11:00 PM Come join us if you're in the Apple xo
about 11 hours ago from web

It's at 11:00 PM at Best Buy Union Station There will be a flash mob MJ dance and autograph signing. If you're up late come down and say ... about 15 hours ago from txt

Did anyone attend this?? Pictures anybody..?
Well, makes me wonder don't they have anything better to do. It has been 7 months from MJs death. No justice for MJ although what does it really matter as long as someone gets paid right?

Makes me feel sick...
Well, makes me wonder don't they have anything better to do. It has been 7 months from MJs death. No justice for MJ although what does it really matter as long as someone gets paid right?

Makes me feel sick...

thats a little harsh, i like how even after Michaels death that Kenny and Travis are still behind him 100% in support of his projects which benefit his children and their future. They are out their spreading L.O.V.E. through Michael.
thats a little harsh, i like how even after Michaels death that Kenny and Travis are still behind him 100% in support of his projects which benefit his children and their future. They are out their spreading L.O.V.E. through Michael.
exactly... I guess some ppl dont care about these projects as they don't benefit some other ppl
Would have loved to have met Kenny but...11pm? WHY do they have these things so late in the evening?

Thanks for the information. :)
Well, makes me wonder don't they have anything better to do. It has been 7 months from MJs death. No justice for MJ although what does it really matter as long as someone gets paid right?

Makes me feel sick...
Well I'm pretty sure that Kenny & Travis aren't responsible for investigating...:mello:

What do you want them to do? :brow:
Well I'm pretty sure that Kenny & Travis aren't responsible for investigating...:mello:

What do you want them to do? :brow:

Well, excuse me...for standing up for Michael. Under the circumstances, I think these events are inappropriate. But surely its ok as long as someone gets paid...

But, it looks like all we can do is maybe I should start do that and forget MJ ever lived or died...or that he has been dead for the last 7 months without any justice...maybe I am expecting too much and should forget it.Justice is not cool anymore....

So maybe I should stop this... Yeah its cool for Kenny and his Union Square pals to advertise this DVD right?

I don't know what I would want them to do. Maybe think for a while...that the person who they are cashing on paid for the DVD with his life. I want them to stop these events and move on. Enough is enough! Move they cared in the first place...I don't want to see the bloody advertisements everywhere...they do not have any substance what so ever. MJs life is not for sale, not anymore.

If they have something decent to say then say...but this circus around one DVD is a bit too much. MJ is DVD will bring him back...these pals of ours will take us on a ride as long as the cash flows in.

But that is just my opinion.
OP, thank you so much for posting!

I, for one, love and respect Kenny and Travis for supporting Mike and TII to this day. I'm sure after the DVD release, we'll be seeing less and less TII events. They are just promoting it.
Kenny and Travis are great people and were true to Mike...when Kenny spoke he made me tear up and his voice was cracking:clapping::clapping:
Well, excuse me...for standing up for Michael. Under the circumstances, I think these events are inappropriate. But surely its ok as long as someone gets paid...

But, it looks like all we can do is maybe I should start do that and forget MJ ever lived or died...or that he has been dead for the last 7 months without any justice...maybe I am expecting too much and should forget it.Justice is not cool anymore....

So maybe I should stop this... Yeah its cool for Kenny and his Union Square pals to advertise this DVD right?

I don't know what I would want them to do. Maybe think for a while...that the person who they are cashing on paid for the DVD with his life. I want them to stop these events and move on. Enough is enough! Move they cared in the first place...I don't want to see the bloody advertisements everywhere...they do not have any substance what so ever. MJs life is not for sale, not anymore.

If they have something decent to say then say...but this circus around one DVD is a bit too much. MJ is DVD will bring him back...these pals of ours will take us on a ride as long as the cash flows in.

But that is just my opinion.

The thing to me is if Kenny, Travis, Sony, whoever were not promoting TII, then there would be outcries saying TII was not receiving enough or proper promotion. Sometimes it's a no win situation, damned if they do, damned if they don't, such is the fan world of Michael Jackson.
The thing to me is if Kenny, Travis, Sony, whoever were not promoting TII, then there would be outcries saying TII was not receiving enough or proper promotion. Sometimes it's a no win situation, damned if they do, damned if they don't, such is the fan world of Michael Jackson.

Yes, you are right I have to agree but I also have to say the movie was well promoted...just look at the box office results...the movie was everywhere and broke all the records...mostly because MJ has incredible fans who will buy the DVD regardless of anything. Absurd win win situation would be that they would give the DVD for free for those who saw the TII movie already in movies but that will never happen...even though we have paid enough royalties already. But money should not really be the issue here...

I have to thank Kenny for doing the DVD in the first place and I have respect for him..and we can not change the industry.

But we must not forget Michael Jackson paid for the DVD with his life. That's the main thing I think people should not forget...what ever they do with the footage from the rehearsals. I suppose someone could say "well what does it matter if Kenny and his friends did this event because we will all by the DVD anyways"...It does not. I suppose I am expecting a bit more than this from these "promoters". All they seem to be doing is asking for more money from the fans. I have promised myself, I will only buy the DVD and any new music that may come along...that's it.
I'm sick of people hating on Kenny and Travis for promoting the DVD. It was an honor and they truly have tried to continue Michael's legacy and SPENT TIME AND GAVE THE FANS LOVE last night. :yes:

To be honest, if you were there, WHOEVER you are that's hating on the promoters, these events are for the FANS and you would have felt the love so MUCH, that you would have damn near forgotten that Michael was gone. Even if for a SPLIT second... and I am thankful to have experienced that.

Honestly, you don't see MUCH OF ANYONE else reaching out and trying to share Michael's vision and dreams with us, but them. You should be thankful for these people who have worked with Michael for almost 20 YEARS and have careers and amazing accomplishments of their own. They took time out of THEIR lives to share their memories of Michael with us.

It's getting REAL old. Always those few people who try to bring the rest of us down. No matter how much you stand up for Michael, it won't bring him back. I would have posted my photos of the event and my take of the interaction with Travis, Kenny, and the three dancers that were in NYC. But, seeing the tone of the thread ---

maybe it's best that I keep them to myself. :no::no::no:
The thing to me is if Kenny, Travis, Sony, whoever were not promoting TII, then there would be outcries saying TII was not receiving enough or proper promotion. Sometimes it's a no win situation, damned if they do, damned if they don't, such is the fan world of Michael Jackson.
lol yup
I'm sick of people hating on Kenny and Travis for promoting the DVD. It was an honor and they truly have tried to continue Michael's legacy and SPENT TIME AND GAVE THE FANS LOVE last night. :yes:

To be honest, if you were there, WHOEVER you are that's hating on the promoters, these events are for the FANS and you would have felt the love so MUCH, that you would have damn near forgotten that Michael was gone. Even if for a SPLIT second... and I am thankful to have experienced that.

Honestly, you don't see MUCH OF ANYONE else reaching out and trying to share Michael's vision and dreams with us, but them. You should be thankful for these people who have worked with Michael for almost 20 YEARS and have careers and amazing accomplishments of their own. They took time out of THEIR lives to share their memories of Michael with us.

It's getting REAL old. Always those few people who try to bring the rest of us down. No matter how much you stand up for Michael, it won't bring him back. I would have posted my photos of the event and my take of the interaction with Travis, Kenny, and the three dancers that were in NYC. But, seeing the tone of the thread ---

maybe it's best that I keep them to myself. :no::no::no:

Well, I think we have to agree to disagree. I just don't get the feel you got from being with these promoters....fame is nothing but an illusion for me...nothing special. Mike was the number one thing for one else and certainly no Kenny Ortega (or any lookalike either) I have my own memories of Mike..but then again. I am not going to any of this stuff.

There are lots of people reaching out to fans...but they don't do it this way.

I'm sick of people hating on Kenny and Travis for promoting the DVD. It was an honor and they truly have tried to continue Michael's legacy and SPENT TIME AND GAVE THE FANS LOVE last night. :yes:

To be honest, if you were there, WHOEVER you are that's hating on the promoters, these events are for the FANS and you would have felt the love so MUCH, that you would have damn near forgotten that Michael was gone. Even if for a SPLIT second... and I am thankful to have experienced that.

Honestly, you don't see MUCH OF ANYONE else reaching out and trying to share Michael's vision and dreams with us, but them. You should be thankful for these people who have worked with Michael for almost 20 YEARS and have careers and amazing accomplishments of their own. They took time out of THEIR lives to share their memories of Michael with us.

It's getting REAL old. Always those few people who try to bring the rest of us down. No matter how much you stand up for Michael, it won't bring him back. I would have posted my photos of the event and my take of the interaction with Travis, Kenny, and the three dancers that were in NYC. But, seeing the tone of the thread ---

maybe it's best that I keep them to myself. :no::no::no:

Hey! Please post your pictures, it would be great if you would.. :clapping:
I'm sick of people hating on Kenny and Travis for promoting the DVD. It was an honor and they truly have tried to continue Michael's legacy and SPENT TIME AND GAVE THE FANS LOVE last night. :yes:

To be honest, if you were there, WHOEVER you are that's hating on the promoters, these events are for the FANS and you would have felt the love so MUCH, that you would have damn near forgotten that Michael was gone. Even if for a SPLIT second... and I am thankful to have experienced that.

Honestly, you don't see MUCH OF ANYONE else reaching out and trying to share Michael's vision and dreams with us, but them. You should be thankful for these people who have worked with Michael for almost 20 YEARS and have careers and amazing accomplishments of their own. They took time out of THEIR lives to share their memories of Michael with us.

It's getting REAL old. Always those few people who try to bring the rest of us down. No matter how much you stand up for Michael, it won't bring him back. I would have posted my photos of the event and my take of the interaction with Travis, Kenny, and the three dancers that were in NYC. But, seeing the tone of the thread ---

maybe it's best that I keep them to myself. :no::no::no:


I was there too and I can sense a phony when I see one, Travis and Kenny were far from it!

Kenny's freaking voice was cracking as he spoke about Michael.

I was there too and I can sense a phony when I see one, Travis and Kenny were far from it!

Kenny's freaking voice was cracking as he spoke about Michael.

Pics!! Pics, please!!!!
We want to know!!!!
I want to know :D
Pics!! Pics, please!!!!
We want to know!!!!
I want to know :D

I didnt get to take any pics because I was squashed and I was like...crying as they i was too busy wiping my tears.

All I have to say is that paislyCUTtop turned it out...thank you mama!!!
alright, for everyone who wants to see i have decided to post some of my personal pictures from the event! sorry if i look crazy! i had my :wild: face on the entire night!!!!

the first two are from sunday night practice and the rest, were from the release party on monday.

guys, let me tell you. those 5 people were some of the kindest and most GENUINE folks that I have ever met. :yes:






Oh wow, beautiful pictures Paisley! Lucky, lucky you meeting Kenny & Travis and the other guys. Aww I wish I had had the energy to go to this event but I am old and no fun, heh. Happy for you guys who went. It looks like it was a fun time.
Here's a video from the event if anyone's interested. Kenny and co talk about some amazing MJ memories :D

I don't understand what some fans have against Kenny or Travis. What's to hate them for? It doesn't really matter whether the two are "cashing in" or not. I don't even like using the term "cashing in". They deserve to be paid for the work they did on the film. Kenny and Travis are two people who are out there fighting the good fight and trying to keep Michael's legacy alive. They are helping us. How are we expected to succeed in fighting for MJ's name, legacy and reputation if we spend all our time attacking our own soldiers? Many of us fans don't have a platform to go out and talk to people about how wonderful of a person Michael was and what a great entertainer he was. Kenny and Travis have the advantage. People listen to them. Not once have they ever said a nasty thing about Michael. EVER. So what's the issue?

Fans are criticising them for releasing the footage, when fans were the ones who were putting the pressure on them to release it to begin with. I know all hell would have broken lose if AEG kept the rehearsal footage from us. You all know we'd be all here saying "What are they trying to hide?". Conspiracy theories would have been flying all over the place. There were so many things that were going around about what MJ was like at rehearsals. At least now we have the footage, and we can come to our own conclusions based on what we see with our own eyes. There were a lot of questions that needed answering, and TII answered many of those questions. If it weren't for the film, people would have still been going on about Michael being a wash-up has been, who could no longer sing and dance, and who was on the brink of destruction, spending 24/7 in bed popping pills. In addition to this, the movie stopped a lot of the leeches in their tracks. Rabbi Shmuley anyone? Remember this guy freaking out because the film showed Michael smiling and happy and trying to get his life back on track, after he published a book saying MJ was running his life off a cliff and totally lost all hope? The film exposed a lot of people as liars. It also forced people to take notice of Michael's genius and music and it made a lot of money for the estate and for Michael's children. It did a lot of good for us. Sometimes I wonder what side we are on.
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A friend from New York (Solony, at was there too, I just saw her videos, look:

'Michael's This Is It' Midnight Release Event NYC - Kenny Ortega speaks

Kenny Ortega and Travis Payne speak about Michael :

Kenny Ortega , Travis Payne , Rushka Bergman

'Michael 's This Is It' Midnight Release Event NYC - Travis Payne and dancers

Drill Practice in NYC

Very nice! Thanks to dear Solony for posting this vids!!