For the disillusioned fans.... a reason to be happy.

I understand the point of this thread but I have to say this: When Sony/estate released TII song soon after MJ passing, nobody had any doubts that it was MJ. It is clear as a day that it his vocals on that track.
When MTS and BG leaked it was clear as a day that it 100% Michael's vocals. The same about HMH and Another Day. It is pure MJ vocals and nobody says anything. There is no question about it and I personally love all those songs very much. :)
Folks have doubts only about Cascios tracks and they have all rights to think that way.
If some fans do believe that all Cascios tracks are MJ, they are free to do so. Please, let ppl who do not believe it to share their opinion free as well.
Thank you.
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I'm thrilled to have some new MJ music to listen to, as are the majority of his fans who know a new album is on it's way.
I agree with your right to be able to say what you want, but it's ridiculous that EVERY SINGLE THREAD on this forum turns into "fake"/"boycott"/"fraudascio."

There is a thread SPECIFICALLY for those that do not believe the tracks are real. Take the discussion in there and leave it there.... a lot of us are tired of hearing it.

:yes: Right! Thank you!!
don't buy the album. If you buy it you will hurt mj music legacy.


Are these fans boycotting Sony or Michael Jackson? Because all the talk about is NOT BUYING Michael Jackson's album...I've never once heard someone say I am not gonna buy Beyonce's DVD, Playstation Move, Sony Blu ray or Bravia TV.

So again, who and what exactly are you boycotting? Michael Jackson or Sony????

Good question. Some of the fans who think they will hurt Sony by not buying MICHAEL are kidding themselves. Get real. It won't hurt Sony.

Whilst the Cascio fiasco is frustrating we are getting lots of new unheard material in one form or another. It truly is Christmas come early!

:yes: Thank you for being positive, and you're absolutely right!
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Every future album will be:

7 MJ songs
3 fake tracks

This will be the tracklist for the rest of albums that Sony will release in the following years.

They have 12 fake tracks from Cascio´s. In this album they will include 3, in the next other 3 etc..etc..etc...

Is a good way to not release the good Mj songs in the first albums.
“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.”Michael Jackson.
I still feel like this is all a dream...

I still feel like this is all a dream...


It's pretty cool. The smart guy MJ thought ahead and set up an Estate that makes it possible for us to at least get glimpses of the "other stuff" he was doing.

So thanks to that brilliant idea there's stuff coming despite his physical death.
I only pray for and want the BEST for Michael's legacy!
It's pretty cool. The smart guy MJ thought ahead and set up an Estate that makes it possible for us to at least get glimpses of the "other stuff" he was doing.

So thanks to that brilliant idea there's stuff coming despite his physical death.

Sure, Branca is an angel and Sony too.LOL Just the question is why it is so much controversy about some tracks? I think I know the answer. Yes, MJ was a very smart guy and he knew that some ppl will do anything for money. He knew what he was dealing with. God bless his soul.:angel:
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Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah, I will fire off my letter to the Vatican for beatification of Thome Thome, Branca, DiLeo, all maids who ever worked on Neverland, all Sony interns browsing the forums and everyone else whom I forgot to nominate for official Sainthood. That includes every evil court clerk on this planet.

While I'm at it I shall invite Michael's ex-girlfriends over to Oprah and his mean math teacher.
I'll make sure I have David Icke, David Wilcock, the illuminati and a few representatives of the Annunaki present.
That'll make for some interesting TV!

In all seriousness, I didn't know not ripping this album to total shreds means I consider everyone involved an angel. Far from. Some people should stick with law- unless Thomas Mesereau has hidden talents- I'd love to see his name on there- the guy has GREAT hair! :)cheeky:)
Let's just hope there's no more Cascio songs............

Even if they are's appalling quality means that they should never be released............

......But I have to buy "Michael" to complete my collection with its finished/complete songs..............demos are for youTube!!!!!!
Pace said:
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah, I will fire off my letter to the Vatican for beatification of Thome Thome, Branca, DiLeo, all maids who ever worked on Neverland, all Sony interns browsing the forums and everyone else whom I forgot to nominate for official Sainthood. That includes every evil court clerk on this planet.

In all seriousness, I didn't know not ripping this album to total shreds means I consider everyone involved an angel. Far from. Some people should stick with law- unless Thomas Mesereau has hidden talents- I'd love to see his name on there- the guy has GREAT hair! :)cheeky:)

You do not need to go that far and to send your letter to the Pope unless he is MJ fan as well :)
The fact is it that somebody is in a rush of making money before the trial. And there is nothing wrong that so many fans do not see this album as a part of MJ legacy. Folks have opinions, you know… .
I have a feeling that Michael would not approve any new releases except Cascios tracks.:) The truth will come out one day... Maybe soon after Dec the 14th.... .
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Asedora;3109257 said:
You do not need to go that far and to send your letter to the Pope unless he is MJ fan as well :)
The fact is it that somebody is in a rush of making money before the trial. And there is nothing wrong that so many fans do not see this album as a part of MJ legacy. Folks have opinions, you know… .
I have a feeling that Michael would not approve any new releases except Cascios tracks.:) The truth will come out one day... Maybe soon after Dec the 14th.... .

The Pope is German, chances are, he's an MJ fan In The Closet. I'm sure there are a few in Vatican City who are quite baffled by the effect of Michael Jackson on a few of their flock. :D
cppounders;3107126 said:
I agree with your right to be able to say what you want, but it's ridiculous that EVERY SINGLE THREAD on this forum turns into "fake"/"boycott"/"fraudascio."

There is a thread SPECIFICALLY for those that do not believe the tracks are real. Take the discussion in there and leave it there.... a lot of us are tired of hearing it.


Kapital77;3108568 said:
Every future album will be:

7 MJ songs
3 fake tracks

This will be the tracklist for the rest of albums that Sony will release in the following years.

They have 12 fake tracks from Cascio´s. In this album they will include 3, in the next other 3 etc..etc..etc...

Is a good way to not release the good Mj songs in the first albums.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH - FAKE THIS FAKE THAT - I am so tired of this! They are not fake to many - it is Michael Jackson's album PERIOD. and the only ppl ruining Michael's legacy are ppl like you not supporting this album.