For Laughs: Billie Jean Jackson Suing Judge Beckloff For $600 Million

no she has sueyouitus sue you for this, sue you for that... its an incurable diseases
she is 62 and she had been stalking Michael since 1980s. I believe the first time she made a paternity claim was 1986.

an 2008 article about her
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


some judges are so wonderfully gangsta!!

They can't do anything unless she a threat to herself and/or public. There's no law that says you cannot be delusional and think Michael Jackson is your husband and your baby daddy :)
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


some judges are so wonderfully gangsta!!

Just Classic.
I think its just sad. She has been around for years claiming this that and the other, that she was married to Michael, had his children, that she was Blanket's mother etc. I ust hope she recieved help.
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


some judges are so wonderfully gangsta!!

That part made me laugh too :lol:

So if she's Blanket mother she must have been what, 54 when she got pregnant? :mello:
Good Grief, I had no idea she was 62. She has basically devoted her entire adult life to ALL things Michael and has served jail time to boot.

The Judge might be the next one to get a restraining order.

Like somebody already said: WHERE THE HECK IS HER FAMILY?

Her family ditched disowned her. Hell, she is a wack job.:doh:
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.

and looking how she thinks lyrics from "you rock my world" is an inheritance wish, you would expect that she'll get the message from the lyrics of " Leave me alone". Brilliant on Judge's part.
Poor think; I feel sorry for her but she also makes me laugh. I remember when she took him to court in the 80's after BJ. I laughed back then too.
I bet I'm going to have a lawsuit against the Estate, too. It's because I'm the real mother of Michael Jackson so it all belongs to me. I'm 15 years younger and a white male, but it doesn't matter because everything's possible in Michael's world. And Michael's children don't deserve anything because Bubbles is the only biological child of Michael. So when I will die it all must go to Bubbles because I know Bubbles will live forever and need his bananas til the end of the world.
Our tv morning show this morning were talking bout her and they all were like "she is crazy!" haha
Michael did write in his book that girls would come to the gate and shout out crazy things, e.g., being married to Michael and having his baby. I wonder if he was thinking about Billie Jean at the time. I wonder what aspects of him really turn this nutty person ON. Just curious.
You know what is going to happen? This looneytoon will get the dna test she has been wanting.....the test will reveal she's not the mother, and she'll file appeals saying they were misplaced, or tampered to screw her out of her "rightfull" billions of dollars.

Seriously, someone needs to shut this woman up. Put her in a mental hospital and throw away the fucking key.....pardon my french
i think this woman is dangerous to Michael's Children. and imo that should be reason enough to lock her crazy ass up.
This crazy woman is paid by Tabloid to fuel the attention and for media agenda....,nothing more, nothing less.
- Michael's will is forgery and Billie Jean deserves to get 1 billion from Michael's estate because in "You Rock My Word" Michael said "everything I own (to you) I give".
oh... well... in more than one song Michael has clearly stated how much he loves me and how much he wants to be with me. I guess that entitles me to ask for a few millions too. Why not? It's so easy! :tease:
It's amazing how many nutters are adamant (and permitted) to sue people (especially famous people,) and even more amazing are the ludicrous stories they concoct "supporting" their case. Being a judge must be very amusing at times.