FL to charge to leave gifts? Update-Not true, fee has always been in place

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Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

Leave flowers there, OK.... BUT I do not understand why leaving gifts, bears, cards, letters and many other things there. Nobody knows what the destiny of all those things that are left there.... go in the garbage or who knows to where these things go. And I doubt that the family will keep all those things. :unsure: :ph34r: In my opinion, this kind of thing/let all these things there, is useless. :sleep:
what would randy do without them!
Michael Jackson's Cemetery Charging Fans $3

Michael Jackson's Cemetery Charging Fans $3

If you want to drop off a gift, it'll cost you


Michael Jackson's Cemetery Charging Fans $3

Forest Lawn Cemetery, the burial site of Michael Jackson, is imposing a $3 fee for fans wishing to leave flowers for the King of Pop inside his private mausoleum. Gifts like teddy bears and posters -how offensive such gifts are!- will not be permitted inside of the mausoleum. The fans themselves will not be admitted access to the site. The curators of the mausoleum take the flowers to Jackson's burial site.

What do you think of this policy of charging fans $3 to leave flowers at Jackson's final resting place?

here is photo:http://www.artistdirect.com/artist/gallery/michael-jackson/448122#p244416

here is link:http://www.artistdirect.com/enterta...el-jackson-s-cemetery-charging-fans-3/7637844
Re: Michael Jackson's Cemetery Charging Fans $3

I'm not sure if this is true.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

You guys are right. I am always charged a placement fee of $3.00 when I order flowers from the FL shop for Michael. I hope they really place the flowers though. I have no way of knowing--Sigh.

Please stay away from TMZ.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

Well glad somebody clarified this. TMZ needs to back off and get their facts straight. They are pure tabloid trash.

However, I do wonder what happens to all of the gifts that are brought to Michael. Does the family keep then, are they given away, thrown away, kept somewhere in the mausoleum, etc?
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

My friend was in LA two weeks ago, and the gifts she brought were taken inside by the FL flowershop staff. They told her that the family gets all the gifts, but there are so many by this point that they don't really know what to do with them.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

well gifts to a deceased can always be regifted to someone else as Steven has proven
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Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

^^ yeah, that's true
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

I never visit TMZ, they are waste of internet space. Horrible site run by a troll. Harvey Liar Levin. He was right along with Diane Diamond spreading lies about MJ and children. I will never give him my click. EVER! As far as the media goes they can bite it! They lie and twist things all the time. When it comes to MJ its a free fall. Im sick of it. When I go and visit Michael I wil pay my $3.oo dollars.

Michael should be left alone in his eternal peace forever. He should never, ever be disturbed. He went through enough on earth leave his body alone.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

they charge that fee for everyone that buys online. but of course using mjs name gets tmz hits. did FL charge b4? if not they are obviously taking advantage
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

So this is baseless?
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

Another tabloid published the same information. I do not know what to believe anymore.


But anywas, fans never were allowed inside of the mausoleum. Why tablods give such information if this $3 dollars fee rule works only in case if a person leaves flowers INSIDE? I do not understand ... .

There are conflicting stories going around, that's for sure. I'm not claiming to have the absolute 110% true facts on this, but here's what seems to be the basic guidelines that FL is implementing.

Only flowers/arrangements purchased in or through the FL florist/gift shop will be allowed. There has and will continue to be a $3.00 charge for them to be delivered and placed inside the mausoleum by FL staff. The designated area for leaving pics/flowers/gifts, etc. will be discontinued. Anything being left will be removed (and reportedly discarded is the latest I've read). It's possible that the family simply has an abundance of items that have been left, and requested it to be discontinued, as reported.

What I'm not clear on is whether people purchasing flowers at FL and then leaving them outside the mausoleum/doors will be discarded or brought inside by staff. Most likely flowers, arrangements, etc., will have identifying tags or something indicating they are indeed FL items and may be included in those being brought inside if they are left outside?

I think the only people that can give definitive answers to any of this is/are the staff at FL. If there is a PR person/team for FL in general, that would seem to be the person(s) to contact for clarification. The people working in the floral/gift shop may know the answers, but maybe only in r/t things purchased there and delivered by their staff.

Has anybody tried contacting and actually speaking to FL directly (not the florist shop) for clarification since this discussion has started?
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

They can go to hell. That's discrimination. They better be charging for ALL people who come and leave gifts--regardless of whom they are for. That's the only way it seems fair. If they do this ONLY for Michael Jackson's grave, that smacks of injustice and discrimination, and quite frankly, they can go shove their new policy up their ass because that's where it belongs.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

They can go to hell. That's discrimination. They better be charging for ALL people who come and leave gifts--regardless of whom they are for. That's the only way it seems fair. If they do this ONLY for Michael Jackson's grave, that smacks of injustice and discrimination, and quite frankly, they can go shove their new policy up their ass because that's where it belongs.

Wasn't it stated earlier in the thread that the $3 delivery fee is not new and applies to all FL purchased floral "deliveries"? That this HAS been general policy and applied to everyone prior to Michael's entombment (sp)?
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

Wasn't it stated earlier in the thread that the $3 delivery fee is not new and applies to all FL purchased floral "deliveries"? That this HAS been general policy and applied to everyone prior to Michael's entombment (sp)?


just go to http://flowershop.forestlawn.com/catalog.asp?catid=PLC

and add any placement to your cart - before even asking you who those flowers are for they would add the $3 placement fee.

$3 fee is not new and applies to all placement orders from their shop.
Charging $3.00 for leaving gifts at F.L.? Utter bullcrap, damn money suckers. I wouldn't pay a cent to them.
Re: Is this true??? FL charging money to leave gifts?? (TMZ)

Wasn't it stated earlier in the thread that the $3 delivery fee is not new and applies to all FL purchased floral "deliveries"? That this HAS been general policy and applied to everyone prior to Michael's entombment (sp)?

Exactly, all a bunch of nonscence from trashy TMZ.
They are charging for everyone, its not just us that are being singled out. They have always had this placement fee in place
Charging $3.00 for leaving gifts at F.L.? Utter bullcrap, damn money suckers. I wouldn't pay a cent to them.

Please, it would be nice and much appreciated if you'd read the thread and what others have been replying before throwing your 2 cents in ;)
I ordered a placement for Michael from here in Scotland and was charged the standard fee. EVERYONE is charged $3.00, MJ fans or not.
Please, it would be nice and much appreciated if you'd read the thread and what others have been replying before throwing your 2 cents in ;)

Yeah you're right, but I've already sent my gifts to Michael since the beginning of the summer and still wondering if they're there already.
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