FOR AUSTRALIANS: "Michael Jackson: What Really Happened" Channel Nine

American fans have just watched the CBS special ten will be airing and its another bad doc! HATE THEM! Not even a week has gone by. Let him have peace.
fuck every single media outlet saying anything negative about MJ, and fuck the whores who are engaging them. cunts.
That program should be re-titled Michael Jackson: What Didn't Happen. Because it's a very negative program filled with lies and inaccauracies.
thanks for posting the info. I was rushing about trying to get the ch 10 one taped as I'll be busy but now I don't have to bother :/ saw it advertised this morning on ch 10 but they only showed the good bits.
Watching channel ten at the moment. They're trying to say MJ was ashamed of his race...
OMG, not this crap. ive seen this, i was nearly reduced to tears at how powerless i was to stop them brainwashing the world with a load of crap. from the start most of you will know what crap it is, like when he said MJ was booed of stage at the WMA 2006, there were about 2% of the audience booing, the majority were screaming like hell, they conveniantly forgot to mention the huge fight for his jacket, cause obviously thats too much of a good thing to say about him for their shit doc, seriously im fuming this is still being aired
Glad I didn't tape this one ---on channel 10.
Lot of "rubbish"
I will tape the channel 9 one---because I want to go to bed---but I doubt I'll keep it.

How can 9 do this---the one the other night on 9 was so nice---now this BAH !!!
Fucking bustards! How dare they! They law should ban this kind of horrific behaviour. How can they claim someone is a molester without having a slightest proof. What the fuck is with the world, for goodness sake!
Why are you guys torturing yourselves by watching this?
You knew it was going to be garbage...
I'm avoiding it because I knew it'd put me in a bad mood. A REALLY bad mood.
My brother called me up and told me to turn to channel ten. I watched this bull___, but they showed a small shot of Michael doing the peace sign in a video and it looked like he was accepting an award or something. It looked like it was from early this year or last year judging by the hair... Have I missed something? Anyone know where it's from? It kind of had an orange light to it...

Edit: Scratch that, I found it
DO NOT WATCH IT!!! Why give them ratings for! I'm not and so glad!
Haha Ch.9 is not helping themselves... Eddie McGuire really f***ed that network over.
Hopefully more people will forget about Ch.9- then Richard Wilkins might get the sack.
I don't know about anyone else, but i've certainly grown tired of this silly man and his shit, insensitive jokes. And, he ALWAYS tries to plug D-listers. ANNOYING
OMG my friend wrote on facebook that she watched RPA and is waiting to watch what really happened thinking its about what really happend about his death!!! I HATE CHANNEL 9!!!
DO NOT WATCH IT!!! Why give them ratings for! I'm not and so glad!

Well only certain households contribute to ratings, and you have to have a meter hooked onto your tv, then they estimate the total ratings for Australia. I'm not one of them, so they're not getting anything from me ;)

My brother asked me to watch it so I did. Just block out whatever's said and enjoy the MJ clips... I've pretty much become immune to the tabloid crap anyways.

Haha Ch.9 is not helping themselves... Eddie McGuire really f***ed that network over.
Hopefully more people will forget about Ch.9- then Richard Wilkins might get the sack.
I don't know about anyone else, but i've certainly grown tired of this silly man and his shit, insensitive jokes. And, he ALWAYS tries to plug D-listers. ANNOYING

Argh, Eddie's the slime of Aus tv. I have no idea how he got to be so popular. I can't even sit through 10 minutes of who wants to be a millionaire..
Hopefully those that watch it won't believe it! Its so full of crap anyone with half a brain can see it! Only stupid, real dumb people will fall for it and that's it. Who would trust Diane Diamond, she is speaking so false its rdiculous and that fat ugly old man looks evil, no one will believe that ugly fool!

On sunday (I think its on sunday, not sure) they are airing MJ's 30th anniversary concert. As soon as that airs and especially the funeral everyone will forget this stupid doc!
Watching channel ten at the moment. They're trying to say MJ was ashamed of his race...

yeh , i thought that was the MOST DISGUSTING THING THAT HAS EVER BEEN SAID BOUT HIM! :angry:
Geezzz...I watched a LOW can you go.

That has got to be one of the crappest docos I have seen on Michael.
Actually...scratch that...the doco isn't even on Michael...I mean the real Michael, the loving and caring one.

Damn them for screeing such a peice of S***.

I will be writing a letter of complaint to the green guide on how insensitive it is of them to show such bull.
On sunday (I think its on sunday, not sure) they are airing MJ's 30th anniversary concert. As soon as that airs and especially the funeral everyone will forget this stupid doc![/quote]

I searched and only found Video Hits Presents Michael Jackson - a Tribute.
I'm on the vogue forum and well the girls there are now unsure about MJ's innocence... Some believed it was BS, others not sure and guess what the subject is about now? It was all positive, people were falling inlove with him again until this doc! Thanx a lot channel 9! This was the last things fans in mourning needed.