FOR AUSTRALIANS: "The Documentary Michael Made to Accompany His Comeback"

oh - I wish that Sneddon was not on it. I highly doubt this was one that Michael prepared then,
OMG, This is updated they are showing the press conference for This Is It. And it just said he died.
Warning do not change to good news week i repeat do not change to good news week!!!!
so, is it still positive? It needs to be overwhelmingly positive for me to be able to deal with it. sorry about all these questions and asking for reassurance - but if at the end of the show it's decided that it's not major positive then it will debase me too much to watch it.
They were playing 'Got To Be There' at the end and, of course, they put a commercial pver it during the credits! I HATE whoever started this trend!!
I think most of it is positive. There is a section or two where they talk about scandals but it's not in that scathing sort of tone like the news broadcasts have been. It was definately on Michael's side, not against him. If anything just fast forward through what you start to find you can't handle. I wish I could have fast forwarded past Sneddon....

MLVD thanks for the warning, I was about to put it on when you said that.
This has just finished on channel 7 and I thought that on the whole---it was good.
Quite a lot of different people talking about Michael---and---a lot of different clips, along with the usual ones.
I taped it all.
The worst part--for me, was Sneddon---but, unfortunately, that IS a part of Michael's life no matter how much we dislike it.

I would watch it again.
Just finished watching it...There was nothing aired that hasn't been seen or heard before unfortunately. On the whole, it was a positive piece.
I'm also waiting for a doco that one day gives credit to albums after the Bad era. They seem to all love OTW, Thriller and Bad... then Dangerous onwards gets nothing more than a "failed" stamp all over it.

Thankfully La Toya mentions that if anyone else had Invincible's sales numbers they'd be considered superstars.

Sometimes I really wish one of us (a fan) could host one of these professional docos. We'd at least give some information on 90's and 00's MJ music. I for one would LOVE to be that person. :D
Good News Week was utter shit as soon as I changed over they made a joke that when they where doing CPR Michael was going Woo! but then they did a molestation joke and that was it (I turned it off).
Good News Week was utter shit as soon as I changed over they made a joke that when they where doing CPR Michael was going Woo! but then they did a molestation joke and that was it (I turned it off).
Same, I'm so pissed when I saw that, but I've just got a question for most Australians here. Is it just me, or is the Australian media and general mainstream public one of the most anti-Jackson people ever? I'm not sure, but to me it just feels like the country is so anti.... I don't understand, I hope another Australian can empathise with me. Is it just me? This is something I just needed to get off my chest. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'm so pissed at the Australian public in general.
I'm also waiting for a doco that one day gives credit to albums after the Bad era. They seem to all love OTW, Thriller and Bad... then Dangerous onwards gets nothing more than a "failed" stamp all over it.

Thankfully La Toya mentions that if anyone else had Invincible's sales numbers they'd be considered superstars.

Sometimes I really wish one of us (a fan) could host one of these professional docos. We'd at least give some information on 90's and 00's MJ music. I for one would LOVE to be that person. :D

You know what would be special? A documentary that actually makes people listens to his songs - lyrics and meaning. Documentaries always go over albums and songs in a "What a great hit this was!" sort of way - but no deeper. People need to know the Michael who WROTE these songs - not just Michael the singer.
If they actually explain the meanings of songs like "Can You Feel It" or "Heal The World" or "Will You Be There" - that would be a REAL biographical documentary.
That'd be the rawest way to understand him.

But hey, who's gonna listen to us?
Same, I'm so pissed when I saw that, but I've just got a question for most Australians here. Is it just me, or is the Australian media and general mainstream public one of the most anti-Jackson people ever? I'm not sure, but to me it just feels like the country is so anti.... I don't understand, I hope another Australian can empathise with me. Is it just me? This is something I just needed to get off my chest. I don't know how the rest of the world feel about Michael, but I'm so pissed at the Australian public in general. Note: I'm Australian myself, in Sydney. But yeah, is it just me, or is the mainstream media and public in Australia so annoying...
Same, I'm so pissed when I saw that, but I've just got a question for most Australians here. Is it just me, or is the Australian media and general mainstream public one of the most anti-Jackson people ever? I'm not sure, but to me it just feels like the country is so anti.... I don't understand, I hope another Australian can empathise with me. Is it just me? This is something I just needed to get off my chest. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'm so pissed at the Australian public in general.

Honestly? It's the same as in America. When the trial was going on I was living in Milwaukee, WI (US) and your jaw would drop at the comments I got when people found out I thought he was innocent. It was terrible. Maybe I don't have enough faith in every day people but to me, most people believe what they see in the media when it comes to Michael. The media tore him apart there...and the last few days I've learned they do it here in Australia as well. Two different countries...but same media machine really. I understand your anger...I'm there too.
Same, I'm so pissed when I saw that, but I've just got a question for most Australians here. Is it just me, or is the Australian media and general mainstream public one of the most anti-Jackson people ever? I'm not sure, but to me it just feels like the country is so anti.... I don't understand, I hope another Australian can empathise with me. Is it just me? This is something I just needed to get off my chest. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'm so pissed at the Australian public in general.

In all honesty, we are a very underdeveloped nation. How often to you see a black person in an ad here? When you do, you know it's most likely an American one.
We're so behind. America is way in front of us in that area - and...more accepting.
It's like the Australian media can't identify with Michael in any way. They don't seem to have any empathy for him.
But in America, well...Mike's American after all.

As far as Australians go, I feel that the general public is too apathetic to generate the passion that you see in America. We're happy to just sit there on the sofa, listen to media, believe it and then switch to the sports.
I am shocked that there is still no memorial place for MJ in Sydney
Cant believe that he is being treated like this over here....what is wrong with me people please help me understand otherwise I might not be coming back on my flight in August!
I fully agree with the person who is suggesting that a doco is made that actually pays attention to the meaning of the songs.

It makes me angry when they praise everything from J5 to Bad and Dangerous but stop and leave out the history, botdf and invincible eras.

Misu... no, It's not just you. I think the same too.

I love Australia and the Australian people. It has been my home since I was born (almost 20 years ago) and I would not like to live anywhere else.

But I have noticed that Australian society is very conservative in their views on everything from politics to entertainment.
As a whole, this society does not accept anything remotely out of place, off beat or different unless it is fashionably so.

When it comes to Michael, they just cannot get over certain things and they never will because most people are so brainwashed by the (British wannabe) press and most are closed minded and ignorant about anything to do with Michael the person or Michael the human being.

Let them see him as an eccentric entertainer and nothing more.
The joke is on them because they have missed out on understanding and knowing that Michael was also a very wonderful and beautiful person.

Thankfully, we all know that and love him for it.
I've actually found the news on MJ in Aussie news to be fairly balanced... yes some are running the rumour mill stories (and with that comes the negative slants) but there's also be positivity and geniune concern and thoughts for Michael. There always has been.

I've stopped watching the news reports now that so many different theories are being bounced around. I'll wait to hear from the Jackson camp and that's it.
The only news outlet I'm impressed with is ABC, I listened to them all day when Michael died and it was all positive (they even started playing songs which is rare).
Good News Week was utter shit as soon as I changed over they made a joke that when they where doing CPR Michael was going Woo! but then they did a molestation joke and that was it (I turned it off).

Great, if GNW is doing jokes about Michael, then the Chaser boys probably will, too. I love the Chaser's War on Everything and if they do make fun of Michael, I will lose all respect for them and never watch them again. I'm certainly not going to watch Good News Week again, that's for sure.
I think the press is very fair, really they are
Sunday I was at Town Hall in Sydney and I had 2 papers in my hand. Of course of both of them had MJ on cover...and I didnt even read them cos I was to painful I sighted when I turned the pages and the lady sitting next to me turned to me and said "Terrible ending isnt it" I chatted to her 10minutes until our train arrived.
I boarded a different coach and couldnt get my head around this ever since

People do mourn MJ here, even those who are not why not a place in city to go to?
Please explain as I am in terrible homesickness now...seeing all the footage from Europe (where I am from) and the UK I feel I no longer belong here....
Just got back from Fed Square - they screened Channel 7's "The Michael Jackson Story" - but NO SOUND!!!! Argh, sat in the feezing cold with my wife for an hour to watch a silent MJ doco! I think getting together for the memorial/funeral is a great idea. I guess as soon as the details are announced we need to lobby Fed Square to televise it live on the big screen (with sound preferably).
Great, if GNW is doing jokes about Michael, then the Chaser boys probably will, too. I love the Chaser's War on Everything and if they do make fun of Michael, I will lose all respect for them and never watch them again. I'm certainly not going to watch Good News Week again, that's for sure.

Considering what happened in the past with the chaser I don't think they will do much at least not to the level of GNW. By the way Michael was on last week (for his disguises nothing else) it was funny that they tried them on to see if they could go near KRudd.
I hate that show" the chasers" it is disgusting and a right down low show IMO